Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 84 let it go

Chapter 84 let it go
Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi's double row did not attract too many people's attention, or in other words, it only attracted the attention of a small number of people. After all, they did not broadcast live, and did not disclose anything, but there were a few OB live broadcast rooms Just watching.

Although there were quite a few people in these live broadcast rooms, compared to the players who started their own live broadcasts, it was still a lot worse. After all, Tantai Jingyi has not entered the playoffs so far, and the attention has also decreased a lot.

On this day, Li Shuyao basically did nothing else, and kept on increasing her points. On the way, several people added her as friends, and she added a few selectively, because her winning rate along the way was quite high. After a few rounds, you will be able to rank as a master.

Anyway, I can communicate. Li Shuyao has learned Korean before. Isn't this just in case one day he can copy songs...Anyway, one more skill will be useful sooner or later.

Well, I used it when playing Hanbok.

Tantai Jingyi abnormally didn't go to more rankings today, but studied her tactics behind Li Shuyao, watched her operations, and then...

Also see her typing crazily.

That's right, it's in Korean.

Sometimes he even turned on the voice and yelled a few words in Korean, which made Tantai Jingyi stunned. You play games as long as you play games. What are you doing typing those articles?

Although Tantai Jingyi couldn't understand what was typed, judging from the state of Li Shuyao's typing at that time and the situation of some people's replies...

It shouldn't be a good word!
It's quite interesting that she can speak Korean.

Tantai Jingyi sighed a little, the Japanese songs before, and now the English songs made for Fang Xuening, she can write lyrics and compose the music, the game level is still so high, and now she can communicate in Korean...

So, what else can this product not do?
At around 12 o'clock in the evening, Fang Xuening ran back erratically. After waking up in the afternoon, this guy went out. It took him so long to come back, and he didn't know what he was up to.

"Haha, sisters, my song will be released tomorrow." Fang Xuening laughed and said, "Tomorrow at 12 o'clock in the evening, which is the morning of the day after tomorrow, I have made an agreement with Station B, and it will be the first song at that time." The time is updated regularly."

"Not bad, seeing that you have been busy for so long this time, it seems that you have a plan in mind." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Of course, Yaoyao has finished writing, composing and arranging the music, so we can just sing and make the MV." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle, "Otherwise, it wouldn't be so fast."

Li Shuyao turned to the chair and stretched her waist long: "It depends on the situation, it's not bad this time."

"That's..." Fang Xuening came over step by step, and then sat on Li Shuyao's body all of a sudden: "Hey, isn't it the quality of your songs?"

"Tsk tsk... It looks like I still want it." Li Shuyao raised Fang Xuening's chin all of a sudden, and smiled evilly.

"Hey, it all depends on your mood, damn it."

As soon as Fang Xuening finished speaking, Tantai Jingyi picked up a figure next to them and smashed it on the heads of the two of them...

" head..." Li Shuyao pouted pitifully.

"Oh... my armor!" Fang Xuening looked pitifully at the large armored robot in Tantai Jingyi's hand.

"It won't break, I didn't even try my best." Tantai Jingyi was speechless.

"I know, I just feel bad." Fang Xuening continued to be pitiful...


In fact, in the past two days, the news about Fang Xuening's new song has been uploaded on station B. Fang Xuening's live broadcast and dynamics are being promoted, and not only Fang Xuening sings, but also Li Shuyao wrote the lyrics and composed the music.

This suddenly attracted many fans of Li Shuyao's songs...

Moreover, Fang Xuening's promotional news also hung a photo of Fang Xuening. In this photo, Fang Xuening seemed to be standing on a snow mountain, with a crystal crown on her head and a scepter in her hand. Behind her is a white translucent cloak, she is wearing a light blue evening dress, and there is a huge snowflake under her feet...

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Fang Xuening's channel uploaded the MV of the new song, the cover is also the same as the previous photo, the name of the video is: let it go.
That's right, the song that Li Shuyao gave to Fang Xuening is the theme song of the famous "Frozen". At that time, after Fang Xuening described what she wanted, this song was the first song that popped into her mind, and This song also fits well with Fang Xuening.

Perfect for her theme song.

"Come on, let's watch together."

After the MV was released, Fang Xuening dragged Li Shuyao to Tantai Jingyi's room, and waited for Tantai Jingyi to finish the ranking, then dragged her to the couch in the back, and the three of them sat together Watching video on tablet on bed.

Fang Xuening opened the MV happily. The scene started with a continuous snow-capped mountain, and the camera continued to move towards the snow-capped mountain from a distance. On the slope of the snow-capped mountain, there was a queen who was constantly climbing up.

She was wearing a gorgeous dress, but she was constantly releasing the "shackles" on her body. She threw away the gloves, the cloak, the crown, and put down her neatly coiled hair.

Bunches of ice and snow magic bloomed in her hands, she seemed to be an elf in this snow mountain.

She sang hard and ran happily. She walked to a canyon and waved her hand. The ice and snow turned into a long bridge for her to climb up.

When she climbed to the highest peak of the snow-capped mountain, an ice and snow castle was born around her. Standing in the castle, the ice and snow continued to climb to her body, forming a light blue evening dress. Her A flowing translucent cloak was born behind her, a crown of ice and snow formed on top of her head, and a huge snowflake stepped out from under her feet.

She kept walking forward and came to the balcony of the ice and snow castle. She wanted to announce to the whole world that she was not afraid of the severe cold and was free from now on!
Those gossips, those rules and regulations, let them go from now on!

Follow your heart...

In the end, she turned around and returned to her ice and snow castle, no longer caring about this mundane world, she only wanted to be the ice queen!

" special effects skills are too beautiful." After watching the whole MV, Li Shuyao was a little shocked, and this song was interpreted by her in a different way.

Fang Xuening's voice is more ethereal, so it feels different from the original singing. The original singing has the feeling that the old lady is free, but Fang Xuening's singing has a feeling of an elf floating in the sky.

Moreover, the technology of this MV is very advanced, and it is the feeling of interaction between people and animation, which is very magical and beautiful.

"Well, sister Lu spent a lot of money this time, and so did I. This special effect is very valuable." Fang Xuening pouted with a bit of pain: "But the effect is really good, it looks very cool."

"It's really cool." Tantai Jingyi nodded: "The song is also nice, and the MV is also's very suitable for me to listen to."

This song can indeed comfort those who have failed at a certain stage, especially Fang Xuening's singing is very ethereal, giving people a very comfortable feeling, as if the mind is constantly rising and emptying, traveling between the world and getting rid of troubles and trouble.

Under her interpretation, this song has added a bit of healing properties, there is nothing to worry about, nothing to gossip about other people, just be yourself, be happy, and be free.

Just let him.

Let it go!
 The background of the MV is the original film, a very classic section.

(End of this chapter)

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