Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 96 What is your rank?

Chapter 96 What is your rank?
The jug sent out a soul torture, so young and so capable, why do you stay here as a small anchor... Oh, it's not too young, but... well, some retired players are not as popular as her, but they are such a pity!
Although it has been said that he has retired for many years, Jiuju has actually been in the circle. He even invested in the team himself, but it is a pity that the results have not been very good.

After he asked the question, he suddenly thought that if he is not good at playing games, he should go to play professionally. It is also very good for him to sing and sing live. Not so good.

But...he was indeed a little excited, he was definitely not the one who was beaten and doubted his life!It's just a game, what is this, whoever plays the game has not won or lost, hum!
"Ah... I'm going to play professionally, haha, if there is a team willing to take me." Li Shuyao chuckled: "Are you kidding, are you still here?"

"Come on, it's all settled before." The wine pot said with a smile.

"I think you want to dance in women's clothes..." the hippot's friend suddenly interjected.

"Ahem, ahem, that, don't talk! How could I want women's clothes? Really, this is called the spirit of contract!" The jug rolled his eyes: "Come on, let's continue."

The two played again, winning three out of five sets. In the end, they actually played all five sets. Li Shuyao also lost two sets at the right time, and finally won with a "difficult" score of [-]-[-].

It can be said that emotional intelligence is very well handled.

"Hahaha, you've won, you've won, it's amazing, your operation is too good." After the last decisive round, the flagon laughed haha: "I feel like I'm back The field is the same in laning.”

"It's not that exaggerated, haha, you are also very good, I have to do my best to win by chance." Li Shuyao also sighed.

The bullet screen is also lively:

"Hiss, I really can't stand it anymore."

"666, this blows up each other."

"It's too embarrassing, Teacher Hu, go back quickly, my sister-in-law will come out and pinch you soon."

"Tell Teacher Hu that I'm not going back, haha."

"Is Yaoyao so powerful? Or is Teacher Hu's EQ too high?"

"I also want to add Yaoyao WeChat, can I still play like this?"

"That...cough cough, I also want to lose women's clothing, can I add Yaoyao WeChat?"

"Business is blowing each other, right?"

"Teacher Hu, let's take our family Yaoyao to play professionally, haha."


Regarding Li Shuyao's strength, in fact, there are still many viewers who don't care too much. At most, they think that she does have two brushes, but it doesn't matter how strong she is.

After all, the opponents in the heads-up are all water friends, and the one with the highest gold content is the flagon, but the flagon has been retired for many years, and its strength has declined drastically. This is a three-to-two match.

Of course, it should be quite powerful in the live broadcast.

"Are you going to broadcast live ranking later?" Hip asked curiously.

"Yeah, I'm going to live stream Hanbok." Li Shuyao smiled.

"Ang, what rank are you, we can double row." Hippo thought for a while, it seemed that he hadn't played Hanbok for a long time, and now it's almost... probably Platinum rank.

"Oh, I'm the Grandmaster." Li Shuyao blinked.


"Ahem, that, then you can live broadcast, I will continue to go back to live broadcast." The flagon smashed his mouth, feeling that he might have been fooled by a big B!It turned out to be the master of Hanbok... Shit, no wonder he couldn't beat it.

He himself is now at the level of diamonds in the Hanbok, and the national server is still struggling with diamonds...

However, he always felt that Li Shuyao might not only be the grandmaster of Hanbok, but his laning strength might have to improve further.

Alas, sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and the younger generation emerges in endlessly.

"Okay, okay, next time we have a chance to play together." Li Shuyao said with a smile, and then the two disconnected the mic.

After disconnecting, Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief: "It's the first time I've connected with mic, I'm a little nervous, I can't talk anymore, haha, okay, let's stop here for the solo round, let's start the ranking."

"Just now when I said that I am a grandmaster, I saw someone posting question marks in the bullet screen. There is no doubt about it. The rank is here."

After Li Shuyao turned off the national server, she quickly opened the Korean server, and then showed everyone her rank: "Hey, it's the grand master, I should be able to become the king if I play a few more games, forget it, I will play two games and you will be knew."

There are always some people in the live broadcast room who are skeptical, but it’s normal. Suddenly, a music live broadcast pops up saying that she is the king of Hanbok. Many people are stunned. A group of people in the alliance, the quality of Hanbok is slightly higher.

Li Shuyao didn't talk nonsense, and directly opened the solo queue, and then waited for the game to start.


After disconnecting Lianmai from Jiuhu, I was a little curious to watch Li Shuyao's live broadcast, and then saw that he really opened a Hanbok account, and he was still a grandmaster.

Hip quietly swallowed a mouthful of spittle, he was really a master of Hanbok, and then took a look at Li Shuyao's ID, and the answer was quite simple, just three letters.

"Yao, it's a very simple name." The jug looked at it, and then ran to check Li Shuyao's record.

"Hey, this vote is green." Hip was stunned for a moment. This record is basically a victory, with only a few failures. It basically belongs to a series of grand masters with a winning streak, and the victory is around 70.00%.

He usually sees this kind of situation when masters go to low ranks to fry fish, or it is possible that they are boosters.


Can you give me a look at Hanbok Master Grandmaster?Whoever goes to that place to power level, there is basically no market in China, and even if there is a demand, it must be at least at the level of the king of Hanbok to achieve this winning rate.

With this level of skill, who would still play power leveling? Whether it’s playing games or being an anchor, there is a better future than power leveling... Unless you don’t want to go this way at all, why bother to go this way.

So this is fundamentally contradictory.

Well, it is not ruled out that there may be some...but it should be very rare.

"This... the strength of the nursery rhymes in the book is a bit scary. With this winning rate, it should be no problem to become the king. It is almost the same as the winning rate of top professional players."

Jiu Ke looked at the barrage, and someone said in the barrage that Li Shuyao lived with CR's Jing Yi, and it might be Jing Yi who called her.

Hip shook his head slightly: "It's unlikely. First of all, look at the heroes she mainly plays. Her top-ranked heroes are mainly heroes like Sword Fairy, Lucian, Skate Shoes, and Wine Barrel, although it seems a bit strange. Ah, but it’s mostly on the road.”

"You've all watched the game. Do you think Jingyi is good at these heroes? If she can become the king with these heroes, why should she play in the middle lane? Bottom lane is fine."

"Moreover, the most important point is that Jingyi is an active professional player. If she boosts, she may face a ban."

"Finally, think about it. If the nursery rhymes in the book are not your own strength, why use them live? She is not a professional League of Legends anchor, but a singing anchor. Even if her strength is bronze, everyone will not blame her. Had a great time playing with her."

"So, she should have strength... She is really powerful, not only is she good at singing, but also good at games. Is this the legendary genius..."

 In the past few days, I have been a little inexplicable... I went to work for the student apartment last Saturday, and then I accidentally knocked off an iron pipe and hit the big toe of my left foot, which made it all purple and swollen, and then, After two days, I felt a little better. It seemed that the nerves in my feet were stimulated again inexplicably. The side bones of my left and right feet were red and swollen. When I stepped on the ground, it hurt. The day before yesterday, it was finally healed, and there was no pain. Only the place where I was hit has not healed. When I got up yesterday morning, the tendons above the heel of my right foot suddenly became sore. When I stepped on the ground, I felt sore... as if I hit something... It was amazing, and then this morning When I got up, it was still snowing, and I felt like God didn't want me to go out...

(End of this chapter)

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