Chapter 211 Lost

Although the cultures are different, the principles are the same.

Especially such a simple and philosophical story, even Jia Mu and others can easily understand it, so they can't help thinking.

Only Jia Baoyu asked, "Later, did the king forgive this man?"

Jia Baoyu is a person who can empathize with all things, even if it is just a story, he has already substituted it into it.

It was as if he had become that Damocles, in that unimaginable luxurious palace, watching the countless beautiful maids coming and going, those of foreign races, maybe they didn’t wear much clothes, it was humiliating Sven's kind...

Therefore, he is very concerned about the life and death of the hero.

Jia Lian could see Jia Baoyu's innocence, but he was not as good as he wished, and just shook his head: "This is just a story, the point is not the ending of that person, I don't know about Brother Bao.

When I tell this story, I just answer the question of the third younger sister.

She asked me, since I wanted to burn it, why did I have to ask the servants to write down the amount of greedy ink...

I just want to hang a sword of Damocles over the heads of the servants to let them know that their power is bestowed on them by the government. It may fall at any time. "

Jia Lian's explanation in this way is much more appropriate and deterrent than Jia Baoyu's half-understood "Cao Cao Burning Letters".

Baochai was behind the sisters, quietly looking at Jia Lian who was sitting in the hall talking.Although Jia Lian was not seated in the center, it seemed that wherever he went, that was the center of the crowd.

Baochai felt a little hard to calm down.

In Jia Lian's capacity, it is not too surprising that he can overwhelm the slaves with authority.

It is rare that he can still say such insightful and philosophical words.

Unity of knowledge and action!

But, isn't he not reading...

In terms of reason, he should not even have the first step, "knowledge". How come he looks like a master of Neo Confucianism at this moment?
There are many people who are as puzzled as Baochai.

Although Jia's mother and others were also surprised that Jia Lian knew so much, she still frowned and said, "You don't like reading, why do you even tell such foreign stories now?"

There were already many foreign visitors in the Great Wei Dynasty, and Jia Mu had lived for a long time, so she naturally knew some foreign things.

After Jia Lian finished telling the story, he waited to see the reactions of Tanchun, Daiyu and others, but he saw that they were all quiet and shy and didn't say a word.Thinking about it carefully, I guess it should be the previous sentence of "not interested in beauties", which caused their "discomfort".

Little beauties, you are so patient.

"My grandson can't speak at first, and I really feel that reading is exhausting.

But His Majesty the Emperor doesn't like illiterate fools, and often teaches his grandson to study hard..."

Everyone smiled slightly.

Jia Mu also asked with a smile: "Just because the Holy Majesty wants you to study, so you are working hard to study hard?"

"That's right, even today when I went to Daming Palace to thank you, His Majesty the Emperor warned me, telling me to read more and read military books. If I don't understand, I will never be allowed to go to the battlefield to make meritorious service.

I have no choice but to follow His Majesty's will to learn the art of war and the way to manage troops.

Then I discovered that reading is actually not that difficult...

It is very interesting to read some unofficial history and miscellaneous news in my spare time when I am tired of reading serious books.

The story my grandson told just now is based on a foreign book translated by the predecessors..."

Jia Baoyu grinned enviously when he heard that Jia Lian dared to say openly that he went to see the unofficial history.

He also likes to watch this kind of stuff, but he has never dared to publicize it. If Jia Zheng finds out, it would be strange not to expose him!
Lian's second brother has no father, so he is so happy...

"Auntie, take a look, and sure enough, for them, the emperor's father's words are more useful.

In the past, my grandfather and I told them to study hard, but they just didn't listen.

Now that I'm an official, the Emperor Lao Tzu said that everyone is willing to make progress and study, hehehe..."

Following Mother Jia's habitual showing off to Aunt Xue, everyone laughed.

But it's not very funny to laugh and laugh, because everyone thinks that laughing makes people tremble with fear.

Second Master Lian is so powerful that even the emperor asked him to study more. This kind of holy family is really too much to be ridiculed.

Because generally speaking, only Lao Tzu would urge his son to study.

Although the emperor is the father of the world in name, who would dare to go for this relationship?

Mrs. Wang clenched her hands unconsciously, and then let go.

She finally realized deeply that her daughter Yuan Chungui was the imperial concubine, why she had to confess to her, and stop treating Jia Lian with the same attitude as before.

Lian'er's backstage is already the emperor.


It was late at night, and Aunt Xue took Baochai. After saying goodbye to Jiamu, she said goodbye to Mrs. Wang at the intersection of Yonglu in the backyard of Mrs. Wang, and returned to Lixiangyuan.

Because it was not easy for the mother and daughter to exchange opinions and views in the Rongguo Mansion before, so after returning home, the mother and daughter had a tacit understanding and there was no difference. Instead, they entered Aunt Xue's inner room together. , exchanged views and views.

Aunt Xue sighed: "Now it seems that your cousin-in-law thinks that the servants in their family are greedy and unfaithful, so he punishes them harshly.

Although your aunt didn't say anything, it can be seen that she acquiesced in her heart. Probably, their family's economy is really not doing well.

On the contrary, the old lady of their family, who has enjoyed honor and happiness all her life, is also kind-hearted. She doesn't want to see the servants of the family being humiliated for several generations, so she is not very happy, and she can't hold back her children and grandchildren after all. "

Baochai nodded silently, her mother's opinion was basically the same as hers.

Aunt Xue said again: "Actually, their family is not bad. With their old lady in charge and your uncle and aunt under control, even if the servants in the family are pampered, they are limited, unlike our family..."

Speaking of this, Aunt Xue couldn't help feeling sad.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, but the situation of their Xue family is the most difficult.

Otherwise, they don't have to abandon their ancestral property and go all the way to Beijing to join their sister and brother-in-law...

The slaves of Jia's family wanted to be greedy because they took advantage of their errands to play side-by-side. The reason why each one of them is so rich is that they have accumulated over many years.

But their Xue family... Anyone who has been eyeing their Xue family's foundation for several lifetimes, who doesn't open his bloody mouth, and bite into a big piece of meat?

If she doesn't go to Beijing to join her sister, I'm afraid that the huge wealth accumulated by generations of Xue family will be eaten up by those people sooner or later.

Just like that, those old shopkeepers, buddies, etc. are still eating away at the wealth and assets of the family...

They are not like the Jia family, even if there is a problem, Jia Lian can easily suppress it with high-handed tactics. As much as the servants eat, they spit out even the profit in an instant.

Their Xue family doesn't even have a man who can take charge.

Son Xue Pan?Forget it, it's not bad that he can protect himself.

I can't, send my daughter Baochai to govern those people, right?

Baochai naturally knew about the family situation, but she was no less concerned than Aunt Xue.

Based on the accumulation of the Xue family's generations of imperial merchants, as long as there are no major problems, even if those shopkeepers and shopkeepers are greedy, it is just a disease of ringworm and scabies, and it will not hurt the foundation of the Xue family.

When my brother grows up in the future and can take charge, those people will naturally stop...

Of course, if the elder brother can't do anything when he grows up, then let's stop talking about it, which means that the Xue family is doomed to fail and there is no one to save.

This is the rule of the times. After all, only men can stand up and take charge.

She and her mother could only support her brother secretly.

I thought my mother was expressing her feelings, but it was nothing more than complaining as before, but Aunt Xue looked at her and said, "Our family doesn't lack anything, except for someone who can be as capable as your cousin-in-law." A man who works.

Your brother really doesn't look like a person who can stand up for things. He has no plans, and he only talks about pride. He won't know if he will be cheated in the future.

If so, I mean if..."

Seeing her mother's longing for Ai Ai, Baochai said: "Mother has nothing to say, just say it, and there are no outsiders here."

"I mean, if, if you are not selected by the palace, then that's fine, so that we don't have to worry about seeing our mother and daughter in the future, and we can choose a good son-in-law for you.

Based on your conditions, you must be able to pick a son-in-law who has both ability and political integrity, and then, maybe you can help your brother who is not up to date.In this way, both of you are settled, and even if I am under the Nine Springs, I feel relieved. "

As Aunt Xue said, she carefully looked at her daughter's expression.

Sure enough, Baochai was not so easy to deceive, but Baochai immediately grasped the point and asked, "But, is there any news from the palace?"

Aunt Xue hurriedly said: "That's not true. The official from the Ministry of Rites said that the results will not come out until the end of March, and there are still more than half a month..."

How can Baochai believe it?

How could she not know how much energy her parents had put into getting her into the palace? If she hadn't gotten the news, how could she have mentioned the matter of losing the election to her?
It must be that her mother was afraid that she would be sad on the day of "revealing the list", so she revealed it to her in advance to let her be mentally prepared.

"Is it because of the brother's death lawsuit?"

"No, it has nothing to do with your brother. Your brother's case was settled in Nanjing. How could it be related to this matter?"

As Aunt Xue explained, she couldn't look directly at her daughter after all.

Baochai knew it in her heart.

In the palace, no matter whether it is the selection of concubines or the selection of princesses and princesses, the praises are all about status first, then virtue, and appearance is second.

After all, she didn't even meet the nobleman, and her appearance didn't play a role.

If it was directly brushed off in the first round, it is naturally the relationship between the first two.

As a lady of every family, she does not step out of the door, and she has no disadvantages in virtue.

The only thing he has is an older brother who loves to make trouble outside.And this brother, just the year before, beat someone to death and got involved in a life lawsuit!
This is a stain on her morality, and it is reasonable for the palace to brush her off because of this.

Aunt Xue watched her daughter cry silently, and didn't know how to comfort her.

Well, maybe that's fine too.

As she said, her daughter doesn't have to leave her side, and she can recruit a capable son-in-law in the future.

It would be even better if the other party is willing to come and be a son-in-law, then maybe it can be used as a help for the family...

(End of this chapter)

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