Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 772 She Really Inspired Many People

Chapter 772 She Really Inspired Many People ([-])
"The next two songs were written at night and dawn...Maybe many people have never seen the dawn. At that moment, they seem to be able to see the stars hanging in the sky. Those stars are very bright..."

"No matter how humans change, no matter how history changes, those stars are there as if eternal."

"There is a difference between seeing the stars at night and seeing them at dawn."

"I present these two songs together for everyone. The first song is Galaxy and Stars. I hope that those who are still walking alone at this time can look up at the stars. The Milky Way and Stars will always be with us. of."


"Mengxi, try this. This is the specialty here. Although it is a little oily, there should be no problem if you taste it. It won't cause diarrhea..." Jiang Quan looked at the food in the lunch box and scratched his head. It tastes delicious after eating... But will Mengxi have any problems after eating it?

"Oh, I'm all well now, there will be no problem." Liu Mengxi smiled at Jiang Quan, and then picked up a chopstick and ate it: "Well, it's a very unique taste."

After they got married, they continued to travel. Unlike the previous trips, this time they were very relaxed. They didn't have to worry about when Liu Mengxi would faint, and they didn't have to be afraid that this was the last time for the two of them.

Maybe it was lost, so the two cherish the time together very much. They have to stay in each place for a while, taste the local food and see the beautiful scenery of the place.

Jiang Quan will record these in the form of paintings, photos, and videos, and post them on video websites. Now the two have more than 30 fans on Douyin. After all, Jiang Quan's painting skills are indeed very good.

And Liu Mengxi's appearance and performance from time to time can also attract crazy praise from fans, and the sweet trip of the two has infected many netizens.

Here you can not only see tourism, but also love, paintings and music.

The main reason is that these two people are too sweet, which makes many people feel the existence of love here... and the two of them will not pursue any online love stalks, so it seems more real.

It's just that he may be used to it, Jiang Quan still protects Liu Mengxi everywhere, for fear that she will get hurt a little.

Liu Mengxi is completely recovered now, but she still enjoys Jiang Quan's meticulous care.

This honeymoon trip is really sweetened.

"Tell me, is Yaoyao broken in love? Why do you feel that there are so many songs about broken love this time?" Liu Mengxi took another bite, and then heard Li Shuyao sing:

"The evening wind is still very gentle, walking slowly alone, at the fork in the street, looking at the Milky Way and the stars..."

"It shouldn't be, I haven't heard that she has any relationship." Jiang Quan scratched his head: "I even feel that there are no boys around her."

"Maybe it's just a feeling." Liu Mengxi pouted: "For example, that hibernation should be a feeling."

"Well..." Jiang Quan nodded: "Sure enough, the sunlight in the crack has also been included."

"This album is really good. It feels really comfortable to listen to this album on the road." Liu Mengxi unknowingly ate a few more: "If we go out to play tomorrow, let's listen to these songs in the car."

"Okay." Jiang Quan said with a smile, "I always feel like I'm sitting in a car when I'm listening to music."

"Hey, originally this song was written while on the road... Ugh..." Just as he was speaking, Liu Mengxi suddenly retched.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Quan stood up quickly, ran over and asked nervously, "Is there something uncomfortable?"

"Ugh..." Liu Mengxi didn't answer, and hurried to the bathroom of the hotel: "Ugh..."

"Where is it uncomfortable... There should be a hospital nearby... Let's call 120..." Jiang Quan took out his mobile phone, but was snatched by Liu Mengxi.

After vomiting a few times, Liu Mengxi looked at Jiang Quan with a strange expression.

"What's the matter, this is..." Jiang Quan turned around anxiously: "Let's go to the hospital, why don't we go back and find Yaoyao again..."

"Idiot, go to the pharmacy downstairs to buy that..." Liu Mengxi gave Jiang Quan a glare, and then handed Jiang Quan his phone.

"Ah? What to buy?" Jiang Quan was stunned for a moment.

"Pregnant early, what else." Liu Mengxi said angrily.

"Ah?" Jiang Quan looked at Liu Mengxi in shock, and then quickly replaced the shock with surprise, a blush quickly crept up on his cheeks, and he stuttered: " mean..."

"I don't know yet, so hurry up and buy it." Liu Mengxi spread her hands.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away..." Jiang Quan ran out quickly, then ran back after a while, slowly helped Liu Mengxi onto the sofa, and ran out again.

Liu Mengxi looked at Jiang Quan's back and smiled slightly, and stroked her stomach with a happy face... She didn't intend to tell him so early, if he knew that she was pregnant, this trip would be over.

But it's just right here, and it's a big deal to travel with the children in the future.

It's because I'm a little greedy for this beauty.

Holding the phone, Liu Mengxi looked at Li Shuyao in the video, and she had already finished singing the previous song:
"The next song is the sea of ​​stars, I hope everyone's love will be the sea of ​​stars."

Liu Mengxi smiled slightly, yes, her love is now a sea of ​​stars, and it is her most ideal sea of ​​stars.

They lived on the first floor of the hotel, and they were looking for a hotel with a pharmacy at the door, so Jiang Quan ran back panting before the song was finished.

Jiang Quan closed the door and stood at the door, watching Liu Mengxi caressing her stomach with a happy face. There was a mobile phone on the table in front of her, and she was shaking her body gently to the music.

Jiang Quan took out the pencil and the sketchbook he carried with him from his pocket, and stood at the door to draw quickly.

"Could it be that our love is like the stars guarding the sea, never leaving, I rush to you, you are the stars and the sea..."

Liu Mengxi was intoxicated in Li Shuyao's high-pitched voice, she knew that Jiang Quan had returned, and also knew that Jiang Quan was painting herself, she was still immersed in this beauty.

This is a tacit understanding between the two.

"so beautiful……"

Liu Mengxi closed her eyes lightly, images of seas of stars appeared in her mind.

"The last song, some people may have found a clip on the Internet. This song was sung in front of many people with a guitar at the end of my trip. Someone asked me what the name of the song was. I said This song is called Once You."

"Then that person said that I lied to him. There was no such song on the Internet. I smiled and said that I just played it. It is true that there is no such song on the Internet..."

"I am back."

Li Shuyao sat there chatting, Jiang Quan also finished his sketch, and walked over with Zaozao pregnant.

"Well, let's put it there for now, let's listen to the song together, the last song." Liu Mengxi said with a smile while rubbing her belly.

"Okay." Jiang Quan nodded, put the pregnancy test stick and sketchbook next to the phone, and then sat beside Liu Mengxi.

She lay on his shoulder, and he put his arm around her.

(End of this chapter)

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