The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 206: Both Diao Slaves

Chapter 206: Both Diao Slaves
Not only Jia Zheng, but also Jia Mu and others in Rongqing were also paying attention to the affairs of the outer court.

When she heard that Jia Lian had dealt with Shan Daliang's family, she was still unwilling to let go, and wanted to deal with other slaves, so Mother Jia felt very uncomfortable.

Just hearing Lai's daughter-in-law say that Jia Lian changed the gentle way and asked them to recruit the amount of money from the greedy ink, Jia's mother was very angry and funny.

Because Aunt Xue came to talk to her sister, Mrs. Wang, and stopped by to say hello to her, so she was also in the hall at this time, and Jia's mother half complained and half joked to her: "Let the aunt read the joke, our child , I always think this way, one out is one out.

I don't know where I heard it this time, it sounds funny, but he himself disregarded his status and used it to discipline the servants openly.

Fortunately, it was in his own home, if he had done the same in Bingmasi Yamen, how many people would laugh at him.

I don't know what he was thinking.Once I figured it out, if I want to be an official, I want everyone to be like him, to be a clean, honest and good official.

It's a pity that most of these unsatisfactory servants in our family will not be able to do what he wants. "

Aunt Xue could hear the dissatisfaction and ridicule towards Jia Lian in Jia's mother's tone. It was true. Since ancient times, who can be greedy and dare to be greedy?
This is like the emperor's decree to let the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty take the initiative to explain who is an honest official and who is a corrupt official...

It's just that Aunt Xue has a different feeling than Mother Jia.

Even though what Jia Lian did might not be effective, it still made her envious, so she smiled and said:
"The old lady was joking, if anyone's family can be like the old lady's family, with filial children and grandchildren, and all capable, I'm afraid they will be happy from ear to ear, so why talk about jokes?
Take my family as an example, I just hate that there is no one in the family who can manage things. If there is a man like Brother Lian who is capable of being an official outside and can manage the house inside, I am afraid that our family will not be what it is now. It looks like..."

As Aunt Xue spoke, she couldn't help showing a sad and tired look.

She is used to being sympathetic, so she is not stingy to express her family's downfall to Mother Jia.

Besides, what she said was not completely nonsense, she had always hoped that one day Xue Pan would suddenly become sensible, and if nothing else, she would be able to discipline and suppress those servants and buddies at home, and she would feel at ease.

She is only a girl, and she really has nothing to do with those old slaves, treacherous old shopkeepers and guys who have lived for several lifetimes.

Mother Jia glanced at Aunt Xue and secretly sighed for the Xue family.

Poor family with no male son, what's the use of guarding so much wealth...

In such a comparison, the Jia family can be regarded as a prosperous family.

Any son or grandson who is in charge in my family is ten times better than Xue Pan in her family!
Jia Mu and others talked at the top, and the Sanchun sisters, Jia Baoyu, Daiyu and others also formed a circle of their own.

"Sister Lin, what do you think of Lian's second brother's method? Those housekeepers and deacons will really obediently report their greedy money to Lian's second brother, do you know?"

Tanchun tugged at Daiyu's sleeve, wanting to know what Daiyu thought.

Daiyu pouted slightly, put her sleeves away, and ignored her.Smelly girl, you stepped on my foot just now, it hurt so much, so I ignored you.

Tanchun turned to ask Baochai.

Baochai replied: "Learning from the past, everyone has lingering fears and will not dare to respond.

But, I'm afraid it's hard to tell the truth. "

Baochai followed her mother to manage the family business, and knew how difficult the people under her were. Even if they really caught their fault, they would still have all kinds of reasons to evade their sophistry.

So it's very difficult to completely subdue them, but I don't know what Lian's second brother has in mind.

"No, no, I think Brother Lian probably used the wrong moves this time.

The servants in the mansion are all extremely cunning, and they don't have a single word of the truth in their mouths. If they want to recruit them honestly, I'm afraid it will be as difficult as climbing the sky. "

Jia Baoyu won everyone's approval when he read Baochai's words, so he hurriedly expressed his different opinions.

It's just that he didn't pay attention. With a single word, he offended all the servants in the family.The corners of Lai's family and others who answered Jia's mother's mouth twitched, but they didn't dare to speak.

Lin Daiyu also took a look at Jia Baoyu, then turned her head with a hum.

Jia Baoyu was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly called out: Sister Lin~~
A few days after the turmoil in Shuiyue Temple, the Sanchun sisters basically "forgot" and were willing to talk to him, but Daiyu still ignored him.

Xiao Nizi is too difficult to coax, not as cute as the third sister.


In front of the steward's room, the atmosphere was serious.

Because the housekeepers and deacons all walked up to Jia Lian one by one as if they were going to the execution ground, and even the other servants who were watching the theater did not dare to move.

A deacon tremblingly wrote a number, glanced at Jia Lian's face, and wanted to say something.

"You don't need to explain to me, I told you, you decide how much to write.

Do you want to change it?Go on without changing, don't waste time. "

The deacon's complexion changed very much. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he said that his hands were trembling and he made a mistake. Then he quickly picked up the pen and crossed out the number written before on the white paper, and wrote it again.

Jia Lian glanced at it, indifferently wrote down a sum in the booklet in front of her, and then waved her down.

When the round was over, everyone retreated to the side, all looking at Jia Lian who was sitting in the middle with piercing eyes, not knowing what Second Master Lian would do next.

But Jia Lian seemed to count the items on the booklet, and then raised his head and said to everyone: "Yes, all the servants in charge of our family are all at home. As for the remaining ten or so who are placed outside, they have errands. Those who have arranged to go out will not count them today.

Let's invite them to participate in a similar game next time. "

Everyone chattered and didn't know how to answer.

Second Master Lian didn't seem to have any intention of asking them to answer, so he immediately took out the previous booklet, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he began to compare them one by one. Obviously, he was really verifying, who filled in the numbers reasonably, and who filled them in. The number is unreasonable...

All of a sudden, the hearts of the twenty or thirty housekeepers and deacons were raised in their throats, regardless of whether they were honest or dishonest, good or bad.


Just when many bad-tempered people couldn't help their legs trembling, they suddenly heard Jia Lian's laughter.

"It seems that many people in our family still take my words to heart, and know that it is good to respect the master in their hearts."

Following Jia Lian's laughing words, Jia Lian picked up the brush and quickly drew several strokes on the terrifying booklet.

Everyone guessed that the people crossed out by the second master should all fill in the numbers that the second master thinks is appropriate, that is, those who have passed the customs safely.

I don't know if I am in it, or if I have been on it from the beginning...

Too many uncertain things are always daunting.

Even more daunting is yet to come.

Jia Lian quickly closed the booklet, and then his face turned cold, "The opportunity has been given to you, and the one that can be grasped has already been grasped, so there is nothing to say.

Next, we proceed to the second round of the game—continue to investigate corruption.

...Where is Wang Xin, the deacon who is in charge of all rents and shops in the capital? "

As soon as Jia Lian's words fell, a middle-aged male servant immediately knelt down in front of Jia Lian, looking panicked.

"Second Master, spare your life, Second Master, spare your life, this slave has been wronged, this slave has been..."

A series of explanations without any new ideas, in a panicked tone, made it easy to see his worries and fears at the moment.

Maybe, he is really finished...

Sure enough, Jia Lian calmly waited for him to finish his nonsense, and then said: "Since it is a game, there are always people who pass the level and advance, and some people who fail and get eliminated.

Unfortunately, you fall into the latter category.

Don't be in a hurry to talk, now I will give you two choices, just listen.

First, from now on, don't talk, don't say a word, wait for me to deal with it, I promise, I won't hit you with a stick.

Second, you can choose to be like Shan Daliang, let me explain your greedy things one by one, and you can also explain, whether it is to argue with reason, or to delay sophistry.

However, no matter whether you have convinced me or not, from the time you explain the first word, I will convert every word into a rod punishment for you.

For example, if you can convince me with ten words, you only need to suffer ten sticks, and there will be no other punishment.But suppose you need to use two hundred words or more to convince me, then you will be miserable and need to bear the punishment of two hundred or more.

The worst result is that you have said a lot of things, but you still haven't convinced me in the end, then you will not only bear the responsibility, but may be even worse than the Shan family.How is it, can you hear me clearly? "

Jia Lian's words made everyone terrified.

It is absolutely impossible for the yamen to interrogate a case clearly in a few words, not to mention that now that the second master Lian has determined that Wang Xin is greedy for ink, let alone dozens of hundreds, even a few thousand words may not be able to explain it clearly.

Unless it is a god, who can endure thousands of sticks?
In other words, regardless of whether the explanation is clear or unclear, choosing this path is a dead end.

Wang Xin naturally also saw the danger, and Jia Lian's killing intent towards him, he was so frightened that he immediately begged for forgiveness: "Please forgive me, the slave is really wronged. Even if I have improper income these years, I just reported it truthfully. Yes..."

Jia Lian nodded, and asked with a smile: "So, you chose the second path, and you want to tell me apart? Very good, very backbone..."

Wang Xin's tone faltered, and Jia Lian didn't even want to say a word to him, obviously convinced that he was greedy for ink.

quibble?The second master obviously didn't listen to a word.

Waiting for the master and the old lady to speak to help...

Don't dream, let's not talk about it for so long, the master and the wives have not seen, just say the housekeeper, that is an old man in the house for decades, the second master said that he would be beaten to death, and then Confiscated the house and drove him to Zhuangzi in the north to wait for his death!

It was a matter of his own life and death, Wang Xin seized the last moment of time, and replied slumpedly: "Slave, I choose the first path... let the second master let it go... I just ask the second master to see that the slave has been loyal to the family for many years." , to be able to give up lightly..."

Jia Lian nodded, and then, without looking at Wang Xin who was lying on the ground, he turned to Liu Chun behind and said, "Boss Liu, I'll give you two quarters of an hour, maybe in time?"

Liu Chun held his breath, and went out and said, "Back to the second master, Wang Xin lives in Shuijing Lane in front of him, two quarters of an hour is enough..."

"Then go."

At this moment, Liu Chun couldn't care less about rejoicing at his wise choice of taking refuge early, and didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly recruited a group of people, and went outside.

Seeing this, not only Wang Xin was slumped on the ground, but even several people in the deacons did not stand firm and almost sat on the ground.

It seems that Guanshi Wang is bound to make the same mistakes as Shan Daliang!There was no time to sympathize with him, because none of them knew whether Wang Xin would be the last unlucky ghost tonight.

Seeing how murderous the second master is now, it's obviously not...

(End of this chapter)

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