The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 204 Mrs. Wang's Cares

Chapter 204 Mrs. Wang's Cares
Seeing the expressions of Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang, Shan Daliang's family was very desperate.

If even these two gave up on them, she really didn't know who else could save their Shan family.

So crying and crawling to the front of Jia Mu and his mother, all kinds of begging for forgiveness, quite a feeling of tears.

Jia Lian didn't care about this, and even thought of rushing to Tanchun and the others who poked their heads out of the inner hall, and raised their eyebrows to say hello, causing Tanchun and Xichun to hide behind the nanmu barrier.

In desperation, it seemed that he stepped on the foot of a certain delicate guest, causing a very cute "ouch" sound from Jiao Didi, and then a faint sound of begging for forgiveness...

Obviously, sisters Sanchun and others are listening behind the scene!

In the main hall, just when Mother Jia and the others felt compassion, Xiaohong, Wang Xifeng's new confidant, ran over.

She first greeted Jia Lian and the three of them in a proper manner, and then she said to Jia Lian: "Second Master, Second Mistress said that there are too many dirty certificates of the Shan family, and I can't count them for a while.

However, according to Second Grandma’s estimate, gold tickets, silver tickets, gold, silver and copper coins are at least about 8000 taels, other jewelry, jewelry, gold and silver utensils, antique calligraphy and paintings, and even a few land deeds and house deeds. When the things are converted, at least they are worth ten to twenty thousand silver..."

Wang Xifeng knew that Jia Lian urgently needed to copy the number to silence Jia Mu and others, so she asked Xiaohong to report in advance.

After hearing this, Jia Lian said: "Listen, old lady, madam, I just searched casually, and I can find out such an astonishing amount. I don't know how many of them are spent or hidden elsewhere. .

That's all, not counting their house.

After all, being a slave in our family is really much better than being an official. The annual salary of those Zai Fu Shangshu is only a few hundred taels. It is a pity that they have worked so hard to be an official for 20 years, and their income is not as good as that of a slave in our family. "

When Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang heard this, their hands tightened.

The slaves who have served several generations in the family, especially the housekeeper and old stewards, are rich, and they know this in their hearts.

However, Shan Daliang has not been a housekeeper for a long time, and he has not experienced a few major events in his hands, but his family wealth is too rich!

If he is like this, then how wealthy should those families who have been in charge longer and have a higher status than him be?
For a moment, even Mother Jia couldn't help but doubt in her heart whether the love she had saved for most of her life as the Duke's wife of her own country was too much...

Seeing the situation, Shan Daliang's family quickly got up and kowtowed: "Most of those belongings are rewarded by old ladies and wives over the years..."

Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang were indifferent, they were crazy to reward a servant with so much real money!

Even Lai Da's mother, Nanny Lai, only rewards some clothes and some goods every year, and the total value is only a few hundred taels of silver.

What kind of goods is this Dan Daliang to get so many rewards?
So they don't know how the money came from their family.

"Old lady, madam Mingjian, the money is not all the servants themselves... it is... it is the relatives who saw how decent the servants are in the mansion, so they transported the money to the capital and handed it over to the capital. It was kept on our behalf, but the second master Lian was searched for it as dirty evidence, and looking back, how should we explain it to our relatives..."

The faces of Jiamu and Mrs. Wang turned dark. Are they being fooled?

As a person who has been a slave for generations, how can you have rich and powerful relatives?It is really more and more outrageous to keep the property on behalf of him.

A stern look made Shan Daliang's family shut up, and then Mother Jia took a deep breath, and said to Jia Lian: "Our family has a big business, a large population, and many things to do. Housekeepers and deacons sometimes earn some money from it." Money is inevitable.

It is difficult to raise fish in clear water, you should be very aware of this truth as an official in the imperial court.

Thinking that they are all old people in the family for several lifetimes, they have served the masters for several generations, and there is hard work without credit, so you should forgive them. "

Obviously even so, Jia's mother didn't want to do anything to Shan Daliang.

As Jia's mother who has been in charge of the family for decades, she has a strong "territorial awareness", and knows that the slaves raised from her hands in the family are the extension of her power.

Once these people are gone, I'm afraid that the children and grandchildren below may not be as filial to her as they are now.

Therefore, in the past, neither Mrs. Wang nor Wang Xifeng dared to touch her easily.

She didn't want Jia Lian to make this case.

But Jia Lian is not Mrs. Wang or Wang Xifeng, he just wanted to make this case!

"Originally, when it comes to the law of the country, it seems that those who steal or defraud the owner's property should be hanged..."


There was an abrupt exclamation from behind the huge wooden screen, crisp and crisp, with a little delicate sound.

Mother Jia frowned and looked back, then looked at Jia Lian dissatisfied.

The old woman on the ground was already terrified, and grabbed Jia Mu's trouser legs as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Of course, if the ancestors can't bear it, the grandson can also forgive him.

How about this, all the improper income will be charged to the officials, and then the people will be sent to Zhuangzi...

This is already the lightest disposal.They have committed such disloyalty and disobedience to the laws of the country and family. They should be severely punished in terms of emotional ethics and law. Otherwise, they will not only be unable to serve as an example to others, but will also chill the hearts of those thrifty, self-disciplined, and loyal slaves. ! "

When Jia Lian said this, it was hard for Jia's mother to say anything more.

Glancing at Shan Daliang's family who still wanted to ask for favors, Jia's mother said impatiently: "Okay, that's it.

He is already showing mercy to you outside the law. If you acted according to the actions of the old princes of the past, all of you would have lost their heads long ago. Can you still cry here?
When you get to Zhuangzi, let's reform ourselves. "

After Jia's mother finished speaking, even if her affection was exhausted, she gave the women nearby a look, and those people picked up Shan Daliang's family and dragged them out.

After the crying people were carried away, the hall became quiet, and Mother Jia glanced at Mrs. Wang unobtrusively.

Mrs. Wang hardly spoke from the beginning to the end. Strictly speaking, this single couple should be regarded as her talents...

Without thinking too much, Jia's mother turned to look at Jia Lian with a calm demeanor, and sighed: "You have copied the servant's house like this, so you won't be afraid that the servants below will say that you are greedy, do not follow the rules, and lose people's hearts?"

"If you want to lose, you will lose the hearts of those slaves who are not loyal enough. These people will be eliminated one by one sooner or later.

Our Jia family does not need unfaithful servants. "

Jia Lian's answer made Jia's mother very uncomfortable. It seemed that the servants left over from her family management era were all unfaithful and restless.

However, what Jia Lian said was right, and she couldn't object.

"Okay, I know your idea is right, but I still want to remind you that everything is too late, and one day you will understand, people, it's rare to be confused."

Jia Lian smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for reminding me, my grandson. I hope my grandson can understand this truth earlier and learn a little about the philosophy of life from my ancestor."

Jiamu was stuck in her heart, very uncomfortable, so she said angrily: "Anyway, you won't listen to what I say, and I don't bother to tell you, you go down."

"The ancestor calmed down, and the grandson retired first..."

After Jia Lian left, seeing Jia's mother was a little angry, Mrs. Wang persuaded: "Don't take it to heart, old lady, he also has no selfish intentions.

He must have seen that our family is struggling to make ends meet every year, and the money in the official treasury is getting less and less every year, so he can't see the greed of the servants even more.

If this is the case, he is wholeheartedly for the good of our family, and it is difficult for him. "

When Jia Mu heard the words, she sighed softly, got up and put her arms on the mandarin ducks, and went to the inner hall.


Zhou Rui's family waited for no one to come up and called out.

In terms of status, Shan Daliang's couple is higher than her and Zhou Rui's couple.

Therefore, Shan Daliang was punished by Jia Lian, making them these powerful slaves feel insecure.

The point is, it seems that the wife has no intention of insurance policy at all... This makes her very uncertain.

Mrs. Wang saw her thoughts, and said calmly: "This time, the Shan family did too much, that's why Lian'er and the others are determined to punish.

Lian'er and Lian'er are not stupid, after punishing the Shan family, they will definitely not make any big moves.As long as you behave more cautiously in the future and don't give them an excuse, they probably won't do anything to you. "

Hearing this, Zhou Rui's family was somewhat relieved.

But Mrs. Wang said in a low voice: "Go out and have a look, and see if Lian'er and Lian'er have sent all the copied things to the official to make a record..."

Zhou Rui's family was slightly stunned, and suddenly they understood why Mrs. Wang didn't save the Shan family.

Ma'am, it's because of the huge amount of property.

It's true, filling those things into the officials is also quite a fortune for the officials!

But, why is there always a chill in my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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