Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 80 This is too miserable...

Chapter 80 This is too miserable...

"Rush rush!"

At the beginning of the game, Li Shuyao bought the equipment and went on the road. She was a little excited, hehe, Jingyi was surprised this time!
Her game ID is yao, um, it's just a Chinese pinyin, and she doesn't have any fancy name, just her own name.

When I came to Shanglu, I didn't see Daomei's shadow...

Li Shuyao blinked, then sneaked around the river, and quietly touched the other party's triangle grass.

Their side is the blue side, Li Shuyao suspects that this guy may have helped to become popular, this is also possible, come and have a look, if there is nothing wrong, she will go back, anyway, her Q skill can pass through walls.

It didn't take long to see Daomei, who had lost a little blood, walking over from here flickeringly.

Tsk tsk, this is the case in the passerby game. When helping the jungler, the blood volume often has poor calculation of the wild monster's hatred. For example, now, this guy may be hit twice by the red BUFF.

When approaching the triangular grass, Jian Ji was already ready to move...

Just when Daomei just walked into the triangle grass, Jianji suddenly got out of the grass and hit Daomei directly. This Daomei was obviously startled. After fighting for a few times, they turned around and left.

It's a disadvantage here to be beaten a few times first, but their jungler Qing Gangying is right behind, and after hitting a red, he will be directly promoted to level 2. As long as he pulls back, Li Shuyao will definitely not dare to chase.

The fact is also the same. He took a few steps back, and Li Shuyao turned around and left. She is only level 1, and she can't fight two with one, and she has a red buff to some extent.

So get out now.

Li Shuyao walked back contentedly. This time, she made a profit. She just hit a loophole and added several knives. The girl is already half-blooded. She can go home to make up her condition. She can directly push the line of soldiers and wait for the girl It turns out that she has a level advantage, and all the pawns are lost.

If she doesn't go home, she can control the line, so that she can't get soldiers and experience!

Well, you can't press too hard, if Qing Gangying from the opposite side rushes over, she won't be able to hit her right now...

Daomei still chooses not to go home. The cat takes medicine under the tower. Even if it loses experience, it still has to eat some soldiers.

"Jingyi, you can come on the road in a while, there is meat to eat!" Li Shuyao was very excited, went up to steal an opening and then pulled back, cool and unrestrained!
"Yo, it's ok, you've suppressed the opponent so much, but you're a bit deep, be careful of the opponent's gank." Tantai Jingyi shouted.

"Understood!" Li Shuyao nodded: "I'll take a look...I'll go, Qinggang Ying is on my side."

"Are you okay!" Tantai Jingyi shouted.

"It's okay, it's okay, wait for me to be level 6!"

Li Shuyao turned slightly to avoid Qinggangying's second-stage kick, then took two steps forward, once again dodged the double-edged swords that the knife girl rushed up to release, and then returned to the soldier with a Q skill On the line, he took two steps forward and pulled back with a piercing slash.

"It's ok, this made you hide." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"That's right." Li Shuyao chuckled, and avoided all the control skills that should be dodged this time, or at least had to give in a flash.

After going home to tidy up and then come out, Li Shuyao is going to do something this time. Although she brought teleportation online, she rarely teleports for support in the rankings.

The current teleportation cannot be interrupted by yourself, and it is very dangerous to pass it on to yourself. If you go down and all your teammates run away, it will explode.

"Come on, let's get this sword girl on the road, hum, dare to push my tower!" Li Shuyao ran to the tower with a hum, and at this time the enchantress also came up together.

Li Shuyao walked up unsteadily, pushed the pawn line forward, and then jumped forward on purpose, as if she had made a mistake. At this time, Dao Mei also made a tentative attack, and directly pulled a pair of wings , at this moment, Li Shuyao used Laurent's mind-eye knife, and directly stunned Daomei.

It was also at this moment that a demon girl jumped out directly, and the two chains were hung on Daomei's body one by one...


After getting the kill from Daomei, Li Shuyao chuckled: "Come on, let's push the line together, this Daomei is completely torn apart."

Tantai Jingyi raised her eyebrows slightly, Li Shuyao can be said to have completed the direct suppression of the opponent, no matter the level or the last hit, although it was only a few minutes, but with this kill, she can It keeps snowballing.

After pushing the pawn line in, Li Shuyao was not in a hurry to go home, but started to invade the wild area with their blind monk. Tantai Jingyi returned to the middle route. If she walked for a long time, Syndra on the opposite side would also Well come to support.

Li Shuyao and the blind monk went straight into the opponent's red BUFF wild area, and Li Shuyao tapped the signal several times to go on the road, and then ran to squat in the grass opposite the stone man...

That's right, she wants to give this sword girl a combo package, and she handed it over before sending it to her. At this time, the sword girl is really sorry for her so many skills without military training.

The blind monk also understood quite well. After seeing Li Shuyao's movements, he squatted next to her. Speaking of which, they are both level 5 now, and they are almost at level 6 experience, but this timing is very good, and there is no need to wait. up.

After a while, Daomei came out wobbly, this guy is only level 4 now, it's too miserable, I didn't get a few soldiers, and I didn't get much experience, I came back from the jungle without success off the road...

Li Shuyao was the first one to go up, Daomei was startled, she released Biyi Double Blades to block the road... Well, Daomei didn't want to stun Li Shuyao, she just wanted to block the road, then turned around and left.

The speed of this pair of wings and double blades is very fast. Li Shuyao will be dizzy if she moves forward before she can release her skills. If she releases her skills first, she will not be able to catch up with Daomei.

Daomei also suffered from the loss of the last time, so I won't faint you, can't I!

Of course not.

Li Shuyao jumps directly onto the path of Twin Blades in a flash, and then stabs out with a heart-eye knife, and the sword girl is directly fainted there, and the blind monk also appears at the right time, and a Tianyinbo kicks on the sword girl...

Daomei is not well at all, what the hell, is there such an operation?Did I eat your rice or rob your white noodles, as for it!I quit and flashed to kill me, the jungler didn't come, the mid laner didn't come, and he played a P!

Also, didn't you agree to go heads-up on the road? Why do you always call people to come up and take the top order? I don't know what this order means!

Daomei's mentality is a bit broken at the moment, can she still play like this?Aren't they all freed on the road?What are you two old people doing here!

Damn, I don't want to play anymore!

After killing Daomei again, the pawn line happened to be a little below the tower, and the two went back directly from the line, then ate a layer of tapi, and went home contentedly.

At this time, Qinggang Ying on the opposite side wobbled over to make up the line.

When Daomei returned to online again, her mentality completely collapsed. She beat level [-] to level [-], and even played woolen wool. One person can play two!

Tantai Jingyi looked at the sword girl on the opposite side, and then at Li Shuyao's sword girl...

Hey, this is too miserable, the road will soon be cleared.

 Sleepy and hungry!Let's go home and sleep...

(End of this chapter)

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