Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 770 She Really Inspired Many People

Chapter 770 She Really Inspired Many People ([-])
"The next song, some clips have appeared on the Internet before, and it was actually posted in the process of walking in these impoverished villages. At that time, the melody of this song also emerged in my heart."

"I used to give this song to my friends to celebrate them coming out of the darkness and embracing the light."

"So I have said many times that everyone will have a different experience when they hear a song. Today I will also send this song to everyone, to everyone who may not have succeeded. Don't give up, don't be afraid, Maybe the sun will shine through some crack."

"Sunshine in the cracks, for everyone."

Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief and continued to play. She sang several songs in a row, but she didn't feel tired, and everyone else was fine. no problem.


"Xiaoming, what are you doing?"

In a certain open area of ​​the research institute, Sun Xiaoming sat on a chair and looked at the sky. Next to him was Li Shuyao's live broadcast. Li Shuyao's singing came from the live broadcast:

"... how many times there is no one to tell about the loneliness, how many dreams have not been dreamed, but have become empty..."

"Director." Sun Xiaoming stood up, scratching his head a little embarrassedly.

"Well, I'm watching Yaoyao's live broadcast...why don't you watch it in the house, everyone is watching it at this time." The director laughed.

Since he broadcasted the live broadcast at the research institute a few years ago, Li Shuyao's live broadcast and music have become a lot of entertainment for many people. Not to mention, her music is really good, especially the lonely brave man, I don't know how to sing and cry How many people are there in the institute.

You must know that this group of people may only have studied tears when they were doing experiments, but their feelings are rarely in their hearts. What occupies their minds is experiments, experiments, experiments...

For them, if they have time to cry, it is better to do experiments.

But on the night when the Lonely Warrior was released, many people really cried, and many people stayed up for several overnight experiments before being carried out of the laboratory.

There is no way, in this institute, the ones left are basically lunatics.

Then many people fell in love with Li Shuyao's songs, and Sun Xiaoming could clearly feel that the expressions of the people in the research institute were more lively.

After completing all the basic work of the institute, Sun Xiaoming finally became an official staff member of the institute.

Only after he became an official did he know how many geniuses there are, and there are even younger ones here...

Geniuses are everywhere here, and Sun Xiaoming has the lowest education here.

But after entering here, academic qualifications are meaningless. Everyone focuses on their own experiments, and everyone communicates with each other.

This is a hall of learning.

Of course, this is also a restricted area of ​​life.

The creatures that die here every day... Countless.

"I just buried the kitten that died in my experiment." Sun Xiaoming lowered his head guiltily and said, "My experiment failed, it died."

"Hmm... first time using a cat?" the director asked.

"Yes." Sun Xiaoming nodded.

Although there are countless little white mice in his hands, the little cat is really the first one, and he has devoted a lot of effort to this cat. He has been observing it for half a year, and he has put in a lot of effort to save this cat. But in the end it failed.

The director sat beside Sun Xiaoming and smiled: "Come and sit down... Well, Yaoyao's song today is also very good... Wait until the night is over and there will be a new day, and after the tsunami fades, it's just the ebb and flow of the tide."

Sun Xiaoming sat down just in time to hear Li Shuyao sing: "Don't be afraid of the imperfect corners of life, the sun shines in every crack."

The director didn't speak, just clapped his hands lightly, and then two big dogs came out from the jungle behind them.

The two big dogs had very long hair. They squatted beside the director silently, and then looked at Sun Xiaoming with piercing eyes.

Sun Xiaoming knew that there were many such big dogs in the laboratory, and they... more were survivors of the experiment.

The reason why it is said that the survivors are not the winners is because too many dogs died... It is more accidental that they succeed.

What the research needs to do is to turn this accident into necessity and reduce the death rate.

"Director, I understand." Sun Xiaoming nodded: "I will not give up, I will work hard... I just think that life is too fragile."

"That's right. People say that once everything is done, all bones will be destroyed. In fact, human beings have become the overlords of the world today, and they stepped on the heads of countless lives."

The director smiled and said:
"To put it more cruelly, human beings are actually the biggest demons in this world, and the so-called protection is just some charity for other animals after the demons are full."

"I understand your feelings, and I agree with your thoughts. There are people in the institute who have problems in their hearts. I have already invited a psychologist to prepare for psychological intervention on them."

The director sighed:
"We study life, so we should be in awe of life. These animals are also life, not simple materials."

"The awe of life is also the awe of ourselves. Although many people call us lunatics, I don't want us to really become lunatics. In that case, maybe one day destruction will be born from our research institute."

Sun Xiaoming nodded. He didn't think what the director said was exaggerated. If the research results of their institute were used by people with ulterior motives, it would really cause devastating consequences.

and so……

They seldom go out of the research institute. Even formal research institutes need to go through layers of review if they want to go out. When they go out to do research, they are protected and monitored by special personnel.

So even if the person who jumped into the river that day hadn't been rescued by Li Shuyao, nothing would happen.

"Actually, there are many people like us..." The director laughed: "We also have some people who are conducting more in-depth research in more hidden research institutes abroad."

"Ah..." Sun Xiaoming froze for a moment, this was something he didn't know.

The director seems to be very interested today, maybe because he saw Li Shuyao's current achievements, so he has the desire to share:

"Their research direction is somewhat different from ours... so they are not suitable for domestic use. It is actually quite difficult for them to go out. Some even hide their names and cancel their accounts in China. They are the real heroes in the dark. Many foreign spies want to find them... well, that's... this direction."

The director made a gesture, and Sun Xiaoming was a little confused at first, then suddenly realized, and then he was a little horrified:

"Is this true? Can it really be achieved?"

"There is hope...Of course, there is only hope." The director smiled and said, "Aren't we all the same? All experiments are hopeful, but who knows if they will succeed."

"However, many of the subsidiary products we experimented can also greatly promote the development of technology... It's like the branch of Tesla's great electric power experiment came up with the telegraph, which derived today's mobile phones, but it's a pity that in the end Never completed that experiment in my life."

"Then is anyone still doing that legendary radio experiment?" Sun Xiaoming asked.

"Yes." The director smiled and said, "We are just life, and there are physics, chemistry, astronomy... etc., countless people are doing countless experiments, but we don't have a name."

(End of this chapter)

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