The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 209 Cao Cao Burns Letters

Chapter 209 Cao Cao Burns Letters
Jia Lian came out of Jia Zheng's inner study and went to Rongqing hall.

In this society where filial piety governs the world, superficial things must be done well, so as to save a lot of trouble.

After tidying up a few servants and blackmailing them, I have to report to Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang and let them nod their heads so that they can appear merciful and filial.

Because Rongqing Hall and Rongxi Hall are on the same level from east to west, Jia Lian didn't want to go a long way, so instead of going through the Chuihua Gate on the west, he decided to go straight from the courtyard where Mrs. Wang lived to the Yonglu Road behind.

In Mrs. Wang's compound, apart from Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang, there are also Jia Zheng's two concubines, Aunt Zhao and Aunt Zhou.

Forget about Aunt Zhou, she has no sense of presence, and it's rare for her to show her head once a year.

On the contrary, Aunt Zhao is the No. [-] "character" in Rongguo Mansion, and she lives in a well-known house, on the west side of the compound, so when Wang Xifeng goes from home to report to Mrs. Wang, she always passes under her back window.

"Really, you really see clearly, there are really so many? Erdi, be good, if the money is given to our mother and daughter, it won't be a fortune..."

"You maggot-hearted bastard, you usually tell you to study hard to please the master, but you just don't listen, making our mother and son in the mansion worse than a slave with money!
Bah, what kind of thing is Wang Xin? Back then, his parents begged his wife to give him a surname. Later, he couldn't make a name for himself in front of his wife, so he went to curry favor with your Lian's second sister-in-law's black-faced triangular eyes. There are five people and six people in front of people. "


Jia Lian had no intention of staying in the melon field and Li Xia's place, but he didn't want to pay attention to Aunt Zhao admonishing Jia Huan inside.

He just got a little angry when he suddenly heard the other party scolding his wife.

Other scolding is fine... Black face with triangular eyes?

This is a bit too much.

Feng girl obviously has Danfeng eyes...Danfeng triangular eyes, that is also a very beautiful eye shape. Well, she said that, she is such a beautiful woman, just like Li Kui!
After standing outside the window for two seconds, Jia Lian shook his head, but decided to leave graciously.

It's okay to teach a few servants a lesson, but it doesn't seem to be a big deal to teach my uncle's concubine, so let her be treated as a comedian.

Entering the backyard of Rongqing Hall from Jia Mu's back flower hall, just before going to the main corridor, I saw a maid walking towards me.

She is tall and handsome, with a robe held on her arms in front of her belly, she walks from the light.

When she looked up and saw Jia Lian, she seemed to be taken aback, and then stopped in place, not knowing what to do.

Jia Lian looked at her and asked calmly, "Why, you don't know me?"

Xiren heard the words, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute, "I have seen the second master..."

In the lowered eyes, there was some grievance.

Although I am a maid...

Although last time it was to seal her mouth...


After all, the most important thing in my daughter's family, the innocent body, was given to the second master, so he should feel pity.

Why are you so indifferent to yourself...

If he is a cold and ruthless person, then he doesn't have to expect anything, but unfortunately, he is very kind and gentle to the people around him...


When Jia Lian took a step closer, Xiren quickly stepped back and shook his head.

Xiren didn't know that when she kept looking down at the toes of the two of them, Jia Lian's face on top of his head was not as cold as she imagined.

Jia Lian even expressed some praise.

This Xiren really deserves to be the "deputy hairpin", and he does have a somewhat different disposition.

If it were any other girl, under such circumstances, she might not be able to maintain her composure.

"To the old lady's house?"

"Well, it's late at night, take a piece of clothes for Second Master Bao..."

Jia Lian raised his eyebrows, deliberately mentioning Jia Baoyu, saying to him, you don't care about others, and there are people who want them?

Jia Lian glanced around. Mother Jia's backyard was bright and bright, and a figure might appear at any time.

"Let's go."


The attacker retreats, letting Jia Lian go first.

But when she got to Jia Mu's back door, she saw no one was on duty, so she hurried up to act as the curtain lifter, and after Jia Lian went in, she followed silently.

Suddenly, she felt a strong attack on her waist, which almost made her cry out in fright.

In the end, she reacted quickly, and immediately knew who was attacking her, so she held her breath and did not dare to move.

The heart was beating at an uncontrollable speed. This is the back door of the old lady. If anyone sees it, she will be finished...

Because of nervousness, I didn't feel any joy and numbness when I fell into this embrace last time.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last too long. After the domineering man bullied her a few times, he let her go.

As soon as she got a chance, she quickly backed away, seeing Jia Lian condescendingly looking at her jokingly, she blushed, rearranged her clothes indiscriminately, then turned and ran away.

Jia Lian waited for her to walk a few steps before Shi Shi ran out of the narrow and dark place.

On the porch before, he could see that Xiren was much rounder than before. He thought it should be his credit, so he checked it with his own hands, and the situation was exactly as he expected.

"Second Lord Lian..."

There were as many people in Jia Mu's room as before, with maids and servants standing in groups, and there were bursts of chatter and laughter in the inner hall.

"Second brother is here!"

In the spacious and beautifully furnished Rongqing Hall, because of Jia Lian's commotion, Jia's mother and the others did not rest for a long time.

"What are you doing again? It's so late, we're all about to leave."

Mother Jia, Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue, and Nanny Lai played cards around the table.

Jia Baoyu and Sanchun sisters were watching from the side, while Baochai and Daiyu were playing chess under the west window.

This is the norm in Jia Mu's house, she always likes to be lively.

"It's nothing special, it's just that the outside affairs have been dealt with, and if you think about it, you should report to the ancestors."

"Heh, you still reported to me, I thought you had achieved the slam, and you can decide everything by yourself."

Mother Jia is a prudent person and rarely speaks harshly, so when she said this, Aunt Xue and the others couldn't help smiling.

Jia Lian smiled sheepishly, not answering at this moment is the best answer.

Sure enough, Mother Jia was embarrassed to have another attack. Just after the end of the round, she put down the cards and let everyone continue next time. Then, holding Yuanyang's arm, she walked to the high couch in the south.

As soon as she moved, everyone moved to the activity center.

"Tell me, how much have you taken away the slaves today, and how much have you made them confess?"

Sitting on the high couch, Jia Mu asked with some displeasure.

Because the more Jia Lian confiscated, the more it shows that the slaves are indeed greedy, which indirectly shows that her previous housekeeper was unfavorable and condoned the slaves to be greedy for ink.

Jia Lian said with a smile: "Back to the ancestors, today's children and grandchildren have a good harvest. A total of more than 1 taels of cash has been collected, and the rest of the various assets, nearly [-], have all been sent to the warehouse. Hurry up to register."

When Jia Lian said this, everyone wanted to laugh but it wasn't funny.

The second master Lian is really interesting. The old lady used the word "shou sha" obviously to mock him, but the second master Lian didn't seem to be able to understand, and also used the word "shou sha" as the old lady said.

Jia's mother also looked at her own grandson with the same eyes as she looked at her own stupid grandson!
It's definitely not that this grandson can't listen to good words, but he has nothing to worry about, and he is really difficult to deal with.

Too lazy to talk nonsense, she spread her hands and said: "Listen to them, under your high-handed tactics, the slaves have obediently reported to you the money they have been greedy for? Show me, I want to see, our family How honest is this slave, how dare you confess to me after being greedy for money!"

Mother Jia was really curious, because this approach was beyond her comprehension.

She really didn't believe that Lai Da and others dared to let the master know how much money they had been greedy for.

It must have been filled in randomly to deal with this grandson.

"Uh, I'm afraid I can't show this to my ancestors..."

"Why, even I can't see it?"

Mother Jia's face darkened.

Of course she knew that Jia Lian had promised the servants not to reveal it to others.

But she didn't think this person could include her.

Others were also a little nervous or meaningful.

Lian Er Ye's housekeeper naturally wants to establish prestige, and he can't just keep his word.

But the one to watch is Jia Muye...

Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to achieve, but in fact, filial piety and righteousness are also difficult to achieve.

If the elders say a word, it is unfilial if you don't listen to it."Great filial sons" throughout the ages have often used "the orders of their parents are hard to disobey" to commit acts of treachery, abandoning their wives and children.

Such people are often praised...

Could it be that the second master Lian couldn't even see this truth clearly, and in order to fulfill his promise to the slaves, he wanted to go against the old lady's will?
But Jia Lian spread his hands, "The old lady misunderstood, it's not that the grandson sincerely refused to show it to the ancestors, but that before that, the grandson had already burned all the books, including the numbers written by the slaves.

Therefore, even if the grandson wants to let the old lady know, I'm afraid he can't. "


Jia's mother was very surprised, and then she looked thoughtful. She wondered if Jia Lian was lying to her.

"It was indeed burned. After all, the grandson promised the servants that, except for the grandson, no one else would know how much each of them had been greedy for ink. This was also to protect them.

But if the booklet is kept, it is inevitable that it will be lost or peeped by others, so the grandson decided to burn the booklet in public. "

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Jia Baoyu clapped his hands and applauded: "Haha, I read it in the book, this is still an allusion, back then Cao Cao..."

Jia Baoyu wanted to show off in public, but he lowered his voice when Mrs. Wang glared at him.

Fortunately, Xichun and Tanchun came to question again and gave him a step, so he told the allusion of "Cao Cao burned the letter" in the small circle below.

(End of this chapter)

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