Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 762 Found some wealth

Li Shuyao learned many things from the letters from his parents, including his own life experience, the truth of the accident, and what they were doing.


It's just that she knows it, and it doesn't change her life much now, and she doesn't know how to do anything, just... now it's the best.

She remembered the song of the Lonely Brave, and wondered if her parents had heard this song, would they be inspired, would they be moved by the song, if so, that would be great.

Although I was not able to accompany my parents, the music I brought may be able to accompany them, which is also a kind of comfort to them.

After all, he is more or less a celebrity now, so it should be quite easy to find out about him.

Think about it this way, the ones that I filmed, my parents can also see them, and my own live broadcast, they should also be able to see them, if there are these, it should be counted as being by their side .

Thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good.

As long as I keep posting and posting songs, my parents will always know about my situation, so it can be regarded as a kind of comfort to them.

No matter what, it's good to be alive.

At least... I don't count myself as an orphanage.

Sighing lightly, Li Shuyao couldn't help thinking of her mother in her previous life...the parents here still have a chance to get their own information, and their mother in the previous life may never get their information.

If I let her know what she looks like now... Uh, she should be very relieved... Forget it, it's better not to know, I don't know how to talk about it!

This emotion felt a little bit wrong in an instant, Li Shuyao looked down, she was still a little sad... Well, just a little bit!

By now, she was more or less relieved.

Uh, maybe have a little fun with it?
Well, just a little bit, just a little bit!

Li Shuyao stayed up there for over an hour, Fang Xuening and Lu Yao waited at the stairs for over an hour, Brother Gou also ran up, but they stopped him when he wanted to go up.

Anyway, let her wait by herself at this time.

When Li Shuyao came down by herself, there was no extra emotion on her face, but her eyes were still slightly red and swollen.

"Jingyi sent me her house just now. Look, this guy, this big e-sports room, my God, I feel like she's going to live in this place to play games in the future."

Seeing Li Shuyao walking out, Fang Xuening took out her mobile phone and approached her. Jingyi recorded her own home on the mobile phone, especially her room.

There are e-sports elements inside and outside the room, there are many cr posters on the wall, and there is a shelf with the trophies she won.

This should be the place where she usually broadcasts live, the gaming table and gaming chair, and then there are two computers, cameras and so on.

Another room next to her should be where she usually plays games. There are many cabinets with snacks, a refrigerator with drinks, various consoles, and an e-sports space capsule. …

"Hey, this thing looks good, and I feel like we can make a whole set." Li Shuyao looked at it brightly, this thing really looks good, it feels like you can lie down and play games.

"Haha, not bad, I've been interested in this thing for a long time, but I feel that it's a bit of a waste to buy it, but this thing is really good for playing games."


Lu Yao watched from the side for a while, and then joined the discussion, and the three took advantage of the opportunity to call Tantai Jingyi.

"Crooked? What's the matter?" Tantai Jingyi connected the phone, it seemed... She was still playing games.

"what are you doing?"

"Eat chicken."

"Oh, you find a toilet to squat first, how much is your e-sports capsule?"


Then it turned into four people discussing...

Neither of them asked what was inside the package, nor did Li Shuyao intend to take out the contents.

The letter contains a lot of secrets, which must not be made public.

As for gold bars and bank cards...

She doesn't lack the money now, so she doesn't need to move it. Putting it here can be regarded as a thought, and it can be regarded as something left by her parents.

After hanging up the communication, the three of them continued to tidy up the attic. The hole was temporarily exposed and waited to buy a floor to install it on. Other things should be tidied up and the surrounding areas should be cleaned.

"Speaking of which, it would be nice to turn this into a bedroom." Looking at the neatly tidied room and the sloping roof next to it, Li Shuyao suddenly remembered the small attics she had seen in anime before.

Simple small bed, simple table and chairs, the sunlight penetrated through the transparent glass on the roof, and found the boy who was sitting in the attic reading a book...

Well, you can also put a few game consoles next to it.

"You can also put some flowers and plants or something, it will look better if you decorate it." Fang Xuening also looked around, uh, she is still a little bit brooding about that mechanism.

"Yeah, it's really good." Lu Yao nodded: "But where do you put so many things, who will come up to live..."

"Oh, it's so beautiful to imagine."

"That's right, what a beautiful picture, it's all destroyed by you."

"Come on, let's drink tea."


Lu Yao: "..."

Good guys, you don't think about the actual situation at all, do you?

Back on the balcony, Li Shuyao took out tea leaves and a teapot from the small shelf next to her.

Because Li Shuyao often drinks tea and eats on the second floor, Li Shuyao installed water and water here a while ago, and the water coming out of the faucet is also boiling water, making tea is very convenient.

This time Li Shuyao didn't order tea, but just made tea with tea leaves. It was quite interesting to watch the tea leaves roll up and down in the teapot.

"Come on, let's drink tea." After a simple brew, Li Shuyao poured a big cup for both of them, and didn't settle for anything, just took small sips while holding the cup.

"It's so warm." Fang Xuening took a sip of tea, then hugged Li Shuyao's arm and looked at the red-dyed sunset in the distance.

"Meow." Brother Gou arched the arch house Xue Ning, save some room for me!

Lu Yao was lying on the other side, drinking tea while looking at the scenery, looking at the scenery for a while, and looking at the people in the scenery for a while, feeling very relaxed at this moment.

"You guys, don't you wonder what's in there?" After lying down for a while, Li Shuyao suddenly asked.

"Tsk tsk, I knew you wouldn't be able to hold back, hey, let's talk, what treasure did you find?" Fang Xuening laughed haha.

"Wow, you guys are so insidious, wait for me here."

"Of course we don't know you yet."

"Ha ha……"

"Then let me tell you, you guys can stand still... well, sit still!" Li Shuyao pinched her waist and saw the curious expressions of the two...

"I won't tell you."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Lu Yao: "..."

"I think this kid is floating now."

"I think so too."

"Shall we clean her up?"

"I think so."

"I'm slipping..."

"You boy don't run!"

"Stop for me!"


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