Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 764 Premiere Success

Chapter 764 Premiere Success
Li Shuyao reset almost the entire animation fighting scene, so the whole process looks very exciting, there are constant jokes in the early and mid-term, and the fighting is also very classic. Almost every small battle can be edited and used as a moving picture. , making the audience hooked.

After losing his mana, the Great Sage is still a master of martial arts, and he can beat those monsters violently with a bamboo stick, which makes people feel very at ease.

In order to design these movements, Li Shuyao also consulted teacher Han Liang, and even quickly mastered a stick technique...

Well, teacher Han Liang is a treasure of true martial arts.

Moreover, Li Shuyao also added some fighting scenes to those monsters, and some more skilled monsters gave some weapons or something, so as to further put pressure on the Great Sage, and also made the audience thrilled to watch.

The plot of the original film of The Return of the Great Sage is pretty good, but the graphics, except for a few posses of the Great Sage, are not handsome enough. After all, the environment was like that back then, and the funds were not so much, so it can’t be used for raising. Later tastes demand what came before.

However, Li Shuyao has sufficient funds this time, and the main creator has opened up, so the impression from beginning to end is still very good.

Especially when the great sage was full of reluctance: "I can't control it." When he said it, many people cried at the movie watching scene.

For example, Fang Xuening just hugged her arm and wiped tears there.

Well, but they didn't talk to her, so they just wiped it... from time to time, they even put some on her hands...

Soon Li Shuyao felt tears and cosmetics in her hands.

That is to say, Fang Xuening's cosmetics are relatively waterproof, otherwise, it feels like this product will turn into a pretty face after it goes out.

Afterwards, when Jiang Liu'er's life was hanging by a thread, Xiao Bailong's reappearance and the great sage's strong appearance aroused bursts of cheers from everyone.

Anyway, in everyone's hearts at this time, the Great Sage is a hero.

and here...

Li Shuyao added another fight scene.

In the beginning, Li Shuyao always felt that the fight here was not enjoyable. Although this boss didn't even become a fairy, it was very weak, and the Great Sage was the kind of existence that stood at the top of the fighting power of a fairy, and it was normal if it was directly defeated.

But the front is still not enjoyable enough, I feel that this BOSS is too bad.

So Li Shuyao arranged for some elite monsters to beat the Great Sage, and before the seal was lifted, the Scarred Great Sage fought the boss again.

Here Li Shuyao also gave the boss more moves. When in human form, he even took out a nine-cut whip as a weapon to fight against the Great Sage.

And at this time, the Great Sage was already able to burst into things from time to time, and the seal wrapped around his wrist had begun to loosen a little bit by his impact.

This is a gradual process, which has been continuously hinting that the Great Sage will finally break the seal.

Naturally, this BOSS who has not yet become a fairy cannot withstand the occasional burst of power from the Great Sage, even if this power is less than one percent of his heyday.

The BOSS was beaten with disheveled hair, and it became a little angry from embarrassment. The huge energy wave knocked down all the houses built on the edge of the cliff, the cliff was also collapsing, and countless boulders were falling.

This is a period of intense parkour plus fighting. The Great Sage shuttles between the falling buildings and boulders, and knocks down the BOSS heavily off the cliff.

When he thought he was victorious, the BOSS appeared in its second form, a huge white worm, which already had the flavor of a chaotic beast.

The monkey who has not unlocked the seal is not its opponent, and Jiang Liu'er jumped out to attract its attention to support the Great Sage, but was crushed under the boulder.

The great sage finally broke out in anger, he tore open the seal on his hand with all his strength, and the boulder thrown by the boss was also melted by him directly, and the armor and cloak that hadn't appeared in 500 years reappeared, and at this moment, his body was shining brightly , but his eyes were blood red.

The Struggle between the Great Sage and the seal, step by step from the cliff to the sky is very shocking, coupled with a very tragic BGM, even someone at the scene unconsciously called out the Great Sage.

The following paragraph can be said to make Li Shuyao very scratchy. The special effects of this paragraph can be said to be the most gorgeous in the whole play, because the Great Sage is only given three chances to attack. How can the audience enjoy watching these three times? Work on special effects and sound effects.

Sure enough, the moment the Great Sage regained his mana, the audience cheered. The red-eyed Great Sage pulled out the golden cudgel from his ears in a very handsome posture. Then a crescent-shaped golden shock wave went straight Split the limbs of the boss, and cut half of the mountain along the way.

Then the Great Sage rushed towards the BOSS with anger, and there was a violent explosion at the moment of impact. Accompanied by its wailing, the Great Sage roared and fell from the sky. The golden light pierced the sky and filled the entire screen. At this time, the audience Many stood up and applauded.

These three sticks can be said to be powerful, and the heavy blow made the audience sound very enjoyable.

After the three sticks, the Great Sage stood lonely on the top of the mountain, his aloof aura seemed to be about to be possessed by a demon in the next second, but at this moment, Jiang Liu'er said "Great Sage" and directly pulled him back from that state, his armor was all shattered. Changed back to normal color, he hurriedly turned his head, his expression was full of concern, and the movie stopped abruptly at this moment.

Then came the time for the ending song. Everyone was immersed in the shock of the last scene. The soothing music sounded slowly, and the words "The Return of the Great Sage" appeared on the screen again. At this time, the audience stood up unconsciously. applauded.

Fang Xuening didn't stand up, she was still watching the ending song, she knew that Li Shuyao would definitely hide something in the ending song.

Sure enough, when she saw Jiang Liuer sitting on somersaulting clouds with her master wrapped in bandages, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this guy is still a snack. He didn't draw Jiang Liu'er to death. This guy has a criminal record. Before that, there was a cute little boy in Wushan Five Elements who was drawn to death by this guy. She thought Li Shuyao might It's against that kind of cute juvenile delinquent, who always wants to be drawn to death by others!
Although many people stood up, but watching this part of the ending song, everyone gradually sat down and watched quietly.

The next part of the song can be said to be a continuation of the animation plot, or it can be said to be a side story, leaving aside the blood and fighting, and bringing warmth to the audience little by little.

If the part after the second episode of Wushan Wuxing is a fantasy that makes people cry, then the part after this part makes people feel warm and happy.

It's just that the warmth and happiness also brought tears to the eyes.

There were laughs, tears, turbulent emotions, and plain warmth... When the whole film was completely over and the lights were turned on in the theater, everyone applauded again
"Yaoyao beef beer!"

"Great holy cow beer!"

"Oh ho ho ho..."

Many of the people present were Li Shuyao's acquaintances. In fact, they were a little familiar with each other. Some even brought their cameras to shoot videos, and they were going to send a VLOG or something when they went back.

Of course, everyone will definitely not steal the broadcast, and what is filmed is the reaction of the audience.

Li Shuyao also stood up, smiled and waved to everyone, facing everyone's applause and cheers, Li Shuyao bowed to everyone.

From the looks of it, the return of the great sage, which she must have adapted, is still very successful.

(End of this chapter)

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