Chapter 213 Two girls handle the case

Rongguo Mansion, Fengjie Courtyard, West Wing.

Qingwen set up a table and a bench at the door of the room early in the morning, and helped Mr. Xiangling, the accountant, guard the door!

This is the task Jia Lian entrusted to her last night, and she attaches great importance to it.

People inside and outside the courtyard also knew that housekeepers and daughter-in-laws would come to pay embezzlement money today, and they all came to watch the excitement.

Qingwen immediately raised her eyes and scolded everyone to leave.

Some people, relying on their thick skins or certain identities, pretended to be friendly and tried to inquire about it, but Qingwen didn't save any face: "I advise you all to be quiet, and don't ask about things that shouldn't be asked.

The second master specifically explained that no one who has nothing to do with him is allowed to enter this room today!
To tell you the truth, even the Second Mistress dare not disobey the Second Master's will, if you think you are more decent than the Second Mistress, just come forward and see how you die when you turn around. "

Qingwen's words, the effect is excellent.

The crowd no longer had the intention to make mistakes, and even watched around for half a day, but still did not see a housekeeper's daughter-in-law to pay the money, and everyone's interest fell and slowly dissipated.

Qingwen waited until there was no one in the yard, and she couldn't sit still, so she went into the house to look for Xiangling.

"Hey, you said those housekeepers will not disobey the second master's order and won't come today?"

Xiangling shook her head to express that she was not clear.

She only knew that the second master had asked her to write down exactly what she had received.

"Hey, if it goes on like this, the second master will be in office soon. Seeing that we haven't received anything, will the second master be angry?"

Qingwen was a little listless.After finally getting a decent job, she wanted to perform well.

Now that nothing has been accomplished, it is natural to be a little upset.

Xiangling persuaded: "Sister Qingwen, don't worry, the second master gave them the time until the second watch in the evening, and the time is still long now, maybe they will come in a while."

Qingwen only replied that I hope so.

He was listlessly fiddling with a small scale on Xiangling's desk, which was used to weigh silver, when he saw Xiaohong approaching tiptoely at the door.

Qingwen immediately reprimanded: "What are you doing here, don't you know that idlers are not allowed in here today?"

This little red is the most flattering girl, she has only been in the courtyard for a few months and has made Second Mistress happy, but has suppressed the previous maids around Second Mistress, as if she was a newcomer in the courtyard.

Qingwen doesn't like her.

Xiaohong smiled awkwardly, she was wearing very thick clothes, and she took off the sleeves she covered until she entered the room, and said to Qingwen: "I will follow my mother's advice, and come here to pay the money..."

It turned out that although most of the housekeepers had prepared the money, they didn't dare to send it over rashly.

One by one repeatedly inquired in the dark, one to see the situation in Sister Feng's nursery, such as whether the second grandmother is waiting, and the other to see what other people are doing...

After all, the matter is important, and each of them is very cautious.

Lin Zhixiao's family didn't want to take the risk either, but luckily their daughter was working in Sister Feng's nursery, so Xiaohong had been asked to bring all the money and let her wait for the opportunity.

Xiaohong was originally a very clever person, and she only touched her quietly when no one in the yard was watching.

Qingwen heard that Xiaohong was here to pay, and seeing the big bulging package she was holding, her eyes lit up, and she stood up from her seat immediately.

"Since you paid the money, why don't you take it over?"

Qingwen stepped forward very quickly, about to grab the package.

Xiaohong backed away subconsciously, thinking, although Qingwen should not be qualified to look at it logically, but she lives with Xiangling, and this matter cannot be avoided by her.

Instead of offending her and targeting me in the future, it's better to show her generously.Anyway, the second master doesn't blame my parents anymore, and even gave half of the silver to my father, so I'm not afraid of her going out and talking nonsense.

So Qingwen was asked to take the package away.

"Oh, your family has to hand over these? Tsk tsk, your family is really good, how much money does this cost..."

Qingwen thinks that after joining Jia Lian, she can be regarded as someone who has seen the world. She has seen a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

But when she received the package in Xiaohong's arms, the heavy weight almost made her lose her grip and fall.

So he hurriedly put the package on the table, opened it, and sure enough, it was full of silver ingots, big and small, regular and irregular.

Hearing Qingwen's sarcasm, Xiaohong couldn't defend herself, she just cast her eyes outside the door, afraid that someone would come over.

Originally, his father wanted to exchange it into gold for her to bring in. It was light in weight and small in purpose.But her mother said that changing to gold would be an eyesore, and it would be inappropriate if the masters felt that their family was full of gold and silver, so they decided to use silver.

Her mother was careful, and deliberately took most of the old silver ingots and broken silver, intending to let the masters know that their house was raided...

Qingwen didn't bother to pay attention to Xiaohong, so she was very happy and began to take out all the silver, and weighed it in piles.

Co-authored Xiangling, and finally weighed it out, a total of more than five hundred taels...

Xiangling recorded the number, and Qingwen was about to drive Xiaohong out, but she saw that Xiaohong blushed, and took out something wrapped in silk from her bosom, and then opened it under the suspicious eyes of Qingwen and Xiangling. while saying:

"This is the bank note my mother exchanged at Datong Bank this morning. The total is 1000 taels. Sister Xiangling, count it..."

Lin Zhixiao was so passionate last night that he filled in 3000 taels in one go.

Afterwards, I found out that paying the money has also become a problem.

Even if Jia Lian waived half of it for him, the more than 1000 taels was eye-catching enough to be taken away easily.

It couldn't be exchanged for gold, so after thinking about it, the Lin family decided to go to a big bank in the city and quietly exchange the silver for a specific banknote, so that it would be easier to get in.

Xiangling took the banknotes handed over by Xiaohong and counted them like a robot.

Qingwen looked curiously at the same time, while wondering: "This thing can't be fake, right?"

Xiao Hong hurriedly said: "No, these are all true, we dare not deceive the second master, these bank notes were exchanged by my mother at Datong Bank this morning, and all of them can be exchanged for cash..."

Silver notes are rare, and even if they are in circulation on the market, they are small denomination silver notes issued by big banks.

There are very few ones with a large face value, because those with a large face value are issued by the bank to specific people. The exchange process is complicated, and it can only be exchanged at specific places, which is very inconvenient.

After Xiangling finished counting, it was indeed 1000 taels.Adding the previous silver, it was more than 500 taels.

Knowing this total, both Qingwen and Xiangling felt it was an eye-opener.

How can a slave be so rich?
For a while, both Qingwen and Xiangling labeled the Lin family as greedy in their hearts.

Xiaohong could see what they were thinking, but she was helpless.

Seeing that Xiangling had already recorded it, he said: "Sister Qingwen, sister Xiangling, then I'm leaving..."

Qingwen and Xiangling nodded numbly.

(End of this chapter)

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