The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 212 Princess Zhaoyang

Chapter 212 Princess Zhaoyang
That night, all the servants in Jia's mansion couldn't sleep, especially those housekeepers and deacons.

Not only do they have to heal the trauma Jia Lian brought to them, but they also have to bear the pain of losing money.What's more, their respective daughters-in-law didn't know how much they had filled in before, but now they returned home and counted up, and suddenly complained.

For this, Fu Gangzhen can turn around and scold the mother-in-law to vent her anger.If the husband is weak, he can only let himself complain.

But no matter what, in the end, we can only count together and prepare the money to be sent up the next day, otherwise, the ghost knows how the second master Lian will deal with them...

Unlike the servants' homes, this night, Sister Feng's Children's Hospital was very peaceful.

Before dawn on the second day, Wang Xifeng woke up from her dream. She habitually leaned against the man beside her, enjoyed the tenderness for a while, and then opened her eyes.

The fragrant big bed, the quiet room, the three-pronged candlestick on the bedside cabinet, and a candle that hadn't been blown out last night was burning as hard as it could. The candle oil flowed down the copper candlestick for a long time a share of...

Wang Xifeng's face was slightly red.

But the palm touched his man's broad chest, and his head was raised to see the other's handsome face...

Thick eyebrows, straight nose bridge, with strong and well-proportioned breathing, the traces of breath hit her face, making Wang Xifeng unable to control herself, she couldn't help stretching her neck, and kissed her man's sharp-edged lips go.

Originally, I just wanted to kiss her to show my love, but I realized that it felt very good, so I couldn't help pecking a few more times.

Suddenly he felt something, and squinted to look at the other side, and sure enough, a pair of bright and slightly attractive big eyes, completely different from his own man, were looking straight at her.

Wang Xifeng hurriedly shrank her head, her cheeks turned even redder.

Thinking of her own identity again, she put on a straight face and stared at the other party instead: "Where are you looking at your mother again?"
Ping'er raised his eyebrows and wrinkled his nose slightly, but he didn't express anything.

She knew that her grandma was the meanest in bed, and if she was not careful, she would offend her, and in the end it was herself who suffered.

Seeing that Ping'er dared to ignore her, Wang Xifeng immediately became angry.

Okay, little girl, eat my old lady's, use my old lady's, and dare to show my old lady later.

So he didn't want her to feel better, and stretched out his hand to grab the flesh on Ping'er's chest.


Ping'er's face was red, and he tried his best to dodge in the wide quilt.

Ping'er's embarrassment aggravated Wang Xifeng's tyrannical heart, relying on the opponent not daring to fight back, she was unwilling to let the opponent go.

Fortunately, there is a city wall made of flesh and blood in the middle, so Wang Xifeng also has scruples, so she only uses one phoenix claw to attack the city...

Even though she was very careful, after a while, her neck tightened and her body was pressed by an arm, and then she saw Ping'er who was hiding far away on the opposite side, and was caught in the same way, and she faced her face to face.

They all knew that their men had already been woken up by them.

But when she raised her head and glanced up, the unconscionable eyes were still closed, and her expression didn't change a bit. If it wasn't for the arm on her shoulder that was firmly controlling her, it would have been like seeing a ghost.

So she looked at Ping'er who was so close at hand, she didn't dare to move, Wang Xifeng pushed Jia Lian's chest, and said softly: "When you wake up, you get up, what are you pretending..."

Wang Xifeng has never been a submissive person, after saying this, he began to think of ways to get out of Jia Lian's control.

However, Jia Lian just refused to let her wish, and twisted for a long time to no avail, so she opened her phoenix mouth in embarrassment, and bit Jia Lian's chest as a threat.


I got a slap on the butt, and finally heard the familiar voice: "Bitch, are you really biting?"

Jia Lian threw Wang Xifeng away and rubbed her chest. It was wet and bumpy. It was conceivable that there must have been the unique tooth marks of Feng Lazi.


Wang Xifeng, who finally escaped, sat half propped up on the couch, looked at Jia Lian's annoyed look, wiped her lips, very proud.

But seeing Ping'er looking like a filial and virtuous wife, she stretched out her hand to massage Jia Lian, she was upset, she went to pat Ping'er's shoulder, and said: "Okay, don't feel bad, go and give it to your second master." Arrange for washing and breakfast, the time is about to come."

Hearing this, Ping'er hurriedly got up and went to bed, and quickly put on his clothes and went.

Wang Xifeng also took her own clothes from the side, and put them on on the couch.

After finishing the two coats and trousers, looking back Jia Lian was still resting her head on her hands, staring at her unblinkingly, obviously spying on how she dressed, maybe there was Ping'er...

"Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied with what?"

Seeing the smile on Jia Lian's face, it was obvious that she was being cheap and acting well. Although Wang Xifeng was annoyed, she couldn't help it. Just thinking about some experiences last night, her ears felt hot, and she lowered her head, not daring to meet Jia Lian's eyes.

Seeing this, Jia Lian finally sat up, hugged Wang Xifeng from behind, and smiled in her ear: "I should be the one who asked you, were you satisfied last night?"


Compared with rascals, Wang Xifeng is no match for Jia Lian after all.

Standing up, he ordered Jia Lian to stay on the bed, and then dressed him himself.

It's just that when he knelt down to serve Jia Lian, he noticed that Jia Lian was acting restlessly again, so he couldn't help but cursed with blushing cheeks: "What a boring person!"

Regarding this, Jia Lian can only express that youthful blood is a beauty and an advantage at this age.

After another 20 years, maybe you will know how to cherish it...

Putting the official uniform prepared last night on Jia Lian, and before Ping'er came back, Wang Xifeng inevitably discussed some things with Jia Lian.

"When the housekeepers and daughters-in-law brought the money, they really didn't let me take care of it. Are you sure that your two little girls can figure it out? If something goes wrong, don't blame me..."

Sitting in the house, waiting for the housekeeper and daughter-in-law to obediently deliver the money to the door, how majestic and comfortable is this?
If it wasn't for Jia Lian's reasonable explanation, she would definitely intervene.

"It's not difficult, what's not clear?

Could it be that you think those housekeepers and daughters-in-law dare to play tricks?If that's the case, I'd be happy. Give me a justifiable reason to deal with them. Is there any reason why I shouldn't accept it?

You are not unhappy that I let me play the role of prestige last night, if there is such a person today, how about I let you take care of it? "

When Wang Xifeng heard this, he snorted angrily.

The prestige she played with Jia Lian was not at the same level. Those housekeepers and grandmas all had backgrounds.

Last night, Jia Lian was called in to deal with Shan Daliang. If it were her, she wouldn't believe that she could withstand the pressure of two layers of mother-in-law!
If you think so in your heart, you won't show weakness with your mouth.

Jia Lian didn't argue with her about this, in order to prevent her from going back on her word, and after he went to the Yamen to seize Xiangling's power, he added: "I told the servants last night that this matter will not be made public, and it is also to let them peace of mind.

They probably wouldn't care too much about a Xiangling.But your Second Mistress Lian is different, who in Manfu doesn't know how good you are?
If you sit in town, their hearts will tremble, how dare they take out money?
Besides, as my wife, you should maintain my authority.You don't want to, let me be a person who breaks my promise, right? "

Jia Lian looked at Wang Xifeng with a smile, expressing a very clear meaning.

If you dare to meddle in this matter, I will beat you to death when you come back.

Wang Xifeng had already agreed last night, and just now she was just habitually testing Jia Lian's bottom line.

Hearing what he said about "lady", he was embarrassed, so he smiled and said: "Go ahead, I'll listen to you. But it's not a trivial matter after all. I will arrange a few women to wait in the yard. If there is any In any case, they can help.

To put it bluntly, what if the housekeeper's daughters-in-law bully your two girls because of their status?
Don't worry, I will explain to them, let them obey the arrangement, and never let them enter the west wing room, is this the head office? "

Jia Lian nodded. Wang Xifeng always did a good job in details.

After talking about this matter, Jia Lian talked to Wang Xifeng about the arrangement for Dongkuayuan.

Among them, he wanted to circle the back of Jia Amnesty Court and build a small martial arts arena. There was nothing much to discuss about it. Wang Xifeng already knew about it, and she wasn't too interested.

But when it comes to the arrangement of the concubines in Jia She's house, Wang Xifeng's spirits come alive!
"Really, send them all out?"

Wang Xifeng stood up from her seat, walked half a circle around Jia Lian, and suddenly said with a smile: "Isn't it true that all of you men want as many women as possible, the women in the master's house, although they have no business, they are pretty good looking ...

Send them all out, are you willing?
Why don't I give you a suggestion, anyway, the house over there is too big to accommodate those people.

And now their monthly expenses are also paid by the officials, so it doesn't cost us anything to keep them at home.

The good thing is that when Second Master Lian becomes interested, he might have to do something..."

Wang Xifeng spoke with some eccentricity.

She can't blame her entirely, after all, Jia Lian has a criminal record, so she has the right to tease Jia Lian like this at this time.

Jia Lian spread her hands, nodded and said, "It's rare that Second Grandma Lian is so generous. I didn't expect this. Well, since you've said that, then stay..."

"I knew you were not at ease!"

Wang Xifeng said it nicely, but when she saw that Jia Lian really agreed to her words, her complexion changed immediately, and she looked very angry.

Jia Lian smiled proudly, grabbed her and sat on her lap, and said with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

Wang Xifeng hit Jia Lian casually, and finally gave up. He said bitterly: "Let's not talk about those who have a decent name. The other concubines, housekeepers, and those singing singers must all be sent out and stay at home. Sooner or later, something will happen!"

Although there are many women in Jia She, and their sources are also very extensive, but there are only two other than Mrs. Xing who really married into the family with a big gift.

After all, Jia Zheng was only a serious concubine, so Jia Amnesty couldn't make an exception.

Then Jia Lian pinched Wang Xifeng's cheek and said with a smile, "That's right, I'll let you handle this matter.

I just want to tell you that although those women are nothing, but after all, it involves the master, you should be more careful in handling it.

Our family is not the same as before. The eldest sister has just become the imperial concubine, so she should be more careful in everything, so as not to ruin her reputation.

So, you should talk to the old lady and the eldest lady first to see what they mean.

If the old ladies don't have any major opinions, they can send them all out.Just one point, if you can be generous, then you will be generous. Try not to let people say that our family is harsh and ruthless. "

Wang Xifeng laughed and said: "Yo, I didn't see it, our second master Lian also knows the word "feeling". If those housekeepers hear this, I don't know what they will think."

While talking and laughing, Ping'er greeted outside, and Wang Xifeng hurriedly stood up.Immediately, Ping'er led Feng'er, Xiaohong and other maidservants in to help the masters wash up.


When Jia Zheng went to court, he set off from the main gate.

Every day before dawn, Lai Da and others prepared cars and sedan chairs outside the main gate and escorted Jia Zheng to court.

The proper card face of the head of the family.

Jia Lian had no intention of arguing with Jia Zheng on this point. Although Jia Zheng had already gone to court when he left, Jia Lian still passed through the newly opened corner gate of Dongkua Courtyard.

Inside the gate of Heiyou, Jia Yun, Zhao'er, Zhang Yong and others are all ready to go.

Although the two houses are now living together, regardless of the family, and he also lives behind Jia Zhengyuan (Rongxi Hall), it is obvious that his work center will still be in Dongkuayuan in the future.

This is not bad. Although the house in Dongkua Courtyard is a bit smaller, the site is no smaller than the entire Rongxi Hall.

From then on, he and Jia Zheng were on their own side, and it was good not to interfere with each other.

If he wanted to, he could also follow Jia Zheng's example and raise a group of Qing Ke Xianggong in the Dongkua courtyard to accompany him to relieve boredom, and the expenses would also be paid by the officials...Of course he has no such plan at the moment.

And there is an advantage in the Dongkua courtyard.

Because the black oil gate of Dongkuayuan was expanded from the former Dongjiao gate of Rongguo Mansion, there were no high steps, so he could ride a horse or take a car inside the courtyard wall, and then go straight out of the gate and enter the street.

But when Jia Zheng went to court, he could only walk out of the gate and get on the sedan chair in front of the gate.

What's the advantage? If someone sets up a shooter on the opposite side, the time when Jia Zheng gets on the sedan chair is a good opportunity for a sneak attack...

All the bureaucrats in the Bingma Division knew that Jia Lian's father's funeral had already been arranged, and they expected to take office in just two days, so they were all prepared.

Therefore, even if Jia Lian didn't say hello in advance, when he rushed to the Bing Sima Yamen with his personal guards, all the officials in Bing Sima's office stood in front of the hall to greet him.

"Commander, please forgive me~"

"My lords, you don't need to be too polite... Your lords have worked hard these days when I am not in the yamen..."

All the officials scrambled to greet Jia Lian, and after entering the inner hall, they changed their colors one after another, saying: "Congratulations to my lord, congratulations to my lord for being a nobleman..."

Jia Lian looked at these subordinates with a smile, guessing that they must have negotiated in advance, otherwise they would not be so uniform.

First ask him to mourn when he is out, and then come to congratulate him later.

These people in the officialdom really have their own way of doing things.

Thanking them for their kindness, Jia Lian didn't show too much politeness, and immediately started the routine.

Because he had made proper arrangements before asking for leave, letting the manager Fan Jin act as his representative.And the ministry has not yet appointed the next deputy commander, so the yamen is very quiet and peaceful.

"By the way, there is something important to report to your lord."

"Because of Princess Zhaoyang's recent arrival, the crown prince will invite Princess Zhaoyang for an outing in the Royal Horse Garden outside the city. There will be many princes and grandchildren present, which is related to the safety of many nobles. The divisions of the Chinese army and horses each mobilized 500 troops to set up frontier defenses in specific areas.

Please look, my lord, this is the area that our Xibingmasi is in charge of. "

Fan Jin took a drawing and asked Jia Lian to read it.

Jia Lian had heard that Princess Zhaoyang was the sister of the Fourth Prince.

A few days ago, the fourth prince came to ask for blood ginseng, just to prepare a birthday present for his sister.

Rumor has it that Princess Zhaoyang is extremely favored by the royal family and has an unusual status.

Jia Lian couldn't help but pay attention to it, and asked the reason in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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