Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 754 You two are so cute

Chapter 754 You two are so cute
In the middle of the night, Lu Yao came back under the moonlight again. Today is New Year's Day. After finishing Li Shuyao's song, the nursery rhyme studio will also have a rest for a few days. After a while, it will be the Spring Festival holiday, and the friends are also busy. It's been a long time, it's time to go home and have a look.

She had talked with Li Shuyao before, and they both decided to go on vacation early. Anyway, their current studio is not big, and they don't have any special activities during the Chinese New Year period. They want to live broadcast live, and want to rest.

Anyway, I made a small profit by selling songs to CR in this wave, and then I also made a small profit by running a few waves of advertisements on Double Eleven and Double Twelve. Let Li Shuyao earn a few more copyright fees.

So, although Li Shuyao didn't go to parties, announcements, performances, etc., he actually made a lot of money.

Listening to the sound of his high-heeled shoes being tapped lightly on the stone bricks, Lu Yao slightly tossed his hair, still very satisfied with his choice of resigning to set up a studio.

The big guys have a lot of year-end bonuses, and giving money to everyone is also a very happy thing.

And the relationship with the original company is quite good now, sometimes there will be some cooperation or something, it is said that the company is planning to welcome a new girl, who looks very sweet and has a very cute voice, and then wants to ask Li Shuyao to write a song look.

I don't know if Li Shuyao is willing or not. She prefers to continue to maintain a good relationship with the company in order to use the company's resources. Anyway, the price offered by them is not low.

Li Shuyao is now considered a top singer-songwriter in the industry, and the people who want to find her to write songs don't know where to go, and the price offered by the company is basically no less than those so-called king-level players.

After all, in this era, whoever can come up with something is the king. Li Shuyao can completely take care of all the production of the song, and the price he gives must be higher.

It depends on whether Li Shuyao is willing or not.

The first thing you see when you open the door are 3 pairs of big shiny eyes.

"I didn't go out to play tonight." Lu Yao chuckled, and went to the cat's nest to have a look. Xiaohong, Shuping and Fansheng were all there.

After seeing that it was Lu Yao, the three kittens lazily retracted back into the cat nest and continued to recharge their batteries.

"Brother Gou isn't here." Lu Yao rubbed Fansheng's little head, then turned and walked up. If Brother Gou left these kittens at this time, he should be upstairs.

Fang Xuening should have fallen asleep when she came back today, but I don't know if Yaoyao fell asleep early, or did she sleep after watching the video?

Lu Yao walked up with the soft and low-key backlight on the wall, the light was not dazzling, just enough to be seen.

When she reached the second floor, she felt someone on the balcony, and when she walked over, she saw a pair of big, shining eyes.

It belongs to Gouge.

Brother Gou licked his mouth. After seeing that it was Lu Yao, he continued to lie beside Li Shuyao. Facing the little moonlight coming through the curtains, Lu Yao saw Li Shuyao curled up and embedded himself in the beanbag sofa.

"This person is really..." Lu Yao smiled and shook his head, picked up the tablet next to him and put it on the table next to him, then picked up a roll of thin quilt from the cabinet next to him, and opened it gently put it on her.

This quilt was originally used for resting here, and the temperature in the room is constant, so there is no need to cover it with such a thick quilt.

After stroking Brother Gou's little head, Lu Yao turned around and went back to his room.

Not long after Lu Yao entered, Fang Xuening came out of the room angrily.

The thing... is actually Jiang Zidi.

She was too thirsty in the afternoon, drank too much water after she came back, and then fell asleep. This... in her dream, she was always wandering around the bathroom, always wanting to go to the bathroom but always being unable to do so, so uncomfortable!

So she was woken up, and she still had to get up quickly to go to the bathroom at this time, otherwise she would not be able to sleep comfortably later, after going to the bathroom, she could sleep until noon tomorrow!
Then she turned over...

It feels empty next to it.

Fang Xuening lay on the bed in a daze for 5 minutes.

Uh, in fact, she slept for another 5 minutes, but she just reacted in her mind, and there was no concept of 5 minutes.

When she woke up again, her mind was a little clearer, and she was sure that Li Shuyao was not on the bed... Then she sat up and scratched her head, and even looked at the ground...

It stands to reason that it should not be able to be kicked down. After all, after the previous widening, the gap between the two sides is already very small, but she still glanced at it in a daze, no!

Then she got out of bed in a daze, walked around in the bedroom, and even went around in the bathroom next to her.

Then she was sure.

This guy even sneaked away while he was asleep!
Damn it, who has taken away her soul?Hmph, I was working hard to make money outside, but you ran away on the first day I came back!
So Fang Xuening came out pouted, and then she heard something in Lu Yao's room.

Fang Xuening regained her spirits immediately.

Hmph, you got caught by me, I didn't expect wow, I didn't expect that Lu Yao, you thick eyebrows and big eyes, also started hooking up with Li Shuyao behind my back!
Then Fang Xuening rubbed it...

The door was not opened.

Well, if the door is locked inside, you can't get in from the outside!
Good guy, the door is locked!What are you doing in there!Don't take me with you!
Fang Xuening still hasn't woken up yet, she is somewhat confused, she feels like she is in a dream, so she...knocked on the door lightly.

Humph, damn it, etiquette engraved in my mind.

After a while, the door opened, and Lu Yao, who was still washing in the bathroom, heard the knock on the door and called Xiao Yao to open the door.

Anyway, the only ones who can be in the house now are Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening.

Probably it was Li Shuyao who woke up and asked about the song, but she didn't care, anyway, she had a rest today, um, they had the final say on whether to rest or not.

Then she saw Fang Xuening who was pouting.

"Ah, what's the matter, you can hang a small oil bottle on your mouth." Lu Yao wiped the water on his face and smiled in surprise: "I thought it was Yaoyao."

"Hmph, let me tell you, let me tell you, you are waiting for Yaoyao here!" Fang Xuening pinched her waist: "Let me tell you, where is Yaoyao? I didn't even see her when I came in, is she here?" In the bathtub!"

Lu Yao: "???"

"Why are you looking at me like a curious baby? Hmm... No, you seem to be looking at me with a confused face. Could it be that you haven't said clearly enough?" Fang Xuening continued pinching her waist.

"You...are you sleepy?" Lu Yao shook his head helplessly: "Yaoyao is sleeping on the balcony."

"Uh..." Fang Xuening blinked her eyes, then quietly backed away, the water vapor from Lu Yao's bath kept hitting her face, she woke up a little, and suddenly felt that she might have misunderstood a little bit!

"What are you...doing?" Just as Fang Xuening was about to exit the bathroom slowly, Li Shuyao walked in, rubbing her eyes in a daze while hugging Brother Gou.

"The ones who don't sleep at night and take a group bath here?" Li Shuyao scratched her head: "You guys are so strange."

Fang Xuening: "..."

"I'm going to sleep, you guys don't sleep well at night, really." After speaking, Fang Xuening ran away, embarrassing, too embarrassing.

"Hahahaha..." Lu Yao laughed, she is probably the most sober one here: "You two are so cute, hahaha."

Li Shuyao: "???"

These two... are so weird.

(End of this chapter)

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