Chapter 753

Looking at the cover, Li Shuyao was a little bit emotional. She looked carefully and could vaguely see her figure holding the cup that year. Brother P's workmanship is not bad. People can vaguely see last year's CR.

Moreover, the trophy and the other players basically overlapped, and Li Shuyao appeared in a wrong body.

At first glance, it seems that the CR players of the past two years have all stood in a circle to hold this trophy, which is a very magical sense of dislocation.

"Well, the picture P is pretty good." Li Shuyao laughed, the MV of this song was produced by CR, she just provided the song, and the specific content was made by others.

Li Shuyao also went to shoot a few shots, which were almost shot inside the green screen, and there were no exterior scenes, so she didn't know what the final film would be like.

Well, Lu Yao watched it, but she didn’t watch it herself. Anyway, as long as CR agrees to it, she is responsible for producing this song. It is said that Ms. Yu Fengying, the big boss of CR, immediately decided to choose this song after hearing it. It is said that a lot of money was spent.

At first it was a black screen with a line of white words in the middle:
"I would like to commemorate the magnificent years of CR with this film."

The familiar melody sounded little by little. The opening chapter was not at the beginning of last year, but earlier. It was the CR who failed in the World Championship that year, and the CR who didn't even make it to the playoffs...

Looking carefully, there are these photos on the top of the video, and there is a snow mountain under these photos. The boy in the CR team uniform is trying to climb up little by little. The wind, frost, rain and snow are beating on his body. On this steep cliff , he is in danger.

Flashing moment by moment, the lost backs, helpless faces, sad tears of the team members... Accompanied by Li Shuyao's slightly lowered voice, these scars from CR's past appeared one by one.

Suddenly, a drop of ink seemed to drip into the whole picture, and the picture was frozen at this moment. It was the back view of the older CR team members, and this back view was transformed from a real photo into an animation, and the climbing figure gradually faded away. .

In the next second, Li Shuyao's back appeared at the door of CR. With her right hand resting on her forehead, she looked at the door of CR with hope and a smile on her face. The radiance of hope.

As Li Shuyao yelled that sentence in the chorus, the screen changed, and scenes of the five people fighting on the field last year flashed out. The climbing boy was still in the background, but his speed was getting faster and faster. Faster and faster, one mountain after another was crossed by him.

When everyone held up the first summoner trophy together, the boy also stood on the top of the mountain and waved his arms thinking about the distance.

Next, Li Shuyao turned around and gradually left the gate of CR. A group of teenagers were lying at the gate of CR watching her going back. Someone was secretly wiping away the tears from the corners of their eyes.

The climbing boy was running hard this time. He kept falling and getting up again and again. Li Shuyao's singing figure became the background, and the image between reality and animation shouted in the blue sky.

When the last chorus was uttered, the girl who had left CR came back. She picked up the fallen boy and led him to the final destination.

The screen is filled with light, and the light ends. It is the stage of the world competition. It is the last round of the duel between CR and GN. The camera scans every player...

The animation in the last few seconds is the artist's reproduction of the real scene at that time, of course not all reproductions, but some scenes, such as Xiao Hui waving excitedly, Xiao Ye calmly pushing his glasses, Coffee Bean laughing wildly, Jing Yi widened her eyes and directed... oh, and Totoro's expressionless face.

In the end, the golden rain fell, and the whole CR team won the trophy, and the girl followed suit.

The screen flickered and turned into a real photo.

That's the photo on the cover.

The photos of the two-time champions were superimposed, and Li Shuyao happened to be misplaced, standing with them, as if she should have stood there in the first place.

"Thank you to all the people who have worked hard for CR in the past few years."

"Huh..." Seeing the last sentence, Li Shuyao let out a soft breath: "It's not bad."

Li Shuyao reckoned that all the money for this MV should be spent on the artwork. The artwork is really good, and it gives people a hopeful and warm feeling from the beginning to the end.

This should be the effect produced by reasonable use of toning.

Li Shuyao clicked in. When she watched it, there were not many comments and bullet screens, but there were already some. She took a look at the following and there were 10+ people who watched this video together.

Today is New Year's Day, and most people are resting. It is not a problem for young people to wait until 12 o'clock to watch the first show.

Scroll down, there are already many comments below:
"Invincible, seeing the name written and composed and sung earlier represents two words, invincible! CR is also invincible!"

"It seems really touching. CR has been really motivated in the past two years."

"Who wrote this translation? It's too amazing. For example, the title of the sentence, if it is directly translated, it means that legends will never die, it doesn't sound very good, but it is really catchy when translated into legends that never die , and the translation in the lyrics, every sentence is not a literal translation, which is really great."

"To be honest, the scene in the MV where Li Shuyao leaves and the brothers hide at the door and cry really pokes me. I think back when Yaoyao retired, a friend of mine cried too."

"It's so nice, how did Yaoyao manage to perfectly match any voice?"

"The legend never ends. Indeed, CR has become a legend in the past two years. There is no one before. It is not certain whether there will be someone who will come later."

"CR Beer, I said that Yaoyao should have written a theme song a long time ago. I didn't expect to write it after winning eight championships in the league and world championships in a row. It's really awesome."

"Hearing this makes my blood boil, I don't want to sleep anymore, call my brother to get on the number!"

"Speaking of which, the nursery rhymes in the book are really outrageous. How did she manage to write English songs so well? To be honest, I have heard many English songs written by Chinese people. There is a taste of deliberately showing off, but not singing the idea.

But the nursery rhymes in the book are different. The few English songs she sang have a very natural feeling to me. The Chinese translation is really amazing. "

"Come on, CR, hit the three consecutive championships!"

"To be honest, the possibility of three consecutive championships is not very high. There is no three consecutive championships in e-sports."


There were not many people at the beginning, but there are already a lot of comments. CR has been building momentum for so many days, and Li Shuyao also announced it during the live broadcast. Now the number of views is basically increased by [-] every time it is refreshed. plus ten thousand...

Although it has been expected for a long time, Li Shuyao still huddled in the beanbag sofa secretly having fun after seeing such good grades.

Joyfully, she gradually fell asleep here.

It's warm here, and she's really sleepy, it's so late, if it wasn't for watching this thing, she would have gone to bed long ago.

Then... She threw the tablet on the floor and fell asleep.

 It will end around the end of the month.

  There are also some big and small holes to fill in.

(End of this chapter)

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