Chapter 757

Throughout the morning, Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening and a few cats who sometimes worked and made troubles were busy on the first floor. When Lu Yao came down from the upstairs, he was satisfied with the obviously tidy first floor. nodded his head:

"Not bad, it's so clean."

"That's right, I don't want to see who is cleaning here." Fang Xuening patted her chest with a proud face.

Sure enough, after cleaning, it looks much more pleasing to the eye. Although it was pretty good before, it always feels a little bit not so pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, the fresh air system is also turned on for ventilation, and the entire first floor is now fresh and clean.

In fact, the main garbage is cat hair, food scraps, hair and the like, but the dust is really not too much.

The two of them naturally also use sweeping robots or something. Although they want to relive the joy of cleaning at school in their childhood, everyone still has to consider efficiency.

With so many little troublemakers here, the efficiency of cleaning is obviously reduced, and I am playing while I still need a robot vacuum to cooperate.

Hmm... It's just cooperation, it's mainly the credit of the two of them.

"Let's have dinner, and we'll work on the second floor in the afternoon." Li Shuyao came back with takeaways from the outside: "Clean the second floor this afternoon, and clean the front and back yards tomorrow. It will be finished in two days."

"Okay, I'll do it with you this afternoon." Lu Yao smiled and said, "You won't be broadcasting today?"

"Two days off, hehe, we can't broadcast live every day." Li Shuyao put the meals on the table with a smile, and opened them one by one.

The food was still steaming at this time, and as soon as it was opened, another scent rose up.

"Let's eat, let's eat, hehe, let's tidy up your attic this afternoon, maybe we can find you a secret room or something." Fang Xuening laughed haha: "There will be some Treasure, we will get rich."

"You've read too many novels, so what's the secret?" Lu Yao shook his head: "Besides, you're not rich now, so why are you rich?"

"Haha, isn't it necessary to have a beautiful thought? Don't you know that when packing up old things, we will occasionally find out some things that we have forgotten. These are little surprises, you know?" Fang Xue Ning said.

Li Shuyao said while eating: "Okay, then look for it, maybe there is a secret room, and then I discovered some secret left by my parents, haha."

The three of them finished their meal talking and laughing, but they were not in a hurry. Instead, they drank some tea and took a break to bask in the sun.

When it was almost two o'clock, the three people lazily stood up from the balcony, and then started cleaning from the attic.

Although there are lights on the attic, it is better to clean it during the day after all. It is easy to overlook some things at night, especially some corners and corners, right...

Besides, everyone else is familiar with other places in the house, basically there is no possibility of hiding things, that is, in the attic...

Well, everyone didn't touch it much, especially inside, they put things next to each other. When Li Shuyao was not at home, Fang Xuening didn't think about touching other people's things.

So there are actually some things inside that have never been moved.

What everyone is more curious about is whether there will be anything left by Li Shuyao's parents in those things.

To be honest, she herself was quite curious. Before... well, I forgot a little before, and since the water friends sent more and more things, I saw those things when I went up, but I was very interested in the things inside. Kind of don't remember.

"Go, go up and have a look." Li Shuyao was wearing an apron, and then took a small rag, a small brush and so on, and went up immediately.

Fang Xuening and Lu Yao also followed with curiosity on their faces. To be honest, even if there was nothing in the end, they would be a little curious at the beginning.

What if.

Li Shuyao would be curious that apart from the fact that she hadn't read those things before, there was also Fang Xuening who suddenly said such a sentence today.

According to the setting that his own flag will explode and Fang Xuening is the son of Master Tian, ​​maybe there are some strange discoveries.

The space in the attic was quite large at first, and it was no problem to live alone here, but after stuffing so many things, it seemed a bit crowded. Fortunately, when things were put in, they were sorted in that way, so even though there were many things , but it will not be chaotic, there is still a place to go.

Several people wiped and walked in, and then saw the innermost part of the attic.

"Is there... is there something here?" Lu Yao pointed to the black leather under the pile of sundries, and there seemed to be something under the black leather.

"It's possible." Li Shuyao nodded.

As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw Fang Xuening knocking along the wall.

"Are you looking for a hidden space like this?" Lu Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Don't talk, I feel like I'm getting close to the truth." Fang Xuening continued to knock on the wall with a serious face.

"If the hidden compartment is on the ground, and it happens to be covered by something we put, your method won't work. You have to move everything out, and then tap it inch by inch to be effective?" Li Shuyao joked. road.

"It makes sense." Fang Xuening nodded: "But I'll knock on the place where it leaked first, just in case I find it, even if it doesn't, I can clear it up."

"Okay, then you can keep looking." Lu Yao said with a smile: "Yaoyao, let's move this away for a look?"

"Okay, let me do it." Li Shuyao directly rolled up the thing on the black leather bag, then picked it up and put it beside her.

Lu Yao stepped forward and lifted off the black leather.

The bottom, that is, the ordinary floor.

"Wait." Li Shuyao took a closer look, the floor... seems to be really not quite right.

"What's the situation?" Lu Yao was a little curious, but she didn't see any problem.

Li Shuyao followed Fang Xuening's example and knocked on the floor.

"Dong dong."

"Is it really hollow?" Lu Yao's eyes widened.

"Let me see, let me see." Fang Xuening scrambled and ran over, then squatted down with a sincere face, knocked on the side, and knocked on the middle.

"Dong dong..."

"Fuck, there is really a secret compartment, haha, I'll just say it, I'll just say it, there must be something, you still don't believe it." Fang Xuening excitedly started to look for the mechanism: "Look for it, look for it, There must be some mechanism around here, I guess it shouldn't be too difficult."

"Is there... is there something on it?" Lu Yao flipped through the black leather cushion, and suddenly found that there seemed to be something painted in silver calligraphy under the black leather cushion.

"It seems to be Jiugong gossip, wow, you are so knowledgeable." Fang Xuening took the leather and studied it carefully: "Well, it may be in this direction... Well, it may be here... Wow, okay Difficult, Yaoyao, come and take a look... Uh, Yaoyao, what are you doing?"

"I think there may be no need to solve the riddle." Li Shuyao measured it against the ground.

"What are you going to do... ah..."

Before Lu Yao finished speaking, Li Shuyao punched him directly.


Li Shuyao punched a big hole in the ground.

Lu Yao: "..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

 It's raining heavily today, it's a good weather for codewords
(End of this chapter)

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