Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 78 The Cat's "En" Return

Chapter 78 The Cat's "En" Return
After playing a few games, Tantai Jingyi beat Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening violently with her amazing maneuvers, and after feeling that Li Shuyao's maneuvers were getting stronger and stronger, she directly chose to end the game!
That's right, she stopped playing!
It's not a real competition, her goal is to beat Xiao Yaoyao and Xiao Ningning violently. Xiao Yaoyao's learning ability is really strong, and her game talent is also quite good. There are also competitions in this game abroad, although it is just that kind of entertainment nature, but the description is somewhat competitive...

After playing the game for a while, the three of them lay side by side in a row, three small heads stuck out from the mouth of the tent, and the three of them stared blankly at the sky together.

The sky is high, far away, and beautiful.

"Xue Ning..." Li Shuyao looked at the distant starry sky and called softly.

"Huh?" Fang Xuening responded.

"Jingyi..." Li Shuyao called again.

"I have something to say."

Li Shuyao smacked her lips, slipped her left hand from under Fang Xuening's neck, and her right hand from under Tantai Jingyi's neck, and said with a smile: "Is this the legendary left hug and right hug?"

"Yo, then do I have to call out Your Majesty?" Fang Xuening glanced at Li Shuyao.

"I think she wants to be dealt with." Tantai Jingyi also looked sideways at Li Shuyao.

"Hey, it's been a long night, I don't want to sleep, two lovers, are you interested in pushing Pai Gow together with my younger brother?" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

Fang Xuening was speechless: "What a mess."

Tantai Jingyi gave Fang Xuening a look: "I see, she is provocative, hum, come, let's go together!"

"Okay!" Fang Xuening chuckled...

"Ah ha ha ha ha... If you don't bring something like this, if you don't bring something like this, how can the two of you go together, ouch, you can't tickle, you can't tickle, hahahaha... It's not fair, it's not fair, I want one-on-one Men fighting!"

Fang Xuening snorted softly: "There are no men here, and there is no one-on-one men's battle."

"Exactly!" Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "This is called a jungler coming to gank, haha."

"I was wrong, I was wrong... The two of you can't be called Aiqing, you should be called Aifei...Ahahahaha...No, no, I was wrong hahahaha..."



Returning to the state where the three were lying side by side, the three little heads poked out from the tent again, and the three let out a long sigh of relief.

It's just that before it was Li Shuyao who hugged her left and right, but now Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi stretched out one leg and pressed on her body.

"I'm so tired... why don't you go to sleep..." Li Shuyao yawned. The wine she drank last night has not completely passed away, and there is still a little whirling in her mind.

How to say this feeling, it seems that some people like it, and people who like to drink should like this feeling.

This feeling that the whole world is spinning.

Because of this rotation, and because she had been busy all afternoon before, and because she had a little exercise just now, anyway, she is sleepy now...

"I'm also...a little sleepy." Fang Xuening opened her mouth. She played along with her for so long last night, and she played live for so long this afternoon.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were basically paddling. She was really doing a live broadcast. The live broadcast was very tiring. The main reason was that the nerves had to be stretched all the time, which was exhausting.

So after playing around for a while, she wanted to sleep too.

"Then... let's shrink in, what if it rains later." Tantai Jingyi is not very sleepy, she usually goes to bed late, and often trains until late at night, so she will not be too sleepy at this time.

"Oh, woo... ah..." Li Shuyao babbled a few words, and then fell asleep.

Fang Xuening didn't speak at all, and just fell asleep quietly.

Tantai Jingyi was a little speechless, why did these two guys leave their heads outside and fell asleep, she just sat up, and then saw a certain kitten walking over lightly.

The little cat glanced at Tantai Jingyi, nodded slightly, and then slowly walked to Li Shuyao's side.

Tsk tsk, I finally got my chance!Sure enough, Mama is going to sleep so late, hehe, sad human beings, you can't see clearly at night, you have to sleep, haha, finally fell into the hands of my dog ​​brother!
Tantai Jingyi looked at the little cat expressionlessly, did this guy nod to her just now?Did you wink at yourself?Did he show some kind of hostile expression towards Li Shuyao?

No, isn't this guy just a cat? How could he show such an expression?

Don't scare me this late at night...

Hiss, it seems even more frightening that the two of them are asleep next to them.

Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth, somehow it felt like a thriller novel, the people next to her fell asleep, and then a certain kitten...

Damn, is this really a cat?

Tantai Jingyi looked at the little cat that had sneaked up next to Li Shuyao's head, and suddenly wanted to see what this guy was trying to do...

Then I saw Brother Gou secretly stretched out his little feet, kicked Li Shuyao's face, then turned around and ran away.

Hissing, what a thrill!Pretend to be B and run away, kicking the pockmarked face directly, haha, it's so relieved!
Brother Gou ran away in a hurry, while Tantai Jingyi fell into deep thought beside her...

This stuff...

Isn't it true that a person transmigrated into the cat's body?Why does she feel that this guy looks like everything, except he doesn't look like a cat.

Alas, this man is not worried, and neither is the cat.

Tantai Jingyi wiped Li Shuyao's face speechlessly, there really was a small paw print.

After wiping her face, Tantai Jingyi dragged the two of them back, at least put their heads in the tent, the kitten will not talk, don't wait for it to really rain...or wait until there is some dew in the morning or something It's also quite uncomfortable.

After Tantai Jingyi dragged the two in, as soon as she looked up, she saw a certain kitten peeking in...

Okay, this guy is not coming back to inquire about information, is he?

Brother Gou looked at Li Shuyao, but he didn't wake up!
Haha, I knew it, and nothing would happen if I kicked it!

As for the two-legged beast next to her, she just came here, so she definitely doesn't know my brother's status. Now, let's frighten her, otherwise I will be bullied by newcomers in the future!
Look, I dare to kick Ma Ma, you are not allowed to bully me in the future!
Brother Gou raised his head, a little proud!

Brother Gou took a look at Tantai Jingyi, who had been "scared" and was stunned, and decided that he could work harder to completely frighten this new Two-legged beast!She threw herself last time, this time give her some color!
So, Brother Gou confidently ran over again, ran to the side of Li Shuyao's head, stretched out his little paw this time, looked at her face for comparison, and then raised his head to look at Tantai Jingyi.

Look, I'm going to kick Ma Ma, are you afraid!
Then Brother Gou saw Tantai Jingyi holding a boxy thing in her hand... What is that thing?Is it a stone?Want to hit me?

Hmph, is my dog ​​brother afraid of things like stones?I'm afraid you don't know my speed!

Brother Gou cast a contemptuous glance at Tantai Jingyi who was holding the phone, then slapped Li Shuyao's face with his paw, then turned and ran away!
Hahaha, it's exciting, it's exciting, I pretended to be a B and let me run away, hahaha, you have today too!Ho Ho!Turn over and sing!Hahaha!

 Going for a hike this afternoon... Sigh...

  (Thanks to No. [-] Poison White for the reward, okay~)

(End of this chapter)

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