The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 210 The Sword of Damocles

Chapter 210 The Sword of Damocles

"In the battle between Cao and Yuan that day, Yuan's army was several times stronger than Cao's, and the generals in Cao's army thought they were invincible, so they wrote to Yuan Shao privately.

Later, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Jun, and the letter was sent to Cao Cao.

The generals of the Cao army were in danger, thinking that Cao Cao would take people according to the letter, but Cao Cao burned all the letters in public.

The generals felt ashamed, so they fought bravely, and helped Cao Cao quickly wipe out Jizhou, and since then, Cao Cao has no enemy in the north..."

Jia Baoyu in the hall was still tirelessly telling stories to the sisters, while Jia Mu and others above seemed a little silent.

Although most of them don't study or study history, they still know Cao Cao's great name.

Jia Lian's set is really not nonsense, but from historiography?

Putting this aside, even Jia's mother felt that Jia Lian's grandson was too meticulous in his work, and she didn't even give her a chance to intervene.

"Of course, although all the evidence was burned, my grandson still barely remembers how many people filled it out. For example, the manager Lai Da..."

After Jia Lian waited for Jia Baoyu's voice to fade away, he said very calmly, as if as long as Jia's mother really wanted to know, he would have to break his promise and tell what he remembered.

However, as soon as he said this, everyone looked at Nanny Lai who was sitting next to Mother Jia.

Jia's mother has been in Jia's mansion for five or sixty years, and naturally has a lot of confidantes. If these people are not dead, most of them have a high status in Jia's mansion.

Many people have seats next to Jiamu.

The first one to bear the brunt was this Nanny Lai. According to the seating order, her seat would always be the closest to Jia Mu among the slaves!

Even Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang have to show some respect to Nanny Lai...

If not, it would be absolutely impossible for the Lai family to have such power in the Jia family, and the two sons would have become the chief managers of the two mansions, the most prestigious "second masters" of the Jia mansion.

Hearing Jia Lian's words, Nanny Lai hurriedly got up tremblingly, and said with a humble expression: "In front of the old lady, madam, and second master, my slaves dare not defend my boy.

The servant girl has been with the old lady since she was a child, and has served the old lady for most of her life. Fortunately, the old lady trusted and took care of me, and gave me a bit of dignity.

Relying on this decency, not only the servants, but even the boys and grandchildren of the servants' families have been honored with great honor these years!
This is the kindness and sympathy of the masters, so I have often taught them at home these years, so that they must remember the kindness of the masters and serve the masters faithfully. I am afraid that the sky will not allow it.

Therefore, Second Master does not need to deny it, if he is to blame him, he really does something wrong with the master and the family, even if Second Master punishes him, he will not complain even if he kills the slaves, then he will not have such an unfilial son..."

As Nanny Lai said, she wiped away her tears emotionally, which made many sentimental people in the hall a little moved.

Not to mention Jia Mu, people who are about to enter the soil in their 70s are more nostalgic than young people.

Hearing Nanny Lai say this, I was very moved in my heart, "Look at what you said, I have watched your son grow up since he was a child, and he has been loyal in doing things in the mansion these years, otherwise, their master can Thinking highly of him that much?

That is to say, he is now an official and has learned a set of strict housekeeping methods. If he is viewed according to his standards, there may not be many loyal servants in the whole world!

I don't believe it, the person whom I and their masters and wives value is disloyal and unfilial in his eyes? "

While comforting Nanny Lai, Mother Jia stared at Jia Lian, telling him to pay attention to what he said.

Of course Jia Lian could tell that Jia's mother was afraid that he would make a fool of himself tonight and that even the Lai family wanted to make a move, so she would definitely not give up with him.

Although Jia Lian did not intend to touch the Lai family for the time being, he also took this opportunity to see clearly the unshakable position of this slave in the family.

Just as soon as he mentioned Lai Da, Mother Jia's face changed, and she didn't even intend to ask how much the slaves had been greedy...

It is conceivable that if his current status is not what it used to be, and he dares to show signs of detriment to the Lai family, he is afraid that he will be ruthlessly suppressed at home.

"Hehehe, the old lady was joking, Lai Da has been the head of the family since the grandson can remember.

If Mr. Lai hadn't been alone in these years, how could our family have been safe and stable until now?

All the big and small matters inside and outside the house, which one is not in charge of the general arrangement by Director Lai?If it weren't for Manager Lai, how could my father enjoy such a peaceful and rich life in those years, and how could the master be able to be an official in the court with peace of mind?

They have long been exhausted by the complicated affairs in the mansion!
So the grandson understands that this family can live without a grandson, but the only thing that can't be without Mr. Lai..."

What Jia Lian said made many people feel uncomfortable, and Nanny Lai repeatedly said things like "Second Master was joking", "It's all cultivated by the master".

Jia Lian didn't give everyone more time to react, and continued to laugh: "So don't worry, old lady, we all see and remember Mr. Lai's loyalty.

Even if their family is a bit extravagant, they deserve it. Who is Mr. Lai who has contributed the most to the mansion over the years? "

The more Jia Mu and others listened, the more they felt that something was wrong. Jia Lian said too much.

Mrs. Wang felt the deepest, Jia Lian, is this putting Lai's family on the fire to roast?

Contribute the most to the family?
Except for a generation of old princes, who would dare to take this title?

Although she felt that Jia Lian was too scheming, it also made her secretly speculate.

If Jia Lian was really dissatisfied with the Lai family, then it would be a good thing for her.Because she deeply knew that even if Jia's mother acquiesced in Jia Lian's handling of the Shan family and other servants, she would definitely not allow Jia Lian to touch the Lai family.

Once Jia Lian really wanted to do this, he would definitely provoke Jia Mu to counterattack.

This is good for keeping Mother Jia on their side...

Jia's mother also felt that Jia Lian's words were really not pleasing to the ear, but Jia Lian had a sincere smile on her face and said what she said according to her old man's wishes. What else could she say?
There was a brief silence in the scene.

This kind of silence is uncomfortable. Tanchun happened to be beside Jia Lian, so he boldly changed the subject: "Second Brother Lian, since you have decided to burn the booklet, why bother to let the servants explain it to each other?" , wouldn’t it be a waste of effort?”

Jia Lian turned his head and saw that Sanchun, Daiyu and others were all looking at him with wide eyes.

Jia Lian just doesn't want to talk nonsense with Jia Mu and others. How can it be more comfortable to talk to Jia Mu and his sisters.

So he smiled and asked, "Have the third sister heard of the 'Sword of Damocles'?"

Daiyu and the others all showed surprise in their eyes.

"The Sword of Damocles? What is that?"

In this country that prides itself on being a sovereign state, this kind of "barbarian culture" is really unfamiliar.

Jia Lian casually hooked a stool to sit down, beckoned them to come around, and said in a storytelling tone:
"It is rumored that in the far west there is a man named Damocles who likes to flatter their king very much, saying that the king is very great and has enviable supreme power.

So the king told him that he could exchange identities with him for a day, so that he could also experience the feeling of being a king.

Damocles was very happy, he really switched identities with the king, and realized what it's like to be a king..."

Although Jia Lian aimed to tell stories with Daiyu and others, because of the novelty he said, it naturally attracted the attention of other people in the hall.

Even Baochai unconsciously left her mother's side and stood in front of her.

"And then? What happened to him?"

"In the evening, Damocles had dinner in the king's palace.

Just when he was intoxicated by the luxurious palace, endless food, and beautiful maids, when he looked up, he suddenly found a sharp sword hanging upside down above his head with a cold light. "

Daiyu and the others subconsciously let out a soft "ah" to show that they were frightened.

Jia Lian also looked serious, "Therefore, Damocles was no longer interested in the delicious food and beauties in front of him, so he immediately took off the crown on his head and asked the lord to forgive him.

Later generations called the danger of being forgotten in a stable and rich environment the sword of Damocles hanging above the head. "

(End of this chapter)

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