Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 85 These people sleep together every day?

Chapter 85 These people sleep together every day?

Li Shuyao likes this song very much. She likes both the English version and the Chinese version, and even prefers the Chinese version. Although there are some parts that don’t fit perfectly with the music, the singer’s free and easy feeling It made her very intoxicated.

The original song is the kind of queen who was bound by various rules since she was a child and finally untied everything and finally pursued freedom, so the original song has a heavy feeling, the heavy feeling of a queen.

And the singer in the Chinese version...

There are two of them, and the singing is very good, but because one of them has a story that she admires very much, so she prefers this version a little bit.

This time, Li Shuyao has combined the English and Chinese versions. The English version is more compatible, and the Chinese version is more free and easy, and also added a sense of etherealness.

It makes the whole song feel completely different.

Li Shuyao listened very comfortably.

The Chinese version will be released later, and when the song becomes popular, she will write a Chinese version for Fang Xuening to record.

This song was very famous all over the world in its previous life. Of course, a large part of it was borrowed from the work of "Frozen", but at the same time, the quality of this song is also very high, and the two complement each other.

It is said that the script of "Frozen" was not like that at the beginning, but the director decisively changed the script after hearing the song, changing Aisha from an evil queen to a misunderstood girl.

Li Shuyao has already figured out that when the English version of this song becomes popular, she will play the Chinese version, and then enjoy another wave of popularity, so that Fang Xuening will stand up completely.

It doesn't matter to her herself, she has a lot of songs, and she can also create her signature as a gold medal music producer. At that time, I don't know how many people will come to her to write songs.


"Come on, let's read the comments below." After listening to the song once, Fang Xuening couldn't wait to read the comments below.

"The perfect combination of three-person shooting and two-dimensional animation shows the hard work of the production company. What I remember most is the snowflakes she waved and the ice and snow stairs that kept climbing up. I was shocked."

"Although it is an English song, it sounds a little shocking to me, as if traveling on the snow-capped mountains, it brought me some refreshment and freedom this summer, as if it swept away my troubles and sorrows, love!"

"I didn't expect that the nursery rhymes in the book could write English songs. Let me go. She has already produced Japanese songs, Chinese songs, and English songs. What else does she not know?"

"The longing for freedom in the song is very shocking to me. I seem to see a person who is fettered and questioned takes off all shackles and chooses to follow her own inner path. She no longer cares about other people's ideas. Listen to those who are struggling, although it may not be able to solve your problems, but it should be able to let you relax for a moment."

"Although the song is written about the queen, I feel that Xueer is more like a snow elf or a snow fairy when she sings it."

"Yaoyao's production must be a high-quality product. This song is so good. Coupled with Xueer's performance, I can only describe it as perfect."

"There should be many interpretation angles for this song, but I was thinking about what kind of mentality Yaoyao had when she wrote that she was a queen."

"Did someone write this song a while ago when they were on the beat, look, irony, in the name of the father, let him go, it feels like the same line, first despair, then fight back, and then it doesn't matter, I feel that Daoxiang came after this, and it doesn’t matter, there is a wonderful feeling of returning to my childhood.”

"No, I think it was written before the name of the father. You can see that there is a sentence in the song, that good girl has left, and then became a father."

"I want to see Yaoyao and Xue'er singing this song together, the kind that thieves want to see."

"My minister agrees."

"Second minister +1"

"Second minister +2"


At the same time, there were quite a few people listening to the music. Fang Xuening already had a lot of fans, but this time he stepped up the publicity. Coupled with the strong alliance with Li Shuyao, Station B also directly hung up on the music It didn't take long for the homepage of the district to be directly linked to the homepage of Station B.

Different from Li Shuyao's previous songs, this time, many people were listening to the songs quietly.

Quietly feel the moment of freedom and ethereal brought by this song.

"Yaoyao, many people are asking when you will sing." Fang Xuening looked at the comments and said with a smile: "How about it, should we jointly contribute one?"

"Alright." Li Shuyao nodded, "We can jointly contribute while we're waiting for the Chinese version, and we'll sing this song together."

"There is also a Chinese version." Tantai Jingyi asked in surprise.

"Of course, this song is so good, how can we not write a Chinese version." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Next time we don't need to be so complicated, I will make a small animation based on your foundation, which can be regarded as practice. "

The script of this MV is basically written by her, naturally it is the segment of the original film, that very classic segment, she tried to make an animation along with it, laying the foundation for making animation by herself in the future!

Well, there should be a team by then. She can't handle those big productions by herself. At most, she can draw comics and then participate in the production. As for the rest, the team will do it.

"Meow!" Brother Gou heard a voice from here, and ran over with his head poking around. These three people didn't know that they were watching so that they didn't bring themselves!Heh heh, maybe he is secretly eating something good again!
Brother Gou swished onto the bed, and then saw three people staring at it. Brother Gou glanced back at the tablet and suddenly trembled...

At this moment, it remembered the fear of being dominated by watching videos!
"Meow!" Brother Gou yelled, then turned around and was about to run away, but was caught by a certain Li Shuyao with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"Meow..." Brother Gou looked at Li Shuyao pitifully.

"Huh, it's actually cute." Tantai Jingyi blinked her eyes, this guy was either resisting or desperate before, anyway, the kind with a lot of thieves, this time it's actually cute!
I've made progress.

"Hmph, maliciously showing off cuteness, trying to escape!" Li Shuyao directly grabbed Brother Gou and put him in his arms!
Brother Gou was helpless. After struggling twice and found that he could not escape Ma Ma's claws, he could only lie down obediently. Anyway, it was not the first time. If he lost to a strong man like Ma Ma, he would not lose the cat!
Brother Gou arched upwards slightly, um, it's quite comfortable to say.

Turn around and step on it with your little paws... Hehe, it's so soft...

Li Shuyao looked at the grinning Gouge blankly, then picked up the nape of its fate...


A certain cat's miserable cry sounded in the room...


"Tell me, how many followers can I gain?" Fang Xuening said happily as she watched the rising number of views.

"Let me tell you, this wave is at least two hundred and five." Tantai Jingyi said with a serious face.

"Well, maybe 250 one." Li Shuyao said solemnly.

"Fuck you." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "Hey, Sister Lu sent me a video."

"Sister Lu." Fang Xuening connected to the video with a smile.

"Ah, why are you all here?" Lu Yao looked at the four little heads that appeared... Uh, the three people and the cat were also taken aback for a moment. What's going on with these people, they sleep together every night?
And pets?

 Thank you Ye Maoer for your reward, okay~
  (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
(End of this chapter)

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