Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 98 Let's Dance

Chapter 98 Let's Dance
"That's the end of today's live broadcast, haha, you don't believe me when I say I'm strong, if you look at it this way, at most the day after tomorrow I should be able to become the king, wait for me to show you the number one in Hanbok, haha, okay All right, I'm going down."

After playing a few games and finally singing a song, Li Shuyao ended the live broadcast directly.

Today's live broadcast is a bit long, more than four hours, much longer than the first live broadcast, and the harvest is actually quite a lot, the average popularity is almost stable at around 200 million.

In fact, when she started playing games, her popularity dropped a lot. After all, most people mainly came to listen to her singing, and there were even more people who watched her eat than watched her play games.

Later, Lianmai with the wine pot gained a wave of popularity. The players on the side of the hip pot were all League of Legends players. This wave made her attract a lot of League of Legends viewers.

Overall, I was very satisfied with the live broadcast on the second day.

After the live broadcast, Li Shuyao took a look at the circle of friends posted by that guy Fang Xuening. This guy seemed to be having a good time playing outside. He didn't come back after participating in the event. He started traveling directly outside. It seems that he even opened an outdoor live broadcast today. ...

Okay, I don’t have any worries about this product, I can play wherever I go, because it’s a salted fish, so I don’t have any heavy tasks at ordinary times

That bastard Tantai Jingyi started to score points again, she has already become the king now, today Li Shuyao did not get her in the queue several times...

Li Shuyao ran over to take a look. This guy is so addicted that he can't help himself... It seems that he is also broadcasting live, but basically he doesn't talk much...

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, okay, this live broadcast style is no one else.

Turning around and going downstairs, squeezed two cups of sweet and sour juice, then one for myself, one for Tantai Jingyi, one cup a day, to supplement the vitamin C needed by the human body!

Look at the time, it's almost 12 o'clock, and it's time to go to bed again!
After opening WeChat again and replying to a few greetings from old classmates and friends, Li Shuyao saw the message Nan Yiyi sent her.

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao touched her chin when she saw the news... She was invited to dance with her during the Mid-Autumn Festival... Well, I don't know that she can't dance!Didn't it look rough in the last video!

Hey, how about, I'll suck it... Ah bah, how about I copy her dancing talent, so that I can be regarded as a song and dance anchor.

Well, it's still not bad.

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Okay, can we go tomorrow?"

Nan Yiyi: "The day after tomorrow, I will order clothes tomorrow, can you give me your size?"

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Oh... Here you go."

Nan Yiyi: "Hiss... I didn't realize it, it's so big."

The nursery rhyme in the book: "Ahem, no, it's okay."

Nan Yiyi: "Haha, Yaoyao has a good figure."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Haha, it's okay, it's okay."

Well, mainly because of good genes.

Nan Yiyi: "That's settled. I will shoot at 9 o'clock the day after tomorrow. This is the studio I have set. I want to do a little martial arts style, so I will add some martial arts moves and invite a martial arts teacher... This is the location. position."

Nursery rhyme in the book: "Okay, it's not very far."

Nan Yiyi: "Okay!"

Li Shuyao smiled slightly. Before that, she was still thinking about whether to make a show during the holidays. It would be nice if she could make a video with Nan Yiyi, and she still danced to the song "I hope you will last forever". not bad.

At that time, the official will forward it, and it seems that it will become a little popular again, hehe.

In addition, if she hires a martial arts teacher, she can also copy a wave of martial arts,

The next day, Li Shuyao copied some songs and put them on the computer, and then started to try to draw some comics. Don’t worry about this, wait until her fame improves and she recruits her own team. She still can’t afford one at the moment. team.

In the evening, she continued yesterday's live broadcast mode. The popularity of today's live broadcast room is basically the same as yesterday, but Li Shuyao can clearly feel the increase of new viewers.

In other words, yesterday's flagon drainage had an effect, and yesterday's live broadcast also had an effect, and the audience of League of Legends is on the rise.

However, it’s not that there are fewer audiences for the song, these people still came to listen to the song at the beginning and end of the song, and a lot of people left during the middle of the game.

This is also normal, she thought of it before.

Music viewers mainly gather on the video side, and game viewers mainly gather on the live broadcast side. This kind of separation mode is actually quite common in station B. After all, the content of many videos is not suitable for live broadcasting, so station B Many big up live viewers and video viewers are two groups.

Some big anchors don't have many viewers for their videos, and some big ups don't have many viewers for their live broadcasts, so in fact, Li Shuyao's ability to maintain this level for three consecutive days is already very good.

On the third day, Li Shuyao woke up very early, and today she has to go out for an appointment... Ahem, I'm going out to shoot a video, I can't be late!
Ok?When she said she couldn't be late, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Forget it, it doesn't matter!
When she came out, Tantai Jingyi was still sleeping... It doesn't matter, I told her about it yesterday, I left some breakfast for her... After lunch, Li Shuyao was ready to go out.

After making a good meal, Li Shuyao inexplicably has a sense of sight that his wife is going to work, and before going out, she will leave a meal for her husband who is obsessed with online games...

Well, their children ran out to play and haven't come back yet.

Tsk tsk, the pressure of life is on my fragile little shoulders.

The weather was getting colder, so Li Shuyao wore a set of jeans, a long-sleeved hoodie and a pair of small Martin boots, looking very youthful.

I ran out and got in a car, and went straight to the shooting location!

It seems that relying on a driver's license is already on the agenda.

Well, after shooting the video this time, she will go to take a driver's license test. This is very simple for her, just find a driver master and pat her on the shoulder.

As for subjects one and four...

With her learning ability and memory, she can memorize traffic regulations from beginning to end and then back to head!

It's so arrogant!

After thinking about her own car, Li Shuyao took out her mobile phone to check the time, and thought that she must not be late, then suddenly her whole body trembled, and then she thought of something inexplicably...

So, the driver saw Li Shuyao who was sitting cross-legged in the back through the small mirror, chanting sutras with eyes closed.

The driver master slammed his mouth, what is the situation, he is already... oh, what a pity, what a pity, he is obviously very beautiful, so why...

Tsk tsk, what a pity, what a pity.

Then the driver master felt his arm was lightly patted.

"What's the matter, girl?" The driver asked a little puzzled, why did he pat me for no reason.

But he heard no answer,

The driver looked up at the back seat again, and then saw Li Shuyao sitting cross-legged on the seat, with her head drooping deeply...

The driver was startled, I'll go, this... this can't be sitting down!
What's the situation? This is it?Why are you talking about it, who was it that just took pictures of yourself?
It won't be haunted in broad daylight!
It should have been impossible, but the driver suddenly remembered what Li Shuyao had been nagging about.

Hiss... this can't be a female ghost.

 I hope the epidemic will pass quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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