Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 86 Preparing for the live broadcast

Chapter 86 Preparing for the live broadcast
"Haha, we're playing with the little cat." Tantai Jingyi picked up a certain unlovable cat and shook it in front of the camera. When she saw the cat bowed her head and closed her eyes, she reached out and poked its little face , Let out a cry, it looks like a dead cat.

She was the one who rescued Brother Gou from Li Shuyao's clutches, otherwise, that bastard would have to take Brother Gou to take a bath again, isn't it just finished washing, the cat can still look after washing, the hair is about to fall out Bar!

Brother Gou raised his paw and patted Tantai Jingyi's hand, looking at her with a serious face, Miss, please respect yourself, not everyone can touch a cat's face!
"The performance of this song is very good, we will continue to promote it in the future, and strive to make this song popular in major live broadcast rooms, maybe it will be a hot search, but it is a pity that it is an English song, and many anchors can't sing it It's a pity for Lu Yao, this song is indeed very nice, but the language is indeed limited.

"So I'm going to promote it abroad, and Xiao Yaoyao's first two songs, I'm also going to promote it in Dongyang." Lu Yao continued.

"Ang, that's a good relationship." Li Shuyao nodded and said with a smile: "I don't think I can give up the market there, haha, earn their money! Oh yes, I can also develop in South Korea in the future and earn their money !"

"Huh? You can speak Korean?" Lu Yao raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, when I start playing professionally in the future and make my name known, I will soon be able to open up markets in Europe, America and South Korea, hehe, then I will write a few more e-sports songs, hehe." Li Shuyao has already thought of herself Then the IP of League of Legends opened up the future of its own market.

"You still have this idea of ​​playing e-sports?" Tantai Jingyi was stunned.

"Of course, otherwise, why would you be so tired and go to play e-sports, and also face the problem that many of my viewers don't watch e-sports." Li Shuyao shrugged: "I want to spread my songs all over the world. "

"Uh, actually, you don't need to play e-sports, just relying on the quality of the songs, you can spread them all over the world." Lu Yao scratched his head.

"Hey, it's very slow, and maybe I have to perform everywhere. Think about it, if I win a world championship next year, won't I be famous all at once." Li Shuyao laughed.

"It's true...but the idea is very good..." Fang Xuening spread her hands: "I, who doesn't play e-sports, know that if the championship is so easy to win, Jingyi would have been the champion long ago."

"Don't worry, it will be next year." Li Shuyao's carefree Lou Zha Tantai Jingyi said with a laugh: "Don't worry, my mother will accompany you to win the world championship next year, um, and make money by the way!"

Tantai Jingyi didn't speak, she turned her head to look at Fang Xuening: "You...have you given her a drink?"

"..." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, okay, no one will believe the truth now.

Her choice to play e-sports is actually a comprehensive idea. One is to realize a dream, and the other is to quickly gain fame from the perspective of e-sports. This is a shortcut, even faster than participating in any music competition.

The music competition is also played by people in the circle, and the outside world pays attention to it... In fact, that's what it is.

But as young people continue to grow up, the influence of e-sports is also growing. This is currently the fastest way for her to gain fans all over the world within a year.

Although it is said that the fans of e-sports are mainly young people, this is not an opening. After opening the opening, it will be easier for her to output music.

"By the way, the topic has been shifted. Just now Xiao Yaoyao said that she still has a Chinese version." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "We can record the Chinese version next, uh, that, the Chinese version what's your name?"

"Let him go." Li Shuyao waved his hand.

"Uh, although winning the championship is unlikely, the name still needs to be chosen, so we can't just let it go." Fang Xuening blinked.

"Well, Xiao Xiao, what Yaoyao said may be the name of the song, so let's call him whatever." Lu Yao smacked his lips and said.

"Ah... yes, it is indeed possible to translate like this." Fang Xuening nodded with her mouth pouting.

"It will be even better if there is a Chinese version. When the time comes, we will promote it together. The two languages... will be great for my little Yaoyao." Lu Yao laughed.

"It's okay, my Dayaoyao." Li Shuyao waved her hand, it's okay, she has accepted this setting.

"By the way, you are ready to start the live broadcast. You will sign a contract with Station B in the next two days, and then sign a contract with NetEase Cloud. It is estimated that the live broadcast will start around this Saturday night." Lu Yao said: "I originally planned to do it alone. You said it, since we are all together, we are together."

"Oh, let's broadcast it live." Li Shuyao shrugged: "It's fine, I don't care."

"Do you want to broadcast live music or games?" Lu Yao asked.

"How about I broadcast the game live for the first time?" Li Shuyao asked curiously.

"It's okay. Many singers, movie stars, etc., their first live broadcast is basically a game. After all, the content of the game is relatively rich. Talking about games will not be out of line. Everyone's attention will be diverted by the game. I won't pay too much attention to you."

"Okay, then I'll sing first." Li Shuyao said.

"..." Lu Yao opened his mouth, wondering why he wanted to hit someone.

"That's fine. After all, you started as a singer. You can broadcast live in the piano room. Playing the piano and singing is also good." Lu Yao nodded.

"Uh, next time, I'll sing first, and then play games!" Li Shuyao smiled with her lips pursed.

"..." Lu Yao blinked, and suddenly regretted typing this video, eh, no, why did I type this video, oh yes, I came here for Fang Xuening's song, why so suddenly Slowly, he began to talk about Li Shuyao.

"That's fine." Lu Yao nodded: "Well, Xiao Xiao, talk more about this song during the live broadcast tomorrow, which can be regarded as a promotion. You can read more comments during the day and so on. Xiao Yaoyao chatted about the mental journey of creating this song and so on."

"Okay." Fang Xuening nodded.

"Huh?" Li Shuyao sat up suddenly: "Then I can chat with you tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, yes." Fang Xuening also nodded quickly: "Haha, I'm taking your heat."

"Haha, where are they, rubbing against each other."

Lu Yao watched Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao start rubbing against each other, inexplicably feeling a little bit of envy...well, just a little bit.

"Okay, it's fine for you to decide." Lu Yao nodded: "By the way, Fu Jinqing contacted us for a while. It seems that there is an intention to cooperate. What are the opinions of the two of you."

"Yes." Li Shuyao nodded.

"I can do it too." Fang Xuening also nodded.

"Well, when this song is finished, you can create it together. Fu Jinqing seems to mean that they don't want to make it too complicated, but simply create a song together." Lu Yao said.

"Okay, it's easy." Li Shuyao said, "Find an opportunity to write a song together."

Li Shuyao thought about it carefully. This thing still needs to be planned. Let's find a song to cooperate with. Then I can guide her to create it. Fu Jinqing is more of a love song type...

How about writing two songs?
Xiao Ning once by myself, hehe, can you squeeze it twice.

 The injury is getting better... It's just a little swollen, and it suddenly hurts before going to bed at night, and then I can't sleep for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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