Chapter 203 Copy

The movements in the outer courtyard cannot be hidden from the people in the inner courtyard.

Mrs. Wang really couldn't figure out which song Jia Lian and his wife sang. The moment before, they still extended their kindness, making everyone grateful and grateful, and it felt like the whole world was celebrating.

Why did he change his face the next moment and start to lose his temper?

Moreover, it was one of the butlers in the mansion!

This made Mrs. Wang suspicious.

You know, apart from Lai Da and Lin Zhixiao who were promoted by Jia's mother, Shan Daliang and Wu Xindeng are her people.

Just after Jia Lian got the title, he took Shan Daliang to attack, which made her start to wonder if Jia Lian was after her.

Although she was skeptical, Mrs. Wang didn't do much. For one thing, Jia Lian and his wife had the right to be housekeepers. If they did nothing wrong, she wouldn't be able to intervene.

Second, Jia Lian was beating the servants of the outer court, even if it was wrong, Jia Zheng should intervene.At this time, Jia Zheng must be studying in Meng Pozhai, so she naturally wouldn't disturb him with such trivial matters.Moreover, maybe Jia Zheng also knows now.


Suddenly, a ghost from Shan Daliang's family barged in, and when he saw her, he wailed for help.

Mrs. Wang hurriedly asked what was the matter.

"I went home just now, and I was about to come back to serve my master and grandma after I tidied up. Who knew that Liu Chun's family from Dongkuayuan, with a whole lot of wives and servants, came directly to my house. It is said that it was ordered by Lian Erye to search for dirty evidence.

Then, regardless of the obstruction of the servants, they forcibly entered the house and searched for it...

They were not looking for dirty evidence. Whenever they saw valuables, they immediately grabbed them into the carriage outside, just like robbers.

My kid went up to stop him, but was beaten up by one of Lian's second master's personal guards, he was lying on the ground and couldn't stand up..."


Madam Wang couldn't help being startled when she heard the words, and quickly asked: "What did you do that he wants to treat you like this?"

"Mrs. Mingjian, the servants didn't do anything.

We have been conscientious in handling affairs in the mansion these years, and never dared to make a wrong step, and somehow offended Second Master Lian.

I heard from the housekeeper's wives that my son is still being held in front of the steward's room to beat the board, I'm afraid he will die now...

Wife, we are all yours, Second Master Lian treats us like this, but he doesn't take his wife seriously, please be merciful and save our lives, otherwise we won't survive..."

Mrs. Wang sighed, she didn't know what to do in this situation.

Originally thought that Shan Daliang and others were indeed caught by Jia Lian because of their greed for ink, so they had to teach them a lesson.

Although it does not conform to the current Jia family's family management philosophy, it cannot be miscalculated.

It's just that sending people to copy the slave's house is really too much...!
The Jia Mansion has been in business for decades and has never done such a disgraceful thing.

Annoyed by being urged by Shan Daliang's family, Mrs. Wang sighed: "He now bears the title of the family and is highly valued by a saint. I can't control him anymore. Go find the old lady, maybe he still listens to the old lady." Talk a little bit, let's go..."

There was some despair on the face of Shan Daliang's family, seeing that Mrs. Wang was really powerless to take care of this matter, she didn't dare to delay, got up from the ground, and immediately ran to Rongqing Hall.

If she delays any longer, she's afraid that her husband will really be beaten to death.

God, eighty boards, who can bear it?


In the compound where the steward's office is located, when the leaders of Liu Chun's family brought boxes of things into the yard, even Lai Da and Lin Zhixiao couldn't help feeling chills in their hearts.

But they didn't dare to show any strangeness, they just stayed on the side obediently, waiting for changes.

Wang Xifeng also looked at it in a daze, and said in her heart, could it be that the unconscionable person copied Jingxu's lair to gain sweetness, so he fell in love with this thing?
But this is too exciting. Without further ado, just copy the house of your servant?

Isn't he afraid that others will criticize him, and the old lady will blame him later?

But Wang Xifeng just thought about it, and immediately became excited.

After managing the family in Rongguo Mansion for several years, Wang Xifeng knew how rich the housekeepers and stewards were, and some of them might be even richer than she was before!

Take the four housekeepers Lai Da and Lin Zhixiao as examples, they all live in separate houses outside the mansion. Usually, they would invite Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang to dinner and a theater during festivals... Although Mother Jia waited People don't necessarily appreciate it.

Well, the Shan family was copied unconscionably, how many good things have to be copied?
Liu Chun's family walked over tremblingly, and reported back: "Second Master, the servants went to Shan's house to search for stolen goods according to Second Master's order, except for some things that couldn't be moved, they basically brought over everything else.

The slaves have no time to count them all, so they are all here, please take a look at them. "

Just as Jia Lian was about to speak, he saw Zhou Rui's family in the corridor coming quickly, leading a woman.

"Second Master Lian, Second Mistress Lian, the old lady told you to come in and answer..."

When Wang Xifeng heard that Jia's mother really came to call, she felt a little apprehensive, and couldn't help but glance at Jia Lian.

Look, the old lady is here to ask questions, think about how to answer, I can't control it, who told you not to discuss with me in advance.

There was no change on Jia Lian's face, as if everything was within his expectations.

He only said to Wang Xifeng: "I'll answer the old lady's place, you are here, let them count the things in front of everyone, and then ask someone to report a specific amount."

Wang Xifeng understood Jia Lian's meaning as soon as she heard it, and she was happy not to see her grandmother, so she nodded and agreed.


Jia Lian came to Rongqing Hall, and sure enough, Jia's mother had already set up a battle.

Not in the inner hall either, she is sitting in the main hall outside at the moment, and only Mrs. Wang is the one to attack, and the Shan Daliang family is sitting on the ground, weeping.

"I met the old lady, madam."

As soon as Jia Lian finished seeing the ceremony, Jia's mother frowned and asked, "Where is Feng girl?"

"There are still some things outside that I haven't finished, so I let her take care of it temporarily.

If the old lady has anything to say, just ask me, I know everything. "

Seeing Jia Lian's casual attitude, Jia's mother became angry, so she said angrily: "You are getting more and more promising now, and you have nothing to do with stealing your servant's house!

You are also a general of the second rank, are you not afraid of shame? "

Jia Lian glanced at Shan Daliang's family on the ground, and when the other party first met his eyes, he immediately backed away with guilt.

Jia Lian snorted softly, cupped her hands and replied, "The old lady was originally doing this, if so, I'm afraid the old lady will be deceived by these tricky slaves.

If they didn't break the law and did something that would greatly damage the interests of my Jia family, how could my grandson do this? "

Jia's mother is a fine person, and she knows what Jia Lian means without asking.

"Even if they made a mistake and did something they shouldn't do, it's okay for you to discipline and teach them a lesson. How can you just copy them?
The so-called don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, but any big family knows how to maintain the dignity of the family.

They are also servants of the mansion for several lifetimes, and they are the ones who are in charge of things in my hands, so they should be more or less decent.

You are so self-willed and bullying the slaves, did you make a special trip to show me? "

Mother Jia was indeed a little angry.

After all, Jia's family management philosophy has always been that a person who serves and needs to be used in front of the elders is more dignified than the master.

This is actually the so-called filial piety and family management. It can also be said that "it depends on the owner to beat a dog".

Now that Jia Lian is treating Shan Daliang's family to death without saying a word, it is obviously an embarrassment to both her and Mrs. Wang!

"The old lady calmed down, the grandson didn't mean it anymore.

In fact, grandson didn't want to do this either. Could it be that grandson himself is really a person who doesn't want to be decent?

It's really that they have gone too far, otherwise why would the grandson have to do this.

The old lady thought about it, why didn't her grandson punish Lai Da, Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xindeng, but it was the Shan family? "

Jia Lian had already spoken to Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, so he spoke slowly.

When Shan Daliang's family heard this, their eyes became even redder.

That's right, the couple didn't offend Lian's second master and Lian's second mistress, so why did they just pick them to death?

If Jia Mu and others had been through the Internet of later generations, they might be able to understand the unreasonable proposition of "Why don't you hit others and only hit you".

But they didn't, so they felt that what Jia Lian said made sense, so they gave Shan Daliang's family a hard look, and then sighed: "What did they do to make you so angry?"

"Thanks to the old lady and the wife's kindness, they pooled up more than 1 taels of silver for us, so that my father's funeral can be settled satisfactorily. I thank the old lady and my wife again here.

In order to use these silver coins on the steel blade, Feng girl and I have been exhausting our efforts for the past month, fearing that we would waste one or two cents of silver and delay the master's funeral.If the money is not enough, where can I find it?

Ask the old lady and wife again?We don't have that face anymore.

However, Shan Daliang and his wife, relying on the convenience of their management, have no sense of affection at all. In the preparation of my father's funeral, they have both sides, false reports, concealed reports, and get kickbacks.Greedy money is getting more and more every time.

The grandson and girl Feng have already found out, but they just kept silent because of my father's spirit position.

Does the old lady know how much money they spent on my father's funeral? "

Jia's mother and others were a little silent. If Jia Lian said so, it's no wonder that Jia Lian settled accounts with the Shan family.

"For my father's funeral, a total of less than 2 taels of silver was spent, but this single family, theirs alone, spent thousands of silver, accounting for five or six cents of my father's total expenses. one.

Old lady, lady, tell me, how can you tolerate such a cowardly and greedy dog ​​slave? "

"No, we didn't, Second Master Lian is spitting blood.

Old lady, lady, you have to believe us, we didn't, really didn't..."

A mouthful of old blood spewed from the heart of Shan Daliang's family, what Jia Lian said was too exaggerated.

They made false reports, concealed reports, and took some kickbacks...but they didn't go to the bank to rob them. How could they be greedy for thousands of taels of silver?
It is impossible to exceed 1000 taels of silver after all the calculations.

It's really unfair...

"Hmph, of course you won't admit it. If you really admit it, I won't do it.

Anyway, all the dirty evidence has been turned up now, just wait for Feng girl to figure it out, and then I will know whether you are human or ghost! "

Seeing Jia Lian's demeanor, Jia's mother and others are actually more willing to believe Jia Lian.

Because the servants in the family are full of oil and water, they all know it.It's just that they have a mentality that the more glamorous the slaves around them, the more dignified they are, so they don't pay much attention to their modest greed for ink.

Who knew that they would be so rampant!
A few thousand silvers have been stolen in a funeral, how can this be paid off?Doesn't that mean that within a few years, the entire official treasury will be emptied by them?
Both Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang understood why Jia Lian was so angry, and they must be severely punished.

(End of this chapter)

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