The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 214 The first discussion on saving relatives

Chapter 214 The first discussion on saving relatives
Just when the housekeeper and daughters-in-law were trying their best to avoid the eyes and ears of others and send the silver to Sister Feng's children's hospital, Jia Zheng had already surrendered.

He hurried back to Rongguo Mansion, and immediately went to Mrs. Wang to discuss important matters.

"Is the master telling the truth?"

Mrs. Wang could no longer maintain her heart of cultivating Buddhism, so she stood up suddenly and almost tripped over the kang table.

Seeing Mrs. Wang's gaffe, Jia Zheng had no intention of blaming her.

Hmph, after all, it's a girl's house, and she loses her composure when encountering a big event, why is this master not surprised by honor or disgrace!
"Of course I won't lie to you.

The exact news has been spread in the palace, because the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager praised the Holy One for his filial piety and pure benevolence, and the two old saints were overjoyed.

Special grace decree, Yanjiaofang's family members visit the palace, which is bound by the state system and ritual system, and the mother and daughter can't be comfortable, so they are very convenient.

I sent an order to all the noble relatives of Jiaofang, except for the permission to enter the palace on the [-]th, if there is a house in Chongyu other courtyard, you can stay in the Guanfang place, so you might as well invite the inner court Luanyu to enter your private residence.

The common people can use up their flesh and blood and family affection, the ultimate nature in the sky. "

Jia Zheng stroked his beard and told all the news heard in the palace.

Mrs. Wang couldn't restrain her emotions very much.

At the beginning, the daughter who was not yet mature was sent to the palace, so the mother and daughter rarely saw each other for seven or eight years.

Even the big happy event last time when her daughter became a concubine, she had to meet with her in Fengzao Palace.But because there are eunuchs and maids everywhere, they dare not even fulfill their wish to hug their daughter.

Now, the sage actually allowed her daughter to go home to visit relatives. Isn't this a happy event to make up for her shortcomings?
So how can we give up and ask Jia Zheng to make a memorial to ask Yuanchun to go home to visit his relatives.

Jia Zheng snorted and said, "I think you are confused, even if a sage grants a decree of grace, how can you go home casually with your mother's body of ten thousand gold?

Didn't you hear what it said in the decree of grace that every mansion that invites the mother to go home to visit her relatives must have a Chongyu other courtyard, so that they can stay in the pass for defense?
The implication is that there needs to be an independent courtyard, which can be used as the palace of the empress!
Although our mansion is large and has many yards, but if we want to find a place that is large enough to be used as the empress' palace, where can we find it? "

Mrs. Wang hit her face with a ladle of cold water, and said very unwillingly: "In this way, our family can't ask your mother to go home to visit relatives?"

Jia Zheng frowned and glanced at him, and said: "Why are you panicking, since the saint is kind, he will not be inconsiderate.

When we went to court before, the few of us had already gathered together to discuss.

Look at the meaning in the palace. If we want to invite my mother back home to visit relatives, I must build a temporary palace for my mother alone! "

"Then we will build a palace for the empress." Mrs. Wang said hurriedly.

Jia Zheng was a little displeased, and asked her if she knew how much it would cost to build a palace?

Mrs. Wang said, "Isn't there even enough silver for the officials?"

Jia Zheng sneered: "Although I haven't cared about family affairs these years, I still know what's going on in the official treasury.

What is the identity of our mother?If the palace built by our family for the empress is bad, not to mention that the empress cannot hold her head up in front of other concubines, even the century-old reputation of our Jia family will be ruined!

According to me, if you don't have enough money, it's better not to invite. "

Mrs. Wang was a little silent, she seemed to understand the difficulty of handling this extremely honorable matter.

"Didn't Lian'er raid several servants yesterday and add a lot of money to the government..."

Jia Zheng continued to attack mercilessly: "Stop wishful thinking, what do you do with that little money?
For example, in the past two years, the Ministry of Industry built the palace for His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, which cost nearly 30 taels!

Our family's empress is the fourth concubine, how can the construction of the palace be shabby?
Even if it can't be compared with the Prince's Mansion, at least it can't be too far behind. "

Mrs. Wang knew that Jia Zheng was always on duty in the Ministry of Industry, so she would not say anything bad about this kind of thing, so she asked, "According to your opinion, if we want to welcome our mother-in-law to visit relatives, at least how much money should I prepare?"

Jia Zhengdao: "According to my calculations, you must have at least 20 silver to be eligible to plan this matter.

Otherwise, all talk will be over. "

20, the official money is too far away...

Mrs. Wang also fell into silence. After a while, "If not, let's talk to the old lady about this first, and see what she means..."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard it, he knew what his wife meant...

She wants to hit the old lady's own idea!

This is a bit different from Jia Zheng's plan.

He thought that Mrs. Wang would think of asking the Wang family to support her...

In recent years, the prince's official career has been prosperous, and the Wang family is also the most prosperous of the four major families. As Mrs. Wang's eldest daughter of the Wang family and the niece of the Wang family in Yuanchun, the Wang family should be willing to support her!

Of course, he would not take the initiative to express such thoughts, so he nodded lightly, said nothing, and went back to Meng Pozhai.

The problem is thrown at you, and what you can accomplish depends on you.


Because of the deployment of defense work outside the city, Jia Lian didn't leave the office until the afternoon.

When he got home, he didn't care much when he heard the word "bestowing relatives" was circulating at home.

As expected.

Seeing that Jia Zheng and others didn't look for him, he pretended not to know, and still led people as planned to survey the terrain in Dongkuayuan, preparing to build his own martial arts arena, imperial horse road, etc.

He didn't worry at all that he couldn't do it.

To put it bluntly, what is the money in the officialdom?
It's just a place where everyone counts on to pull oil and water into their pockets every year.

If you really want to raise some money, among other things, Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang can handle this matter.

These two old women can't be underestimated sometimes...

Even Jia Lian's calculation was that it would be great if he could use this incident to drain the private pockets of Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang.

The so-called silver is confidence, as long as their confidence is low, it will be convenient for him to do things in the future.

But although Jia Lian didn't care, Wang Xifeng cared very much.

When it was time for dinner, Wang Xifeng couldn't wait to talk about it with Jia Lian.

"The bigger happy news you mentioned yesterday, but you were referring to the matter of visiting relatives?"

Wang Xifeng finally took Jia Lian's words to heart.

No way, yesterday I learned that the permission to visit the palace on the [-]th is enough to make people feel that God's grace is mighty, but Jia Lian said that a greater grace is yet to come.

Sure enough, it has come true today, how can this not make her, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, grumble in her heart?
Jia Lian smiled and said: "Compared to how I know, shouldn't you be more concerned, once the family is determined to do this, our family will be poor?"

Wang Xifeng immediately asked: "You mean, this matter can be done?"

"I said it can be done, do you believe me?"

"I believe it! From now on, if you say that the sun rises from the west one day, I will believe it too!"

Wang Xifeng really felt convinced.

Forget about all the things in the past, Jia Lian was able to account for the fact that the palace was only gracious today, which is amazing.

She still clearly remembered that Jia Lian had said yesterday that she had to hide the money at home, maybe there would be a big hole in the house that needed to be filled soon.

How about it, here we come today.

Once you really want to build a palace for your mother-in-law, wouldn't it be a big hole?

Everything was predictable, which made Wang Xifeng feel cold in the back.

If it weren't for her man's other places where everything was normal, she might have wanted to invite the dancing master to come to town to see if Jia Lian was possessed by evil spirits...

Make up your mind, try not to hide from him what happens in the future, otherwise you won't feel at ease!

After discussing with Jia Lian the general strategy for dealing with the matter of visiting relatives, Wang Xifeng asked again: "How is it? I see that you just came out of the West Wing. How much did you charge?"

Jia Lian smiled, intending to test Wang Xifeng's eyesight: "Guess."

Wang Xifeng curled her lips, and said very cooperatively: "Three thousand?"

Jia Lian shook his head.

"Five thousand?"

"It can't be [-], right? Haha, if that's the case, these slaves in our family are really too sincere."

According to the regulations of the government, anyone who is greedy for ink or steals two or three taels of silver from the owner's property will be chopped off.

More than ten taels, a proper death penalty.

The total number of housekeepers and deacons in the family is 1 taels. Isn't it an average of 500 taels per person?

Then wherever you go, you will die and you can't die anymore. Are those slaves really so honest?

Jia Lian smiled and said: "I have asked Xiangling and Qingwen to collect half of it, so as not to attract attention, don't make any plans for this money, just let it be placed in the West Wing.

The remaining half is piled up outside, and you will send someone to move it to the official later. "

Wang Xifeng's eyes are bright, and she has no conscience, and she does things more and more to her liking.

This is the way of wise people to keep half of it!
(End of this chapter)

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