Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 88 The opposite chapter across time and space

Chapter 88 Conversation across time and space

"Hahaha, the live broadcast is finally on!"

"Oh ho ho ho, I'm coming, I'm coming."

"Hiss, the little fairy is so beautiful when she smiles, I'm about to fall."

"In the name of the father in the name of the father in the name of the father in the name of the father..."

"Dao Xiang Dao Xiang Dao Xiang Dao Xiang..."


"Wang Bang!"


Li Shuyao was very satisfied looking at the barrage, except for a Dou Dizhu who suddenly jumped out, which was a bit inexplicable, everything else was normal. After looking at it, everyone didn't come up to call the captain, just some ordinary gifts. Li Shuyao was still very satisfied Nodding his head, sure enough everyone listened to his suggestion.

"Thank you for your gifts, thank you for your support. Today, we mainly have a new song to release. Well, I believe some audience members have heard part of it. Well, it was my impromptu singing in the yard that time."

"However, the last time I played it directly on the guitar, the taste is somewhat different. Today, I officially released this song. This is a greeting that spans thousands of years. Every time I sing, time and space intersect. The feeling makes me tremble all over, I don’t know if there is such a moment, our thoughts and Mr. Dongpo’s thoughts are at the same pace.”

Li Shuyao smiled and said:

"Then, let us appreciate this poem again, and wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance."

As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, the screen in the live broadcast room gradually faded, and gradually turned into a pure white moonlight. There seemed to be some sacredness in this soft light, and it had a magical power to calm people down.

A simple piano and violin ensemble sounded in the background, it seemed a little cheerful, and it seemed a little soothing...

The white moonlight didn't last long. Gradually, the camera moved back and forth, and a bright moon hung in the sky, as if a fairy in white flew into the moon from the sky by the moonlight.

Behind her, a line of words appeared bouncingly in the camera lens:
I hope people will last

Lyricist: Su Shi

Composer: Nursery Rhymes in the Book
Singing: Nursery Rhymes in the Book
The fairy gradually flew into the moon, and the camera zoomed in again. In the bright moon, a gorgeous fairy palace stood quietly. In the curling fairy air, the fairy fell into a pavilion, quietly Staring into the distance...

"When is the bright moon? Ask the blue sky for wine. I don't know the palace in the sky. What year is it?"

A little rabbit bounced and ate that line of writing, came to the fairy, and jumped onto the fairy. She gently stroked the jade rabbit, and a jug of wine and two cups appeared on the stone table in front of her. .

She gently picked up the glass, and the wine in the glass reflected her beautiful face...

Yanran, as if a drop of wine fell, the whole picture fluctuated continuously, and the picture returned to reality. A girl was sitting in a small booth, holding moon cakes and juice in her hand, and a mobile phone playing music was placed beside her, while following The music sang softly, while gazing at the bright moon in the sky.

"I want to ride the wind back, but (again) I'm afraid of Qionglou Yuyu..."

The breeze blows the treetops, startling a group of birds, the birds are constantly flying under the moonlight, and the camera is constantly elongating the time and space.

When the camera turned back again, in the seemingly familiar pavilions, several people in simple clothes were pushing cups and changing glasses, while admiring the bright moon in the sky.

In the center of the crowd, the person holding a wine glass and toasting to invite the bright moon smiled, but there was a deep longing in his eyes.

At this moment, the present person, the immortal, and the ancient person seemed to raise their cups at the same time, she drank joyfully, she drank memories, and he drank boldly.

"Nung, moon and new moon!"

At this moment, the three of them said this at the same time.

He is calling loudly.

She was thinking in a low voice.

She's singing to the music...

When the camera zooms out again, there is no time and space that has passed, and there is no moon palace in fantasy, only the girl is still singing softly accompanied by the music.

There was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and she looked at the bright moon in the sky.

Time will pass, and history will only remain in the words and phrases of old papers forever.

Fantasy will dissipate, and myth only exists in the infinite romance of thinking collision.

Only this moon has never changed.

At least, for a lifetime.

The camera lens once again turned into the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and a line of words appeared on the moon from top to bottom, from right to left: "I hope you will live a long life, and we will share the beautiful beauty of thousands of miles."

The MV is completely over here.

The MV this time was still drawn by Li Shuyao. The difference from before is that this time it is no longer a slide show, but a simple animation.

"Okay, this is the end of this song. I believe everyone is familiar with the lyrics. In fact, when I was making the MV of this song, I really felt like I was in a dialogue with time and space, as if I had traveled through a thousand years. I really saw Mr. Dongpo drinking wine with his friends, enjoying the moon, reciting poems and composing Fu together, I saw his free and easy, and also saw his sorrow."

Li Shuyao appeared on camera again smiling and said:

"Similarly, I also seemed to see Chang'e in the moon palace, saw her longing, and saw her loneliness."

"All this is my fantasy, and I am really moved to have a dialogue with Mr. Dongpo that spans thousands of years in this song."

"Time will always pass, and history will always pass, but some things will always be passed down, just like this poem, so that we can still overlap with Mr. Dongpo at a certain moment after thousands of years. Isn't dating a kind of romance?"

"At that moment, I seemed to feel that Mr. Dongpo was not an ancient person, and he hadn't passed away. He was still talking, drinking, and innocent. He had a unique understanding of heaven and earth. With the unique temperament of a banishing immortal, is he really dead at this moment?"

"Maybe when someone keeps passing on his poems, he will never die."

"Just like that sentence said, only when everyone forgets him, he is truly dead, and at this moment, we have passed on his thoughts, and he is alive."

"At this time, the words have written all about the world and the world. Nature is always imperfect, and the world is always imperfect. Maybe there has never been perfection in this world."

"We have regrets for imperfection, and we also have the pursuit of perfection."

"I want to be a fairy in the sky, but I'm worried about losing my love, so I'd better be a human..."

"The melody of this song is not so complicated, but very simple. I think this kind of melody will be more suitable. Of course, everyone may have different feelings when reading this song. I see What you see is the longing for your loved ones, maybe what you see is other things."

"So, at the end of the MV, I still use 'I wish you a long time' as the final epilogue. I hope everyone will be safe and happy, and I hope that in the coming Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone will be able to be with their closest ones. Let’s eat moon cakes together and enjoy the moon.”

"Then next, let me sing this song again for everyone, this song is a collaboration with the genius who was born thousands of years ago..."

 I found Teresa Teng's original version, it's really nice...

(End of this chapter)

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