Chapter 756

The next morning, Li Shuyao woke up refreshed, turned on her phone and took a look, um, there were a bunch of familiar little red dots again, uh... Anyway, she was almost used to it.

She has turned off the push notifications of many apps, but some of the frequently used headquarters for contact cannot be turned off. For example, she doesn't know why so many people always talk to her on WeChat.

Back then, apart from working and talking to people, basically there were not many people talking to me on WeChat.

Sure enough, beauties are treated differently. No matter what time of day, someone will always send you messages from various angles, such as good morning, have you eaten, it’s so cold today...

Tsk tsk, I don't even want to reply to this news!

You can't talk about something interesting. For example, this person said that he had a dream last night that he traveled back to the ancient times, and it was very interesting to carry a knife with Guan Erye on the battlefield. He also responded with a snicker.

Take a look, take a look, isn't this the success of attracting the attention of the Sa family? Who didn't have a dream of going out with the second master Guan when they were young? Well, there are also Prince Yue, Champion Hou, Li Yaoshi, Qi Shaobao... well, think about it, it's still a lot.

There are many congratulations on the new song.

To be honest, she is not too worried about the performance of the new song, not to mention that the quality is good, and there are so many people helping to announce it, even ordinary songs can get you some results.

Now if you look at the brothers on the ranking list, there are always a few who "forcibly" made it to the list.

After happily posting a few emojis with some familiar and unfamiliar WeChat friends, Li Shuyao started a new day of sports.

Walking down the stairs, four kittens were already waiting below. Looking at the clean kittens, Li Shuyao was still in a very good mood.

Cuddling and rubbing each kitten, um...all of them are fragrant.

The product development capabilities of this pet hospital are pretty good. After automatic cleaning and disinfection, a very light floral fragrance has been added.

The scent of the perfume is very, very weak. After all, cats don't like the smell of perfume, so the pure natural petals are used, which will not irritate the cat's small nose.

"Let's go out to practice martial arts." After Li Shuyao cooked the porridge prepared last night, she came out with four kittens.

Practicing martial arts with Li Shuyao is one of the things the four kittens are most unwilling to delay, second only to the cat food fried by Li Shuyao himself.

Li Shuyao often didn't come back for several months when he was playing games before. At that time, Brother Gou basically practiced martial arts spontaneously.

So Book Review and Fan Sheng are still very happy to be able to practice martial arts with Li Shuyao all the time.

At other times, Fan Sheng seems to be silly, but at this time of the day, he has a good appearance, and he seems to be more serious than Shu Ping.

In fact, at first Li Shuyao didn't intend to take the kittens to learn martial arts together, but then she gradually felt... It seems that she also learned together without the cats, this thing was learned by Brother Gou on his own initiative.

Its physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary kittens, and after practicing martial arts, it basically has no opponents.

Anyway, since it started here, its family has a tradition of practicing martial arts with Li Shuyao. Li Shuyao found that these cats are more diligent than humans, so he is also willing to teach with them.

She doesn't have many apprentices, and these kittens have almost got her true inheritance.

I don't know if it will affect the group of cats, but I think it's not a big problem, even if Brother Gou's family has learned martial arts, there are just a few cats.

So Li Shuyao punched, and the kittens followed suit.

Li Shuyao kicked, and the kittens followed suit.

Li Shuyao flew over the eaves and walls, and the kittens followed suit...

Uh, it’s really nothing, just stepping on those railings in the backyard, big trees and so on, running around, it looks a bit like flying over the eaves and walls with ease.

"Huh..." After a long sigh of relief, Li Shuyao ended today's exercise. When exercising without Jingyi and Xue Ning, she would have fun playing by herself and not be afraid of hurting others. Very good, I can't touch them when exercising, one or two can hide very quickly.

Well, if Li Shuyao went to catch them specially, these little bastards still wouldn't be able to escape her grasp.

Drinking the warm porridge, Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief.

"Morning, Yaoyao." Fang Xuening rubbed her eyes and walked down the stairs, yawned and stretched for a long time, then walked directly to the kitchen, skillfully filled a bowl for herself Congee came over with a spoon in hand.

"Morning." Li Shuyao said with a smile, "Your last night..."

"Stop!" Fang Xuening raised her hand: "What happened last night, let him fly away with the wind."

"Ah? What's the matter?" Li Shuyao scratched her head, "I said you were very tired last night, you went to bed early, and you woke up early this morning."

"Ah, ah haha, that's right, if you go to bed early, you will wake up early." Fang Xuening smiled: "Well, do you have to clean up today?"

"Ang, yes, I originally wanted to wait for the New Year, but you will not be there by then, and I plan to live broadcast the New Year's Eve dinner on that day, so let's clean up today, anyway, it will be the New Year." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Okay." Fang Xuening nodded, "I've wanted to clean up the attic for a long time. Every time I called the housekeeper to clean it, I didn't touch the attic much."

"Well, I think so too, but it's okay, we use fresh air and don't open the windows, so the dust is not too big, but maybe some old things are a bit messy, so let's tidy them up." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Maybe there are some antiques out there." Fang Xuening scratched her head.

"There are no antiques." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "My parents don't have anything at"

As she spoke, Li Shuyao was startled suddenly, she seemed to remember that since she traveled here, it seems that there are not many things belonging to her parents at home.

It stands to reason that if her parents died in an accidental car accident, there should be a lot of their things in the house, but in my memory, it seems that except for some sundries, basically I haven't sorted out my parents' belongings...

This issue seems to have been ignored before.

However, it has been three years, can you find anything?

After eating, the two of them took the four kittens and began to clean up the house. Before Lu Yao waited, she worked too hard yesterday, and she probably slept very late. She might have to sleep until noon today to get up. .

Li Shuyao also temporarily let go of the doubts in her heart, and together with Fang Xuening, carrying the most primitive mop and broom, began to clean up from the first floor.

"Hey, Xiaohong, you carry a small bucket and follow me to clean the glass, Brother Gou, you carry a big bucket and Yaoyao to mop the floor, Shuping and Fansheng, you two go to sweep the floor!" Fang Xuening directed like a child four kittens.

Although she was surprised at the beginning why the kitten was so obedient, but later she got used to it anyway, and then she went with the flow naturally.

Shuping and Fansheng had a small broom on their tails, and then Fansheng happily started sweeping the floor...

"Pfft... Fansheng, you'd better play on the sidelines, you've been cleaned up and swept away by me, look, it's all your hair!"

After a while, Li Shuyao started running after Fansheng...

(End of this chapter)

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