Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 771 She Really Inspired Many People

Chapter 771 She Really Inspired Many People ([-])
Sun Xiaoming sat quietly on the bench alone, blowing the wind, listening to the song, thinking about what the director said, his mind was constantly churning, thinking about the research institute he was in, and thinking about those who struggled overseas .

Li Shuyao has finished singing this song:

"The next song... well, it's a little warm love song. Maybe we are all the same. Some summer, we will fall in love with someone and experience an unforgettable relationship."

"Although these feelings gradually faded and gradually separated in the end, the feeling of heartbeat may never be forgotten."

"We are always looking for sweet love, and we always hope to get beautiful love. Perhaps, many times, it is just that our inner imagination of love is too beautiful, so we are disappointed in reality."

"I hope this song can bring you back to that July, that passionate feeling, no matter what that feeling left you in the end, maybe you have forgotten that person, but I believe you will never forget that I can't forget that feeling even if I look at the figure."

"Then this summer wind is for everyone. I hope everyone can find their own love."


Meng Sijing sat in front of the computer, staring at the blank drawing board in a daze. It seemed that when she heard Li Shuyao's regretful, reminiscing, and carefree voice, her mood fluctuated violently.

"I will always remember the summer wind, clearly say you love me..."

"Heh..." Meng Sijing sneered, then let out a long sigh of relief, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Yaoyao, wow, Yaoyao, I've already forgotten this way, but you can always remind me of it." ……Ugh……"

Meng Sijing grabbed the coffee on the table and took a sip, then looked at the heavy rain outside the window. She had left that city and returned to her hometown now, and she was thinking about the client's design draft in her bedroom.

After Meng Sijing graduated, she originally rented a house in the city where the school was located, and found a job in sales. She originally thought that she was here as a transition, and she would find some professional jobs in the future.

Every time I feel particularly uncomfortable, I will listen to Li Shuyao's songs, and then relieve my mood a little bit. Later, she gradually withstood the pressure, and her sales performance has been rising all the way. She even won the top sales for a month, becoming a The sweet pastry in the hands of the leader.


She meets a man.

What kind of man is that?
He should be a very honest man, sometimes he will act awkwardly handsome, he likes himself but dare not say it, and he will be nervous and speechless at the beginning when he is dating and eating.

In Li Shuyao's music, Meng Sijing remembered his original appearance.

In that July, they were in pairs, and she felt that she had become a winner in life, with both career and love.


The best girlfriend in the company sent a somewhat blurry photo to her. Although it was blurry, she recognized that the man in the photo was him and the woman was her best friend.

The two seemed very close, sitting next to each other... as if kissing.

Her best friend told her that she was never the one he liked, and that he was only with her for her fame.

Her best friend told her that he came here to seduce her that day, saying that he was not a good person and the sooner he left, the better.

Meng Sijing's mind was buzzing at the time. After thinking about it all night, she decided to resign and leave. Although the resignation required a process, she didn't care about the last month's salary, so she just left.

She left the company as quickly as possible, checked out the room, left the city, and returned to her hometown.

During this period, she did not contact him.

Here, she opened a design company, because design is her own specialty. Although the money she makes is not as much as when she was the top seller, it is gradually improving.

Meng Sijing took a deep breath, and began to draw on the white paper...just as she drew an outline, the door of her room was pushed open.

"Sijing, there seems to be a boy downstairs looking for you. Just now the building manager came and knocked on our house. It seems... It's called Yu Liang." Mom's voice sounded from behind.

Meng Sijing's hand froze suddenly, and then quickly ran to the window.

Downstairs in my house, the familiar figure stood in the rain and lowered his head silently. He didn't hold an umbrella, but was just being baptized by the pouring rain.

Meng Sijing made a sharp correction, and the melody was still ringing in her ears:

"Why are you not here? Ask Shanfeng if you will come back..."

Meng Sijing turned around and ran outside.

"Hey, hey, you should wear an umbrella and a raincoat..." Mom followed behind.

"Okay, don't follow, young ones, let them young people go by themselves." Dad walked out: "It's summer, it's okay to get wet in the rain."

"You have a big heart, I have to go down and have a look." My mother hurriedly put on her shoes, and was about to go out with two umbrellas.

"Don't you think that Sijing has been depressed for a while since she came back? I guess, the problem is with this kid." The old man said angrily: "If Sijing is not happy later, I will go down and beat this kid .”

"Hey? Just beat someone, you really... what if it's a son-in-law." Mom rolled her eyes: "Stay at home."

"Touch..." Mom ran out and closed the door directly.

Dad shook his head speechlessly, then walked to the window little by little, looking at the silly boy standing in the rain...

After Meng Sijing ran downstairs, she saw the person who made her dream.

"Why!" Yu Liang shouted loudly, "Why are you leaving?"

"Woo..." Meng Sijing covered her mouth and burst into tears. She walked into the rain unknowingly. She didn't know what to say, she just kept crying.

"I went to check, is it because of Sun Na? She lied to you, why don't you give me a chance to explain!" Yu Liang's face had a lot of water, but he didn't know which one was rain and which one was tears.

When Yu Liang appeared here, Meng Sijing's surging emotions could no longer be restrained. There were two big provinces separated from the city, and she thought she would never see him again.

The other party can find this all the way, it seems that there is no need to prove anything.

"I resigned too. I will be where you are," Yu Liang's voice trembled, "Unless you reject me positively, unless you tell me clearly that you don't love me anymore and you are leaving me." ...I came here just to ask you, are you going to leave me? Don't you love me anymore? You..."

"Oh..." Meng Sijing couldn't bear it anymore, rushed over and hugged Yu Liang in the rain, crying heartbreakingly, as if she wanted to take away the pain of her boyfriend and best friend's betrayal All vented out at this moment.

Yu Liang also hugged Meng Sijing tightly: "Sijing, I miss you, I miss you so much... After you left, there seemed to be a piece of emptiness in my heart. I went to find you and found that you had gone , the only moving company left for you... I have been looking for you for the past six months, don't leave me again, okay..."


"It's really..." My mother looked at the two people hugging each other in the corridor with an umbrella and sighed softly, then smiled and said, "This kid has a conscience."

 I had a dream about Xu Song yesterday...

  Wahaha, I don't even want to wake up, I'm discussing with Xu Song about writing lyrics, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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