Chapter 89
Li Shuyao sang this song again, and the bullet screen also brushed up the lyrics at this time, and as she sang line by line, the bullet screen also scrolled along with countless lines...

"This... This is probably the most poetic live broadcast room in all station B." Nan Yiyi, who just got her takeaway and was watching the live broadcast while eating takeaway, widened her eyes

"When I started the live broadcast..." Nan Yiyi pouted: "It's not so poetic at all, it's so romantic, such a beautiful song, I really envy her..."

Nan Yiyi looked at her big empty house, looked at the row of outside snacks in front of her, and listened to Li Shuyao's soft singing, suddenly a deep sense of loneliness surged in her heart.

Otherwise... I can also find a girlfriend to live with me. Living alone feels inexplicably boring. I have nothing to do except eating, sleeping, watching videos, practicing dancing, and shooting videos every day. It’s so boring. what.

Thinking about it like this, Nan Yiyi suddenly saw that Li Shuyao's live broadcast started to use special effects, and a familiar ship crashed into the screen of the live broadcast room...

"Hey, sure enough, someone is still driving the captain, but it's only at this time, and I feel a little late." Nan Yiyi smacked her lips, but soon her eyes widened, because the ship seemed to be unable to stop. It's like coming down, one after another, it looks like it can't stop at all.

"I'm going, this is... This is calculated, are the fans so strong in execution..." Nan Yiyi swallowed subconsciously.

She has also seen some big anchors attract a large number of fans to buy gifts as soon as they come to the live broadcast before, and she also knows that some of them are simply bought by the brokerage company. In order to increase their popularity, the anchor still has to return them later.

But, such a plan, the captain has almost never seen the opening of the chorus part one by one, almost for a moment, Nan Yiyi even felt that the webpage she opened was so slightly stuck .

"I'm envious...a lot of money." Nan Yiyi opened her mouth: "I...I want to catch the heat too! This is the only dance I do for the Mid-Autumn Festival!"

When Li Shuyao sang, Nan Yiyi had a lot of dance moves in her mind. She wanted to choreograph the dance well. It would be even better if she could invite the nursery rhymes in the book to dance together.

However, it seems that her dancing ability is not very good... Forget it, I can teach her when the time comes, and it will be fine after a few days of practice, dancing with artistic cells is not too bad!

Well, let me fly as a captain too!

" are right, they are all planned."

Chongchong happened to be taking her sister to cook in a certain store. The owner of the store was a very interesting returnee. The store was small but full of people. He wandered around the store, taking care of almost every customer.

"Let me just say, how could there be only one or two captains here and there, where are her fans? Look, this must be a surprise for her." Chongchong's sister nodded with a smile. Click to open the captain.

"Hey, sister, you won't..." Chongchong's eyes widened.

"Ah, yes, I'm also in her fan group, isn't that normal." Chongchong's sister smiled and said, "Listen to this song, it sounds so good."

"It's really nice." The boss came over and nodded, "I want to turn off the music in our store."

"Haha, it's not impossible." Chongchong waved his hands with a smile.

"What song is this? I don't think I've heard it before, but it feels very familiar." The boss asked gesticulating.

"This is the new song of the nursery rhyme in the book. It was released during the live broadcast today. It seems that both station B and Netease Cloud should have been released simultaneously." Chongchong's sister said seriously: "This is her fifth song. Yes, every song is very nice, and the style is very unique, you will always find the one you like, oh yes, you played a song written by her before, that is let it go, I remember You let it go before."

"Oh oh oh, so it's her... Is it Bilibili, and Netease Cloud?" The boss took out his phone and asked.

"Yes, yes, she has already signed contracts with these two platforms." Chongchong's sister nodded.

Chongchong opened her mouth next to her. She did introduce the nursery rhymes in the book to her sister before, but now it seems that her sister knows them better than she does.

After smashing his mouth, Chongchong also ordered a captain. At this time, the ships in the entire live broadcast room did not stop!The number of people in the big navigation next to it is growing rapidly, and there are already more than 500 people in a short while.


Zhenhong live broadcast platform.

Ever since Li Shuyao signed a contract with Station B and NetEase Cloud, Wang Li felt that his boss was not in the right state. First he went to the countryside to eat a farmhouse, and then he was going to go skiing... crazy all day long.

It was quiet today. There was a meeting at 6:6, which was postponed, and then everyone who was supposed to get off work got off work. Naturally, their live broadcast platform is in shifts, and there are people at every time slot, but 6:7, [-]:[-], [-] Going off work at this time is obviously the most crowded.

However, it is really rare that this kind of leader does not arrange tasks before leaving get off work.

The employees didn't know which angel sister held back their boss, and they all got off work and went out for a while, but Wang Li knew... Today is the premiere of the nursery rhyme in the book!
And also released a new song!
This guy is definitely going to watch the live broadcast!
When Wang Li received a call from his boss asking him to buy some wine and moon cakes, he knew that this guy was about to start acting like a monster again...

To drink in the office!

When Wang Li came in knocking on the door with rice wine and moon cakes, Wang Li saw his boss was sitting at the tea table by the floor-to-ceiling window, and there were two rows of 8 mobile phones on the tea table!
At this time, Li Shuyao's live broadcast room was playing on these 8 mobile phones, and the surround sound was full.

"Uh, boss, your wine and mooncakes." Wang Li smacked his mouth. If he guessed correctly, this guy had 8 captains... or maybe 8 admirals.

Well, he was also lurking in Li Shuyao's fan group, and he also knew about these people's small arrangements, so he deliberately chose to discuss it secretly while Li Shuyao was sleeping.

As for when Li Shuyao goes to bed...

Wasn't there a spy close to Li Shuyao who was tipping off the news?
With the help of Fang Xuening's little friend, everyone can easily discuss important issues in the group without being discovered. Anyway, as long as they discuss other things next, that bastard Li Shuyao will not be able to climb stairs at all!
As for Wang Li...

Of course he wouldn't give Li Shuyao the title of captain, he doesn't like Li Shuyao at all!Who told her to hang up on him... and blocked him!
"Leave it alone..." Zhen Dahong pointed to the coffee table in front of him and sighed softly.

"Okay." Wang Li put down the mooncake and wine, not knowing what kind of strange combination it was.

Seeing that the boss seemed to be in a bit of a bad mood, Wang Li asked casually, "Boss, are you unhappy about something? Is it because of the feelings expressed in this poem?"

"What kind of feelings?" Zhen Dahong blinked his eyes strangely.

"It's okay." I knew I shouldn't ask!
"Hey... how come there are only more than 2000 captains, should I get a few more numbers..." Zhen Dahong slapped his mouth, then turned to look at Wang Li: "Old Wang, I remember, you have three mobile phone numbers , Come, come, contribute three admirals, and I will reimburse you."

 Alas... I hope the epidemic will pass soon...

(End of this chapter)

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