Chapter 79
At night, there was light rain in the sky, pattering on top of the tent, Tantai Jingyi sat up, looked outside through the transparent window, it was the first time for her to watch a rainy night under such circumstances, at this moment It was very peaceful.

Tantai Jingyi looked at the sleeping two people and the cat next to her and shook her head with a smile. This little cat was jumping around before, but it was the first time it ran in when it rained.

Obviously he could run back to his own nest, but he still ran here. He is really an interesting little guy.

Countless water droplets fall from the sky, and there are three cute guys in the tent. If this picture is painted by some painters, it may be more beautiful.

Unfortunately, she, Tantai Jingyi, is not a painter.

Lie down and sleep!
Accompanied by the faint sound of rain, Tantai Jingyi's heart was very calm, and the disappointment of losing the game a few days ago was gradually dissipating. Sure enough, sometimes it's good to go out to relax.


In the early morning of the next day, several people woke up early. Maybe it was because the birds chirping in the early morning were extraordinarily cheerful, or maybe it was because they slept outside somewhat unsteadily. Even Tantai Jingyi, who slept very late, woke up early. woke up.

Then Li Shuyao found a kitten lying on her neck, well, it was still facing her face!
Hey, this little guy is very brave, he even dared to ride on his own face, if you don't give him a look, he doesn't even know how many eyes the Lord Ma has!

Li Shuyao directly picked up the nape of the kitten's neck.

"Meow..." The little cat woke up in a daze, and then saw Li Shuyao's extremely unfriendly eyes.

The little kitty woke up all of a sudden, what the hell, is it that the thing that I kicked Mama's feet last night has been discovered?That's what the new Twoleg next door told us!
Tantai Jingyi was a little tired, the way the little cat looked at her just now was so strange, why did this guy have so many scenes!

"Meow!" The little kitten yelled at Tantai Jingyi, and actually informed you, you are a traitor, didn't you agree yesterday that everyone would kick Ma Ma together, today you actually took the lead in reporting!
Tantai Jingyi is speechless, isn't this guy a little drifting these days...

Thus, Tantai Jingyi silently took out her mobile phone.

Hmph, young man, you may not know that last night you kicked Li Shuyao, I recorded it!
Li Shuyao and the little cat looked at the mobile phone in Tantai Jingyi's hand, and they were both shocked.

Brother Gou was stunned. With his small brain, he really couldn’t figure out why there was a kitten who was exactly like him doing the same thing, and Mama was right in front of him, why was he in that little square? .

Li Shuyao was also shocked, this little cat dared to kick her face while she was asleep!Then what else is it afraid to do?It's the opposite of the sky!

I was caught this time, but did I not get caught many times before?Having it once means having it countless times!
Sure enough, the brat can't be used to it!

Li Shuyao smiled slightly, looked at the little cat and said, "Very good, Brother Gou, I have a project about many bubbles and I want to have a deep talk with you. Look at you, you have been running around outside for so many days , Did you make your body dirty, come here, I will give you a good bath this time."

With that said, Li Shuyao walked out of the tent with the kitten in her hand!

"Meow! Meow! Meow..." Help, kill the cat, is there any hero passing by, help...

It's a pity not, the poor little cat was caught by the ruthless big devil just like that and took a bath.

At this time, Fang Xuening finally woke up in a daze, she rubbed her hazy eyes, and looked at Tantai Jingyi sleepily: "Well, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's time to eat." Tantai Jingyi smiled with her lips pursed, got up and tidied up, if you still want to sleep, go back to sleep, it rained last night, it's very humid here.

"Oh." Fang Xuening pouted, and ran back with her quilt in her arms. It's about seven o'clock now, and it's still time for her to sleep. No, just want to go to sleep!

The whole morning passed quickly. Although everyone was very interested in the picnic last night, after sleeping, they immediately entered the sage time. Not to mention the back pain, the main reason is sleepiness... Because I didn't sleep well.

So Li Shuyao continued to sleep with her arms around a clean little white cat, Fang Xuening didn't wake up after being hugged by the quilt, Tantai Jingyi tidied up a little, but went back to sleep soon .

Maybe after living indoors for a long time, they still want to come down to live for a while, but they definitely don't want to live anymore in a short time!

After eating at noon, Fang Xuening went to make some preparations before the release of the song. She was going to release the song tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi had nothing to do, so they were going to double row together for a while.

Tantai Jingyi's main account in Hanbok is Grandmaster, because she has been competing before, so she doesn't have much time to play ranked, and her rank is not that high.

At present, there are mainly some passers-by and the substitutes of major teams in the king ranks. There are also some professional players who are playing and rushing to high scores. Those are basically strong and extremely hardworking.

Tantai Jingyi is also coming soon. After two more days of fighting, she should be the king when the settlement is settled... After this holiday, she may be able to rush to the forefront of the king.

So Tantai Jingyi set up a diamond trumpet to double row with Li Shuyao.

Well, there is another reason why she didn't become the king because she played the trumpet. The main reason is that the queue will be slow after the rank is high. Sometimes she can't be ranked for a long time, and then she will play the trumpet.

The two are in their respective rooms, but they both have the door open, and they can hear their shouts. After starting the game, the two of them got together. Tantai Jingyi finds it very interesting. She really didn't expect this to happen. One day, I double rowed with Li Shuyao in the high-end game of Hanbok.

"Come on, let me see if you are really as powerful as you say." Tantai Jingyi roared.

"Look, haha, let's fight to see who will go first!" Li Shuyao was also a little excited.

As the saying goes, if you have the ability to not pretend to be B, you will walk at night like a brocade!In the past few days, she has always pretended to be Fang Xuening, but Fang Xuening is not in the gaming industry. To her, there is not much difference between gold and diamonds, they can both beat her...

The game started soon. She was assigned to the top lane, and Tantai Jingyi was assigned to the middle lane. Fortunately, they both chose the lane they are good at.

"I'll just go straight to Sword Girl. In fact, I'm best at Sword Girl and Lu Xian." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Lu Xi'an? On the road?" Tantai Jingyi blinked, and then directly locked the trick enchantress: "Long-handed hero, on the road, he can have the right to line up when he is fighting."

But it's not easy to play in a team...

This point is basically everyone's consensus. Although the top lane of LPL is getting stronger now, in fact, the top lane is still dominated by fighters and tanks.

This year's spring championship team's top lane is a master of fighters and tanks, but it seems to be a bit sluggish now. This version doesn't like top lane tanks very much.

In this round, they played Sword Fairy in the top lane, Blind Monk in the jungle, Enchantress in the mid lane, and Kasaga Titans in the bottom lane.

On the opposite side are Daomei in the top lane, Qinggangying in the jungle, Syndra in the middle lane, and the policewoman Jiafengnv in the bottom lane.

The lineups of the two sides can only be said to be average on the field, but when it comes to ranked, who cares whether they really match the version, just do it.

 Today is another day of waking up early...

(End of this chapter)

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