Chapter 205 Games
"How about it, old lady, what did they say, did they scold you?"

As soon as Jia Lian returned to the management room, Wang Xifeng came up and asked with concern.

Jia Lian said with a smile: "The old lady and the wife are all sensible people. After learning about the Shan family's greed for ink, they were very angry and asked me to deal with it according to the family rules and family laws."

The intentionally spread voice made all the housekeepers and stewards around them no longer have any chances, and they all lowered their heads even lower.

Jia Lian immediately ordered people to drag Shan Daliang's family down and punish him with a staff of sixty.

After the execution, Jia Lian stood in front of the porch, facing the house full of male and female servants, and said in a deep voice: "The Shan family disregarded the kindness of the master, became greedy, and stole and defrauded the master's property of tens of thousands.

It should have been sent to the government and hanged according to the law of the country.

However, considering that the Shan family has served their master for many years, it is still considered meritorious, so they decided to punish them lightly.

Take all the property and houses of the single family and take them back to the government.The seven members of the Shan family were sent to Zhuangzi in the north to guard the farmland. "

After dismissing the Shan family, Jia Lian continued: "Although the Shan family is the most greedy for ink, it is definitely not the only one.

In this booklet in my hand, there are many people's names recorded..."

Jia Lian took out a booklet from his bosom, opened it and read it.

When the servants in the yard heard this, their hearts jumped into their throats.

The powerful butler of the Shan family was knocked out of the dust in one fell swoop, barely saving their lives.Lessons learned from the past, the servants present cannot be allowed to be insecure.

Sure enough, he heard Jia Lian say: "You guessed right, the number one in this booklet is Shan Daliang.

Now, his business has been settled.

Originally, according to my intention, it was to be dealt with next to this booklet one by one..."

Everyone in the courtyard quietly held their breath.

"However, I changed my mind and decided to give the people above a chance.

What is the opportunity?

After all, many people here have been servants of the family for several lifetimes, and they are somewhat respectable. If they are all searched like the Shan family, it would seem too unreasonable.

Since ancient times, it has been said that frankness is lenient and resistance is strict. Let's play a game today.

The time limit is only half an hour. From the deacon to the manager Lai Da, everyone in the family came to me to fill in a number.

What is this number?It is the total amount of money you have obtained from the mansion by greedy means, except for the monthly salary, wages, and property rewarded by the master since you were slaves in the mansion..."

Hearing what Jia Lian said, everyone became suspicious.

Wang Xifeng and Qingwen and others who came to watch the excitement were full of curiosity, what was the second master up to, it sounded like fun.

However, for those in charge, the feeling is very different.

Reporting the money you are greedy for ink, isn't it self-inflicted and self-defeating?

Is the second master stupid, or are they stupid?

"You can rest assured that this number, I can guarantee that no one but me can know how much you filled in. This is also to take care of everyone's decency. After all, most people will still work at home in the future.

As for the size of the number, you can fill in whatever you want. If you fill in one point, I will not think it is too little, and if you fill in [-], I will not think it is too much.

As long as the number you fill in is reasonable for me to judge in the end, then not only are you safe today, but from now on, the government will never hold you accountable for previous crimes.In other words, no matter how much you have been greedy in the past, as long as you keep yourself safe from now on, you can always hold the position of steward or steward.

Of course, if the filling is unreasonable, it may be embarrassing.

Not every slave, in our family, is as decent as Shan Daliang, who can get away with saving a life.

All in all, let's treat it as a game tonight, and the rules of the game are as simple as that.I suggest that you would rather write more than write less. After all, there is no crime if you write more, but if you write less, you can only ask for more blessings.

I wonder if you understand? "

In the yard, there was a sudden burst of noise.

The stewards, naturally, were all frightened and frightened, with faces like bitter melons.And those "ordinary people" who don't have deacons are all gloating.

A bold one even mingled in the crowd and shouted loudly: "Second Master is famous, but I can't spare them. They have been greedy for a lot these years, and they are all outside, living a more dignified and richer life than the masters. , Second Master must not let them go easily..."

Jia Lian looked over and caught sight of him, so he said, "Wait a minute, you come here to fill in one too."

"Ah?? But Second Master, I'm just a gatekeeper, I'm not in charge..."

Seeing this, the people around him laughed and booed one after another, adding a bit of humor to this serious scene.

Jia Lian saw a group of housekeepers and deacons slowly approaching Lai Da, as if they wanted to discuss countermeasures, Jia Lian didn't care, just looked at Lai Da, and asked with a smile: "I don't know the rules of the game, has Mr. Lai heard clearly?"

Lai Da was still a little apprehensive, but he didn't show any fear.

Standing in his position, he could see much more clearly than others. He guessed that Jia Lian's move probably had three meanings.

One is to deter the growing corruption of ink in the family.

Secondly, he also took the opportunity to get back some money... He knew very well that the government's silver inventory was decreasing year by year.

Thirdly, Second Lord Lian is Liwei.

Second Master Lian is now in possession of the title, and he may have expressed to the family impatiently that in this family in the future, whoever's words will be the most effective...

"Report to the second master, the servant understands."

"It's good to be clear."

Jia Lian smiled slightly, and then ordered someone to remove the extra tables, leaving only one in the middle.

Wang Xifeng saw that Jia Lian asked all the servants to retreat five steps away, so she took the initiative to ask Ying: "I'll help you sharpen your serving brushes."

In fact, she is also playful, and thinks Jia Lian's money game is very interesting and suits her taste.

But Jia Lian shook his head: "You are here, the servants are under a lot of pressure, so if you are fine, go back and take a shower early..."

Even though Jia Lian's final voice was relatively low, it still made Wang Xifeng startled, she quickly backed away, glared at Jia Lian, and then covered up, "That's all, if you don't look at it, don't look at it, what's so strange about it!"

With that said, he led Ping'er and the others away.

"Xiang Ling, you stay and study ink."


The formation was unfolded, and all the ordinary servants retreated consciously, leaving their positions for the stewards and deacons.

Jia Lian looked at Liu Chun and the others, and said with a smile, "Boss Liu, you are my man, let's start with you."


Liu Chun took a deep breath, walked forward alone, took the brush from Jia Lian, and quickly wrote down a number on the white paper...


Mengpozhai, Jia Zheng actually knew about the affairs in the steward's room a long time ago.

Even one of his eldest followers is Shan Daliang's eldest son, who came to beg him early in the morning.

But he ignored it.

Jia Lian greeted him in advance, saying that he would deal with a few greedy servants, and asked him if he would like to go to the scene to see it.

Jia Zheng is a person who doesn't like trouble, and he doesn't care about the life and death of slaves.

The money of corrupt officials is the money of being greedy for him.Usually it's just a matter of embarrassment to do it, since Jia Lian is willing to come forward to be this villain, how can he disagree.

He was even a little happy in his heart, but he told Jia Lian to pay attention to method and measure, and not to make the old lady unhappy...

Although he was unwilling to come forward to take care of such a troublesome and complicated matter, it was impossible for him to completely ignore the commotion over there.

From time to time, I still send people to inquire about the news.

When he heard that Jia Lian was free and was playing "play house" with the servants in the compound, he was very speechless.

Well, I'd like to see how he wants to manage the family first. If it's good, let it go. If it's not good, for example, if there are some mistakes, then I will come forward at that time. Wouldn't it appear that I am planning a plan?
Jia Zheng felt that he was the general now, and no matter how much Jia Lian made a fuss, he was just his vanguard.

So good.

(End of this chapter)

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