Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 761 I love you, my little princess

Through her father's letter, she got a lot of information, but she seemed to be unable to do anything, because she didn't know what they were studying, where to find them, and what her father said would come back when.

Maybe... never come back in this life.

This thick stack of letters may be the last contact between me and my parents.

I can also go to some departments to make a fuss, and those so-called people who take care of me will definitely appear, but does that mean that those who force their parents to leave will also pay attention.

At that time, all the hard work of my parents will be in vain.

Perhaps, the best choice is to continue living like this, and then wait, waiting for the day when Mom and Dad will retire and return to her side.

Hearing the crying sound from the attic, Lu Yao and Fang Xuening looked at each other worriedly, but they still stayed at the stairs and did not go up.

They had never seen Li Shuyao cry like this, nor had they seen her cry for her parents.

In the past, they thought that she might have adjusted herself during the period of self-isolation, and felt that she was very strong, but they were indeed a little worried.

Worried that if she keeps her emotions in her heart, she will become depressed.

Now... let her vent well.

"I've never seen Yaoyao cry like this before." Fang Xuening sighed softly.

"It seems that there is indeed something very important in it, maybe it is her parents' suicide note, alas..." Lu Yao also sighed softly: "What the world sees is her optimistic and strong side, but It is often overlooked that she is only a 20-year-old girl, or a girl who lost her parents at the age of 18."

"Hmm... That's why I'm here." Fang Xuening took a deep breath and smiled, "I will always be with her, and accompany her to walk out of the haze in her heart."

"Well, we are all the same." Lu Yao smiled.

"Yes, and Jingyi." Fang Xuening nodded and said, "We are all by her side, so she will not be alone."

"When she finds her true destiny, starts a new family, and has her own child, maybe it will be different." Lu Yao said with some yearning: "My true destiny, I don't know when he will come."

Fang Xuening was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Everyone will come."


After crying for a while, Li Shuyao gradually stopped. She folded her father's letter and put it back. Behind it was...the letter left by her mother.

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, as a mother, I'm incompetent, I failed to teach you how to date boys, I failed to watch you find a boyfriend, I failed to hold your hand into the palace of marriage, I failed Can help you take care of your children..."

"I know, when you know that we are not dead, you will definitely hate us. I'm sorry, hate me if you want to hate, don't hate your dad, he is really great, your dad is the most admired person in this world, he The attainments in our field have led the world for at least 50 years, and I have dragged him down for 18 years."

"Actually, we've been married for a long time but we never thought about having a child. It's just that we didn't take any protective measures because of a trace of experimental gas that leaked that night. We woke up the next day and took the medicine we prepared. After all, We don't sell that medicine around us, it's just... Yaoyao, you are still very good, when I knew I was pregnant, I thought about having an abortion, but it was your father who decided to keep you..."

"Later, it became inconvenient for me to move gradually, so the higher-ups arranged for us to transfer. Your father applied for leave until you became an adult, and the higher-ups approved it. Your father felt a little guilty, so he set up a biopharmaceutical company to support our mother. Two, while manufacturing cheap medicines, also provide some special medicines to some special departments.”

"In the past 18 years, he has really worked very hard. In the past 18 years, he has not failed our mother, nor the country... It's just that in the dead of night, he will look at the sky in a daze. I know, he is missing him. laboratory."

"Yaoyao, we made such a choice after careful consideration. This is the best choice for us and for you. Maybe one day you will understand the reason for it. Since you set foot on this road, you can no longer back."

"The ambitions in our hearts, the expectations of our country, and the pressure from the world, these all urge us to keep moving forward, and also tell us not to have too much entanglement with the family. There are lessons learned by the predecessors, and the disaster is not as good as the family. In a word, there are a lot of people out there who won't comply, and we don't want you to have your life threatened one day because of us."

"Yaoyao, how much my mother wants to accompany you for a few more years, watching you take the postgraduate entrance examination, watching you study for a Ph. Academician standing in the sun, um, by then you will be on par with us."

"Yaoyao, remember to eat well, don't be picky eaters, have balanced nutrition, eat less snacks if you like, but don't be greedy, keep exercising, be happy every day, don't worry about our affairs, we are safe, even Might go down in history, that's what your dad used to talk about."

"You can be proud of having such a father, and I am also proud of having such a husband and daughter like you. I believe that no matter where your future is, you must be a person who is useful to the country and mankind. "

"I really want to see you, I really want to see you become famous, I really want to see you get married and have children, I really want to see you proudly say to me, Mom, I got the first place in the whole grade again."

"Your father said, we will come back, we will come back to see you, what he said, I believe, I hope you believe too, believe that we will come back, we will meet again, maybe by then, you can take your Husband and children, tell them proudly that this is your grandfather, the best life scientist in the world."

"If you can, you can also mention me. I am his grandma, the assistant of the best life scientist in the world. Together, we have dedicated our lives to the development of the country and the future of mankind."

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry, you have to believe that mom and dad love you and will love you forever, even if we are far apart, even if we can't see each other for ten years or decades, but you have to believe that mom and dad love you yours."

"I love you, my little princess."

At the end of the letter, there was a faintly visible hickey mark, and Li Shuyao moved the hickey mark to the side of her face with slightly trembling hands.

It was as if her mother had gently kissed her on the cheek.

"Dad, Mom... I love you too."

Li Shuyao took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

She raised her head and looked at the white clouds slowly passing by in the sky through the window of the attic, with a lot of thoughts in her heart.

She fully understands her parents' choice, and also vaguely knows what they are researching. Her system may help her parents make progress in the experiment, but she does not intend to do so.

" dad is the best life scientist in the world."

Li Shuyao smiled lightly:
"He won't take shortcuts like me by cheating. In the end, he only knows what it is and doesn't know why."

"Right, Dad."

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