Chapter 87

In the next few days, Li Shuyao suddenly became busy. First, she went to another city to sign the contract. Although there are electronic contracts, it is more practical to sign the contract face to face. After all, what Li Shuyao signed is not the most basic. For version contracts, Lu Yao will also negotiate with the platform.

It took almost five days to complete the contract and copyright-related matters, and even the copyright registration of the ID "Nursery Rhymes in the Book", all of which needed to be dealt with.

Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief after sorting out one by one, and concentrated on finishing the work in the past few days, and the rest should be done step by step.

Unlike Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening can be said to have skyrocketed these days.

Fang Xuening originally had a deep accumulation at Station B. Although many people are not her fans, they have more or less passed her live broadcast room or seen her videos.

In the past, she always sang cover songs. Cover songs can really amaze many people, but they are always inferior to the high-quality original songs. Many people will naturally think that the original songs are the most authentic.

And this time, she is a high-quality original singer!

Lu Yao's team spared no effort to promote it. In less than a week, this song has become the darling of the major live broadcast rooms. Many anchors who can sing English songs have sung this song in the live broadcast room. Many up hosts A cover of this song was also released, followed by a dance of this song in the dance area.

Part of this was arranged by Lu Yao's team, but more of it snowballed after the popularity gradually increased. With the popularity, some people would like to rub the popularity, and then they will raise the popularity together again.

When Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening livestreamed together the next day, their popularity was almost 5 times higher than Fang Xuening's usual livestreaming. She usually has around 100 million popularity, but that night it jumped to more than 500 million.

Of course, a large part of it was due to gifts and bullet screens, but this was far beyond Fang Xuening's previous level, so it can be said that he has gained a lot.

Fang Xuening has already started preparing to participate in some activities, which are basically arranged by Lu Yao after communicating with her...

This is the gap between whether there is a brokerage company or not. Li Shuyao also has a lot of songs in the first few songs, and it is still at a high level on the music charts, but...

Li Shuyao dared not accept those activities.

The water here is too deep, she's afraid she won't be able to grasp it!
But... In fact, in the past two days, Lu Yao also asked her if she wanted to participate in some activities. After all, those songs were not released for a long time.

But, Li Shuyao is too busy these days, besides signing the contract, she still has to score points!
For her great career of earning a small amount of money, she has to race against time to get up the score. After five days, because she always runs back and forth, that is, she has just reached the level of a master. , I agreed to win the world championship next year, so I must not delay until the next year!

So, Lu Yao had no choice but to watch Li Shuyao go home and start ranking after getting off the plane...

In addition to these, it was also announced that the live broadcast will start at 7:[-] p.m. on Saturday night, because it has officially signed a contract with station B, so for Li Shuyao's live broadcast, there are also a lot of resources for publicity.

In the past few days, Li Shuyao's fan group was also discussing her live broadcast. After six o'clock, the number of active fans suddenly increased.

"Comrades, comrades, it's almost seven o'clock, and the exciting time is coming!"

"I've been waiting for Little Fairy's live broadcast for almost two months, from summer to autumn."

"I waited from summer vacation until school started."

"I waited from graduation to opening."

"I started from..."

"Ahem, er, I heard that a new song is going to be released today? Did you release the new song right after the first live broadcast?"

"It seems to be the impromptu singing with Tranquility Xue and Jingyi last time when they had a barbecue in the backyard."

"Water Tune Head?"

"When I watched the replay of the live broadcast, this section was cut out, and I still want to listen to it."

"I mainly want to watch Yaoyao. It doesn't matter if she sings or not, and it doesn't matter what the live broadcast is. As long as she shows her face, I just want to watch her quietly, hehehe."

"Pervert! You want to see my wife for a while!"

"Get out, it's my wife!"

"Masters, draw your sword..."

"Hey, you guys only know how to watch your wife, but I already want to invade Xiao Yaoyao in the front row."

"Hiss, it really is you who are perverted."

"Hey, that product was blocked just now, which management did it?"

"It's not me, I'm fighting the landlord with my brothers in the live broadcast room."

"It's not me either. I'm wondering whether you want it or not, and why you came here."

"It's not me, it's not me..."

"Hiss... If the managers didn't lie, wouldn't it mean that classmate Yaoyao is secretly spying on the screen?"

"Rumour, come out!"

"Yaoyao, I know you're watching!"

"Haha, I caught Yaoyao peeping at the scene."


Li Shuyao opened a few fan groups, and she was a little proud to see the swiping screens in it. In this era when everyone uses WeChat, Q seems to have become a place where various groups gather. Every day, I look at group friends. It is also very interesting for us to talk about Dashandoutu.

Just beware of these people posting pictures!
These people fight wits and courage with the managers every day.

Looking at it, some people are already discussing how many captains, admirals, etc. to get her. Li Shuyao looked at it for a while, and then typed: "Everyone consume rationally, don't be impulsive."

Just after Li Shuyao finished the fight, a group of people appeared all of a sudden:

"Please don't meddle in the host's business."

"I just like to drive the captain, it has nothing to do with you, okay?"

"We're spending wildly, what's wrong!"

"Catch a wild Xiaoyaoyao alive."

"Are you ready, let's start the live broadcast!"

"Brothers, let's not listen to the little fairy, we must have our own opinions!"


Li Shuyao looked at these people and curled her lips speechlessly, forget it, don't care about these people!

Li Shuyao checked her live broadcasting equipment again, and nodded in satisfaction after confirming that there was nothing wrong. These equipments were installed by Lu Yao for her, and they are said to be expensive.

Sound card, microphone, headphones, camera and so on are all complete.

In fact, she also thought about live broadcasting singing in the front and games in the future, but after thinking about it, it is the first time after all, so let's release the song.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner, so let's release that song of Water Tune.

It is also meaningful to use the first live broadcast to release a song, and the content is also substantial. After the release is over, it will be downloaded and the first live broadcast will be successfully passed.

Li Shuyao took a deep breath, turned her head and glanced at Tantai Jingyi who was leaning against the door, she was hugging Brother Gou and looked at her with a smile: "Come on, I have to face it by myself."

As for Fang Xuening, he is currently participating in activities in other cities...

"En." Li Shuyao nodded, watched Tantai Jingyi close the door, took a deep breath, opened her live broadcast software, and clicked to start the live broadcast.

Seeing the rapid increase in popularity and the constant postings, Li Shuyao had a very special feeling at the moment, and smiled slightly relieved at the camera: "Hi everyone, I'm here for the live broadcast, the first live broadcast, Please teach me a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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