Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 769 She Really Inspired Many People

"The birth of this song was actually a very accidental opportunity... I remember that in that village, the roads were not very smooth, and life was very difficult, but the village invited us to watch a fireworks that night."

"To be honest, I can still think of the moment when the fireworks burst in the air when I close my eyes, and I can also think of the children's cheers and laughter when they saw the fireworks."

"They may be the children who have seen the most fireworks in this world, because their village relies on the fireworks factory in the town to survive, but every time they see them, they will still cheer. I was very moved at that time."

Li Shuyao smiled and said:

"The next song, my heart is like fireworks, I give it to everyone, I hope everyone likes it."

When she saw that scene, this song came to her mind, and then she recorded this song and included it in this album.


"Yaoyao's style of music has changed so much, haha, it was just a Chinese style, but now it has been brought to the modern age, and it is sung directly from the beginning, this impact." Jiang Shi smiled and said: "It's really nice."

"Yeah, it's really nice." Hao Xiao nodded: "We're watching the live broadcast here, are you okay over there?"

"It's okay, I asked them to go back early today, but you also know that if you are an experimenter, if you find something, there is no time."

"Hmm... I don't know if our new drug will be successful." Hao Xiao gritted his teeth.

"It's okay, we still have sufficient funds." Jiang Shi said with a smile: "My old man still supports me very much. Don't put so much pressure on me. I still believe in you."

When Hao Xiao was a graduate student, he accidentally produced a drug that had a very good effect on heart disease. At that time, Jiang Shi and him planned to set up a company to develop this drug.

Jiang Shi's family is very rich. Seeing that Jiang Shi has the idea of ​​starting his own business, he invested some money in Jiang Shi, and the two of them started doing it.

However, it was not smooth at the beginning. How to control costs and how to lower drug prices were all difficulties they faced. Now they have initially achieved mass production, but the production capacity is still relatively low.

Now let's see if there are any major manufacturers that directly acquire their small company, and then inject capital to continue research and development.

It is basically impossible for the two of them to become a pharmaceutical giant. Even if they want to sell this drug, they need continuous financing and continuous attraction of investors.

"Look, didn't Yaoyao sing, our hearts are like fireworks, one flower is connected to another, maybe we can see bright smiles when we turn around."

Seeing that Hao Xiao was still worried, Jiang Shi pointed at Li Shuyao in the video and said with a smile:

"When we first heard Xiaoming and Shiyou talk about her, we didn't believe that there really was such a person in this world. We all thought that this person was hyped up by capital. Now, we are all her fans. It's unbelievable."

"You haven't read poetry for a long time." Hao Xiao said with a smile: "You must be under more pressure."

"Yes, it's very big." Jiang Shi sighed: "You can't just throw away the old man's money for nothing. To be honest, it's only been a while before I have the idea of ​​giving up. It's hard to imagine that Xiaoming is here What's going on in that research institute?"

"Xiaoming is the one most affected." Hao Xiao slapped his mouth: "He was the first to leave, and he is also the one with the highest fighting spirit. He was still talking about new discoveries in the group two days ago."

"That research institute, they are really strong. It is estimated that just a few research results are enough to last a lifetime." Jiang Shi said with a smile: "Our realm is different from others."

"Well... the realm is different."

Hao Xiao smacked his mouth:

"That guy Shiyou is all about being stable, and he really got a doctorate. It shouldn't be difficult to stay in school in the future. That guy Xiaoming is all about contributing to mankind. His goals are Wang Yangming, Lamarck, and Marie Curie. , Tesla..."

"We don't have such a high realm, we are not as mediocre as Shiyou, and we don't want to be as great as Xiaoming, we just want to make money, but don't think that what we do is bad, if this medicine is really developed Yes, our countrymen can use our own cheap heart medicine, haven’t we tested it, and the medicine is not weaker than those so-called imported medicines.”

Jiang Shi said with full expectation:
"Your medicine can save many, many lives."

"Well..." Hao Xiao nodded: "But it was actually just an accident. When I was doing the experiment, I watched Yaoyao's live broadcast, and then she pretended to be a ghost to scare me, and then the accident happened when she shook her hand."

"How much scientific research is born by accident, not everyone is Tesla's genius who can build a laboratory in the brain... Well, we should not be as stupid as Edison, and it costs tens of thousands to try a tungsten wire Second-rate."

Jiang Shi shrugged and laughed haha:
"Just kidding, we are no different from Edison now, we are all businessmen."

"We should have a little more conscience, I think."


It is also a big guy's stalk to hack Edison when Tesla is mentioned. In the pamphlet of the Tesla Memorial Hall, it is full of "greetings" to Edison.

After all, everyone is full of longing and regret for the last experiment of the great scientist who transcended the world. In the end, we have to sigh with emotion that human beings do not deserve to own Tesla.

Well, damn Edison.

When the song gradually came to an end, suddenly there was a knock on the office door of the two of them.

"Come in." Jiang Shi lowered the voice of the live broadcast and said something.

"Boss Jiang, Boss Hao, it's changed... really changed." The boy who came in said excitedly.

"Really?" Hao Xiao stood up from the chair and ran out: "Let's go, let's go and see, hahaha, Lao Liu is really a prophet, he said that there will definitely be results in these two days , there really is a result."

Jiang Shi also ran out together. You can watch the replay of the live broadcast, listen to the songs repeatedly, and the desired changes may be fleeting.

Before Jiang Shi left, she took a deep look at Li Shuyao who had just finished singing a song.

When he decided to start his own business, he was also inspired by her. She continued to succeed across borders and became a genius in everyone's mouth.

Jiang Shi felt that she was also a genius. She, a girl in her teens, could still get here step by step when she lost her parents, so what could she do wrong?

Although he still relies on his parents and brothers, without him, this pharmaceutical company would not be established. Hao Xiao's research results may be plagiarized, bought, or attacked...

Don't think that the scientific world is pure, otherwise the scientists Xiaoming admired would not be so miserable. The battle among the top scientists is very fierce, and the patent may be taken away by someone with a wrong idea.

At that time, not only fame and wealth will be taken away by others, but also the Nobel Prize will be taken away by others.

In comparison, people like Xiaoming who do research silently are the ones who truly lead mankind forward.

Jiang Shi admires such a person very much, but he also knows that he cannot become such a person.

He likes fame and fortune, and he imagines many people to prove that he, Jiang Shi, can do it, even better than them.

"Thank you Yaoyao, it seems that every time I meet you, something good happens." Jiang Shi thought to herself, then turned and closed the office door.

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