Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 97 She is very careful

Chapter 97 She is very careful
"If you don't believe me, let's see how she plays a game. Haha, I'm a little curious. I'll take a break first. Let's OB the nursery rhymes in this book."

The jug thought for a while and smiled:
"I think there are some people who talk about scripting. Why can't you believe that she is really capable? Do you think that if she opened the script, her account can be broadcast live so grandly?"

"No, don't treat people like idiots. Who would start a live broadcast after cheating? Isn't that self-destructive? Think about it, so many things happened in the past two years, who would start a live broadcast with a script? , who would turn on the live broadcast on behalf of him, wouldn’t that be digging his own grave?”

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you, the game is on."

Flagon waved his hand. After so many years of live broadcasting, he has long understood that some people don't understand the truth, and the more you talk, the more you talk. At this time, it is better to change the topic, otherwise the quality of your live broadcast will be affected by these people.

"This classmate Yaoyao is on the first floor. She is on the blue side. She directly chose Jianji in the first election. The hero she uses most is Jianji. It seems that she is a unique sword girl..." Wine Hu originally thought that calling someone brother seemed a little bit wrong, but somehow it felt right... It was very contradictory.

"Let's take a look at the lineups of both sides. Yaoyao's top laner is Jian Ji, jungler is Blind Monk, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane is the classic Xialuo combination, the opponent's top laner is Crocodile, and jungler is Xin Zhao. Ryze in the middle, Jinx and Thresh in the bottom lane."

"The lineups of both sides, um, I don't talk about lineups, and it's not a game. There's no need to discuss these. It mainly depends on performance. But, at this level, the lineup will still affect some."

While reading the article, the jug glanced at the barrage again:
"Huh? The top laner on the opposite side is the top laner of the SU team? I remember that SU entered the LCK this year's summer split, right?"

"Yes, it should be him." The friend of the wine pot said: "I still watched that game, he is not weak, but he is not as good as DG's top laner, this year DG is really strong and a bit scary. "

"We are also very strong this year, haha." Hippo laughed and said, "Do you think we can win three consecutive championships this year?"

"I don't know, not to mention the other teams in the LCK. DG feels like it's the only one. This year, our biggest enemy is them."

The flagon nodded, but he didn't take it seriously. The LPL division, which has won the world championship for two consecutive years, has cultivated a strong self-confidence.

"Let's come back to this game. Yaoyao played very aggressively as soon as they went online. Using the grass card's vision, they kept exchanging blood with the crocodile."

"This... this Yaoyao beats you like a chicken thief, haha, it keeps exchanging blood with you, and then beats you very annoying... I guess the crocodile on the opposite side is very annoying now."

"I don't want this knife anymore, I will exchange blood with you, just to press you down the tower and then go back to make up the knife. This style of play... is really a tightrope walker. If you can't overwhelm the opponent, you will be easily beaten back by the opponent, and , there are still junglers on the other side."

The jug smashed his mouth, he did not deny that this style of play is very entertaining, but why is a tool man playing so fiercely on the road.

"Hey, we saw Yaoyao's book and put it together directly. Don't tell me, her position is really good. She is stuck in the attack distance of the crocodile. Then when you turn around, she will go up and hit you. It's okay. Don't be too greedy, just turn around and leave."

"Haha, the crocodile got angry, and rushed up to get a red and angry halo... But Yao Yao turned around and avoided it. The crocodile directly fainted on the soldier, and the red and angry soldier fainted! Yao Yao turned around and hit back directly. !"

"Tsk tsk, the crocodile went home after being beaten, and Yaoyao also went home after pushing the pawn line in."

"Hey, after returning home, it was sent directly to the line. Yaoyao's teleportation didn't even think about supporting it, it was just for her own development."

"Her style of play is a bit different from our current mainstream style of play. Although our top laner sometimes has output, it is mainly fighters and tanks. The teleportation is also for support, but It seems that her teleportation is entirely for her own development."

"It's hard to say which one is stronger. If her development is strong enough, she is almost invincible in the middle and late stages. No one can beat her in one-on-one. All of them are team battle equipment, even if the economy of both sides is about the same, there is still a gap in heads-up battles.”

"Hey, hey, it's not right, it's not right, it's killing me."

The flagon side was here to express her understanding of the game and the competition, but Li Shuyao directly used her big move on the half-blooded crocodile.

"The crocodile also activated its big move, Red Fury Q, it didn't return much blood, this time the blood volume is wrong, let me go, Ruo Yao first released a healing reduction, is this... so targeted, It’s all about wiring and nothing else.”

"Hey, I directly used the W skill to block the crocodile's dizziness, but instead stunned the crocodile, playing the effect of a conqueror, quickly hitting all the flaws, and directly hitting the blood recovery array under the tower!"

"Tsk tsk, silky, really silky, there is no unnecessary operation at all, a smooth flow of water, directly kills the other party, this crocodile is also, he does not make iron shoes, I think if this crocodile makes iron shoes, it should be It won't be so easy to be killed directly."

"Solo kill directly against the opponent, it's amazing. Although the opponent may not be that focused, but this is a professional player who is really fighting. Hey, Lao He, if this guy knows that he was solo killed by a 18-year-old girl what would it feel like."

"I don't know, I definitely want to come back solo." Lao He, the wine pot's friend, laughed.

"Let's analyze it. What's the secret of Yaoyao's solo kill?" The wine pot said with a smile: "Actually, this solo kill was buried from the beginning."

"Look, Yaoyao fought fiercely online from the very beginning, and directly pushed the opponent back, which caused the opponent to make up a lot of pawns."

"And the crocodile hasn't sent the teleportation online yet. He is going to support it. Now the online is slow and some knives are missing. This has caused the economic gap between the two sides to widen."

"As for the crocodile, because he wanted to support him, he didn't directly release the iron shoes, which caused Jian Ji to hit him with extremely high damage. In addition, Ruo Yao also targeted reducing treatment. It can be said that they are going to be alone. The one who killed you, you still want to support."

"It can be said that Yaoyao's laning is full of carefulness, she is deliberate... Uh, this word may not be used very well, she just tries to kill you solo, hehe, but this kind of online laning The strength is indeed very ornamental."

"You talk about the game. I don't know about the game yet. I haven't played it. It's meaningless to just think about it, but it's really interesting in the rankings. At least the live broadcast effect is very good."

"Tsk tsk, I ate several more layers of tapas. The opponent on the top road basically collapsed. If the opponent's jungler doesn't come and catch a few times, it should be hopeless."

"However, it seems that the jungler on the opposite side has no intention of catching the dragon, and went down to control the dragon. If this is the case, the Canyon Herald should not be able to get it."

The jug is very interesting to watch, and there are really very few people who simply penetrate the road.

"If, I said, if she really comes to play professionally, maybe, it will bring a brand new feeling..."

(End of this chapter)

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