Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 77 The daily life of playing games together in the tent

Chapter 77 The Daily Life of Playing Games Together in the Tent

Although Fang Xuening is the oldest among the three, the one who looks the most normal should be Tantai Jingyi...

Lu Yao looked at the two people rolling around in the tent, she was a little speechless, then she turned her head to look at Tantai Jingyi, and saw her eyes flickering, it was obvious that she wanted to go too.

Well, I was wrong, these three are not normal, but Tantai Jingyi should have lived in the base for a long time, and being with those professional players every day is a bit of an idol burden...

Bah, bah, bah, this is called growing up!
Lu Yao stood up with a smile and began to help pack things, which was also very good, and he felt a lot younger when he was with these children.

Good to be young.

"Get up and pack your things, and lie down later." Tantai Jingyi yelled, and then the two of them ran out of the tent.

The meat and seafood are basically eaten up, and there are some vegetables and staple foods left. These can be eaten in the next meal, and they will definitely not be wasted.

Well, the main reason is that Li Shuyao is here, so he won't waste it at all!
Seeing the delicious food she ate, Lu Yao ate a lot more.

Everything that needed to be cleaned up was almost done, and Lu Yao also said goodbye and went home. She was very satisfied today, had a good time playing and eating, and also signed Li Shuyao, who had unlimited potential, and she was very satisfied.

Now she has a lot of people in her hands, some are powerful and some are not. She thinks it is almost enough, and if there are more, it may be too busy.

"Goodbye, Miss Lu!"

Seeing Lu Yao's car leave, the three of them glanced at each other, then ran back slowly.

Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi both ran up to hug their quilts, while Li Shuyao ran up to open her small cabinet and took out three NS.

In fact, she has several sets of this thing, in addition to the two basic versions, there are also several collector's editions.

They were originally placed in the cabinet, but this thing is just taken out to play... what's so good about it.

The three of them ran down the tent, and they spread the tent in a short while. Tantai Jingyi was the fastest, and she was rolling inside at this moment...

"Haha, it's really fun." Tantai Jingyi jumped up, pinched her waist and said with a smile: "Then let's sleep here tonight."

"Hey, I always wanted to go for a picnic, but I never had the chance. Although it doesn't look like a picnic here, it's not bad, at least it's safe." Fang Xuening jumped into the tent with a smile.

There are small lights inside and outside the tent, which are not very bright, but the right lighting makes the atmosphere more atmospheric.

Li Shuyao slammed her lips when she saw these two guys rushing into the tent. During the live broadcast just now, each and every one of them showed all kinds of righteous Ling Ran, and now their true colors have been revealed!

Li Shuyao threw the NS into it: "Come, come, play game consoles online in the tent under the moon, haha, I've been thinking about it for a long, long time."

"Before we play, there is something I need to tell you." Tantai Jingyi said while sitting cross-legged in the tent while holding NS while turning it on.

"Ang? What's the matter?" Li Shuyao also sat down, the window next to the tent was rolled up, the breeze kept blowing, and the night was quite cool.

"Some things about the live broadcast." Tantai Jingyi said: "The live broadcast is not so easy and simple. There are still many things that need to be paid attention to. I think it is necessary to remind you..."

Saying that, Tantai Jingyi patted Fang Xuening who was still rolling around next to her: "Get up, and you can supplement."

"Oh." Fang Xuening nodded and sat up: "I know, I know, this guy Jingyi just wants to say, you have to be careful during the live broadcast, don't be too casual, you were quite nervous at first, Later, I relaxed, and finally made the bed, so be careful."

"Yeah, although what you have done is nothing, but it is not far from the edge. In the future, when you do live broadcasts, you must have a string in your mind. No matter how happy or sad you are, you must have a string. Then That is, you are going to pass on the right values.”

Tantai Jingyi said:
"Whether you want to do it yourself or not, you have to treat the audience as your own children, because you don't know what kind of people are watching your live broadcast, so you don't want your children to know, Don’t show it in the live broadcast.”

Li Shuyao smacked her lips, she wanted to say that she didn't want a child, but it might be a bit exaggerating to say it at this time... Forget it, what he said makes sense.

"We are one person, but there are many people watching the live broadcast, all kinds of people, people from all walks of life, they may have some specific groups, but each individual must be different."

Tantai Jingyi continued:
"One thing, you may think it doesn't matter. Some audiences find it very interesting, but some audiences feel uncomfortable. This is difficult to say, but as long as you convey the correct values, even if someone doesn't like it, they will not refute it. .”

"Although during the live broadcast, we said that we should relax and be more natural, so that we can get closer to the audience, but after all, we are open to the public, and there are many people watching the live broadcast. We will affect some things more or less. Thinking about it, it actually makes sense to restrict the anchors.”

"After all, everyone's thinking is different, and everyone will have a different interpretation of a sentence, so as long as you are live broadcasting, don't relax too much, don't say something too negative, and don't transmit negative energy at any time."


"Yeah." Li Shuyao nodded. She really didn't pay attention to this point before. Thinking about it this way, although the picture of her making the bed in the end is not perfect, it is somewhat inappropriate. Rolling around on it is also a bit indecent, okay At that time, Fang Xuening shifted the camera, so it only appeared a little bit and then disappeared.

"I'll pay attention later."

This point is actually very important, she will rely on this to make money in the future, and her happy life in this world depends on it, and she cannot be banned because of some impulsiveness.

"Okay, okay, business is over, let's have an exciting game of flying chess!" Fang Xuening took out a board game.

"That's not flying chess, that's a sports meeting..." Tantai Jingyi was speechless: "Forget it, let's fight together."

"Haha, no, no, I can't beat you in a big fight, I protest!" Fang Xuening laughed haha.

"Protesting is invalid, haha, let's start a big fight." Li Shuyao directly grabbed Fang Xuening's NS, and then opened the game, and the three of them started the game together.

"Come on, let's go, Xiaoxuexue, go up and beat her, let's make an alliance." Li Shuyao came over holding the game console, Tantai Jingyi's game talent is really terrifying, and she is so good in this game.

She has absorbed part of this guy's game talent, but it is basically on the League of Legends side, and she needs to be proficient here to be very powerful.

Besides, who said it was going to be one-on-one, didn't they bring Xiao Xue Ning together, let's do it together!

"Hmph, you two go up together, watch me beat you up one by one!"

Tantai Jingyi raised her head, although she said it was the two of you every time, but which time was it not me who beat two together?

bring it on!No matter where it is, as long as it is on the field, I will defeat all opponents!
Well, I'm a little out of middle school, let's change...

I want to beat Xiao Ningning and Xiao Yaoyao violently!
Hmm, this is good.

 I also want to play games in the tent~
(End of this chapter)

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