Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 755 Cat's Happy Life

Chapter 755 Cat's Happy Life

Here Li Shuyao walked back behind Fang Xuening, halfway through, threw Brother Gou away, and then continued to walk into her own room. Although Lu Yao laughed for no reason, her mind is full of sleep now. So I didn't think too much about it. After returning to my room, I jumped onto the bed, hugged Fang Xuening, and fell asleep.

The quality of so high.

At this time, Fang Xuening couldn't sleep because of how stupid she was just now... Fortunately, Li Shuyao was also sleepy, otherwise it would be really embarrassing!

But Lu Yao seemed to see something.

This person is a ghost, it's normal to see it.

Forget it, don't care, anyway, after waking up, I forget everything, just treat it as a dream, well, the fragrant and soft Yaoyao is the most comfortable.

Fang Xuening put her head on Li Shuyao's body...

"Hey...hey...cough cough..." Fang Xuening retracted the corners of her mouth, then closed her eyes and prepared to go to bed. Today is too sleepy.

Well, it must be because I was too sleepy to be so stupid. It was because my brain didn't have enough rest. In the future, I must not do other things until I wake up. I just sleep until I wake up.

Well, just sauce!


Soon the entire second floor fell silent.

Brother Gou squatted at the stairs for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing else to do, he walked down the stairs with graceful steps.

Anyway, since the birth of Fansheng, Brother Gou has learned to be elegant, and he has started to prepare for this etiquette. Compared with before, Brother Gou now seems like a nobleman among cats.

Uh, it's quite good at playing. If any cat is deceived by Gou's beautiful appearance and thinks Gou is very delicate, then he will teach you how to be a cat every minute.

"Meow..." Brother Gou walked under the cat's nest and called softly, then turned around and walked towards the door leading to the backyard.

After hearing Brother Gou's barking, the three kittens jumped out of the cat nest and followed Brother Gou.

Compared with his sister and father, it is obvious that Fansheng is much more excited.

This cat is not an ordinary cat. Although it is only about three months old, its size is no different from that of an adult cat.

Anyway, another reason why I am more and more willing to go out to play with Brother Gou recently is...

It began to look for the kitten.

It's pretty outrageous.

Generally speaking, kittens can enter maturity after about five or six months, and then start looking for a mate or something.

Shuping hasn't looked for a partner until now, and she doesn't have any idea of ​​finding a partner. She also wants to learn from her mother, at least she must have a cat similar to her father to catch her as a partner. Those outside Stray cats are so stupid.

And those stray cats basically will be with you for a certain period of time, then they pat their ass and leave, then turn around and go to find other cats, they are simply big scum cats!

Those cats are also stupid, and individual cats always have a feeling of missing brainstem.

How could it, with such a noble blood as Shuping, find those cats?

So I still need to find a kitten like Dad, who is smarter, who can always be by my side, and who is dedicated to me, that is my partner.

But Fansheng's child is somewhat precocious.

Now I have started to play with the little female cat... and the body of Fansheng is really handsome in the eyes of cats... In fact, they are all four, but Brother Gou and Shuping don't like other stray cats and even Domestic cats from other families, so they don't want them even if they are attached to others.

As for some little male cats who want to rely on their physical advantages...

Hmph, it's not certain whether I will have a body or not from now on.

The world of animals is so cruel.

Liang Zai Gou, Xiaohong, and Shuping had more than one or two small animals. The family's prestige in the surrounding area was earned by their paws.

Fansheng's fighting talent is very high. Both Xiaohong and Brother Gou have personally brought him, so Brother Gou has also brought him out to start actual combat recently.

They walked a long way in the past few days. After all, the park is already their world. This park is already their base camp. Except for the very smart humans and mindless insects in the park, as long as they are breathing You have to listen to Brother Gou.

The same goes for the dogs under the security guard!
So a few days ago, Brother Gou took Fansheng to pick a place in a community 10 kilometers away, and then the number of stray cats and dogs in that community dropped sharply.

They are all very fast, so it didn't take long to go back and forth. Brother Gou's speed is not as fast as the other three cats, but it doesn't mean he is bad.

Then there are a few more little female cats around Fansheng.

After a few days in a row, after picking a few venues, the number of kittens around Fansheng came to an astonishing 12!
This is the most puzzling thing for Brother Gou.

When I took Shuping out to fight before, I didn't see Shuping bring back some kittens. How come there are so many kittens after taking Fansheng out for two laps.

But it doesn't matter, when Brother Gou first started to rectify the market, he also took in a group of younger brothers.

Brother Gou thought he was Fan Shengshou's younger brother.


Soon Brother Gou found out that he was wrong.

For example, now, the three cats, Brother Gou, Xiaohong, and Shuping, distribute a lot of food to the small animals in the park, and then take the small animals to play and fight together.


Uh, Fansheng took his little female cats to take a bath together...

Brother Gou stood on a rock with a sad face, and then watched Fansheng dragged a small bathtub from nowhere, and then took the kitten to play in the water.

Damn it, it's January now, look at how frozen the kittens are, you're not cold anymore, who can compare to your body.

If you play like this, you guys will freeze to death sooner or later.

Alas, I have to be a mother to wipe your ass.

Brother Gou commanded a few kittens to drag over a discarded carpet, discarded towels and so on, then dragged Fansheng out of the water with a few growls, and then wrapped the other kittens who were shivering with cold into the quilt.

This child also learned badly from Ma Ma, after Ma Ma took it to bathe and play with it a few times, this guy actually liked this feeling, and ran to take a bath with Ma Ma every now and then.

Brother Gou stretched out his paw and patted Fansheng's little head.

If I hadn't seen you come out of my stomach, I would have doubted whether you were my seed!

Although we also pay attention to our own cleanliness, there is no one in our family who likes to wash with Ma Ma. You know how scary Ma Ma's smile is.

Brother Gou was speechless for a while when he saw Fan Sheng's upturned head and a foolish smile on his face, why did he give birth to such a fool.

"Meow." Brother Gou had no choice but to call out and then went back to hug his little fox with Xiaohong.

Well, it has grown into a big fox, and now the fluffy one lies on it, hiss, it is really warm and smooth.

Other kittens are not as comfortable as a little fox.

Watching Fansheng shake off the water on his body, and then rushing to find his little female cats, Gou curled his lips and knew the little female cats.

Then Brother Gou came to behind the big rock with graceful steps, here...

Well, Xiaohong and Book Review are already lying on the big tails of a group of little foxes.

The pair of little foxes from back then are now having children, and they are becoming more and more charming.

 Happy Singles' Day, ah, let's see who is still single...

  Oh, so I'm a bachelor...

(End of this chapter)

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