Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 763 51 Releases

After Li Shuyao put away the things left by her parents, she also started a new life. The things her parents left her are actually encouraging her. I have some concerns.

It's hard to describe what kind of feeling it is, maybe it's the feeling that part of the heart is filled.

Originally, you thought that there were no relatives in this world, but suddenly you know that there are still relatives alive. This feeling is actually very strange.

Although she couldn't find them, she also had the motivation to continue fighting.


The friends of the nursery rhyme studio almost went crazy.

After the new year, when the friends of the Nursery Rhyme Studio returned to work, they saw Li Shuyao brought back stacks of original paintings.

Apparently, this Spring Festival, she was basically just painting.

All of a sudden everyone was a little shocked.

Good guy, this animation is almost finished by her.

Then everyone suddenly discovered how to work as a hacker.

One and a half months of production, soundtrack, dubbing, half a month of fine editing, just two months, this 90-minute animation film was actually produced by her!

This is still a bit late for the voice actors, otherwise she could have been faster!

But the voice actors are also speechless, never seen such a hurry!

Then, "The Return of the Great Sage", which was originally scheduled to be released in the summer, directly mentioned to you the May [-]st file. Basically, it was produced at the speed of light, arraigned at the speed of light, and then released at the speed of light.


Li Shuyao's fans were stunned.

"What? Yaoyao's new movie will be released the day after tomorrow? I just found out..."

"I read the official seems to be that monkey."

"Uh... What about the Wushan Five Elements movie that was agreed upon?"

"The great sage is back rushing."

"Although I didn't get to see my handsome Huo Xing, it's not bad to see the Great Sage I worship."

"How long has it been since it was released? Didn't you say it will be released next year?"

"Don't make it crudely, we are not in a hurry, we can make it slowly."

"I've watched the promotional video. It's so handsome, and it's still a familiar style. I look forward to it."

"Is this publicity a bit late? Why do the other May [-]st stalls feel like they have been publicized very early."


Li Shuyao's publicity was indeed a bit late, and he didn't spend too much money to spread the publicity, but Li Shuyao's friends spontaneously helped to repost the publicity.

Most of the self-media and marketing accounts that praised Wushan and the Five Elements before have followed suit, but compared with those blockbuster movies, they are still a bit shabby.

However, Li Shuyao didn't care too much. The filming rate on the first day was 9.1%.

At 5 o'clock in the morning on May 1st, the premieres of all May 12st films also started in the cinemas, and the return of the Great Sage is no exception. However, Li Shuyao didn't think about any premiere, after all, there are no big stars in this animation film Come on stage and tell you something.

So, let’s just watch the movie honestly. …

"Yes, Yaoyao, your big movie is released." Tantai Jingyi sat on the chair and touched Li Shuyao's shoulder and said with a smile: "Our club is here today."

"Actually, you don't have to watch the premiere..." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Aren't you guys on vacation, you won't be able to go to MSI this year."

"Hey, we lost in the spring final this year, hehe, but we will fight back in summer." Said Xiao Ye who was sitting in the back.

"It's just..."

"Hey, hey, I see that many up masters have come. I think they are all acquaintances in this show. Haha, it can't be that you gave them the tickets." Fang Xuening looked around for a week, and many people Say hello to her or something.

The Six Directors, The Cat Who Doesn’t Eat Meat, Out of Focus Ji, Nan Yiyi, Xiaochao’s Team, Li Yuanjun’s Family, Ah Ma Zong’s Family, Brother Yu’s Family, and many others that we have filmed together before.

Anyway, there are really many people who know each other, those who have worked together or those who have not.

"I don't know anything else, anyway, this venue... I basically gave it away." Li Shuyao shrugged: "They said they couldn't get tickets..."

"Isn't it..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "So popular?"

"The main reason is that the screening rate is not high, and there are a lot of people robbing it, so there are really many people who can't get it all at once." Lu Yao shrugged: "So many of them are friends in this scene. "

"It's started, it's started, don't worry, it will be more than two days after filming, maybe it will be delayed." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"The movie has been released, and your album will be coming soon." Tantai Jingyi laughed softly.

"Well, it's coming soon." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "I guess, in two months, the album will have to be well promoted."

"At that time, the summer competition will also start." Tantai Jingyi thought for a while and said.

"Hey, come on for the summer game."

With a voice explaining, the movie officially started.

"It is said that a long time ago, there was a monkey king, Sun Wukong..."

As the camera kept going upwards, on the top of the lonely mountain, there was a monkey standing casually, but it was seen that the monkey was wearing a purple gold crown with phoenix wings on its head, wearing a golden armor with locks, and walked on cloud shoes with lotus root silk on its feet. The slender red cape fluttered in the wind.

What followed...was a grand battle of immortals.

The turquoise clouds are covered with heavenly soldiers and generals, but Monkey King is only one.

I saw him waving the Ruyi golden cudgel and walking among countless heavenly soldiers and generals. In an instant, layers of silver armored heavenly soldiers were knocked down into the clouds.

Tota Heavenly King, Nezha, Four Great Heavenly Kings, Giant Spirit Gods... Gods appeared one after another, and were defeated by monkeys one after another.

The next one to appear is Erlang Shen...

This part of Li Shuyao was adapted, which greatly enriched the details of the battle. Originally, this part of the movie was handsome, but it was not shocking enough.

Now Li Shuyao has done it.

The iron rod was constantly waving in the air, and when the metal and iron intersected, layers of golden halos shook the world, and the power of the Great Sage was no longer just mana, but also high-strength martial arts.

And because it is in 3D, this paragraph caused the audience to exclaim again and again.

In fact, part of the promotional video came from here.

It's just that you probably didn't expect that Li Shuyao slapped her face straight away, that is to say, there will be more exciting things in the future.

The peak duel between Dasheng and Erlangshen also made the audience hooked.

When the segment ended, the audience applauded spontaneously...

It's still a familiar feeling. The wonderful fighting scene of Wushan Wuxing has been upgraded to a battle of gods, which is really enjoyable.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth. She died a lot of brain cells when making this part. Originally, this part was not exciting in terms of fighting scenes, but well, it is an old movie after all, and it is normal.

After that, it is almost the normal story of the return of the Great Sage.

It's just that Li Shuyao made a slight change in the painting style, and the production effect is stronger, the look and feel will be better, and the movements will be smoother.

Generally speaking, it is an upgraded and reset version based on the original return of the Great Sage!
Li Shuyao herself was quite happy watching it.

Originally, the image of the Great Sage was either radiant, free, or unruly. Here, the image of the Great Sage is more friendly and down-to-earth, and it looks more like...


Well, sure enough, this kind of monkey design is more pleasing.

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