The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 216 Jia Lian Dances the Sword

Chapter 216 Jia Lian Dances the Sword
Jia Lian had expected that money would not be the biggest obstacle when the Rongguo Mansion wanted to build the Grand View Garden.

As the saying goes, there are still three thousand nails in a broken ship, not to mention that the current Jia Mansion is far from being as embarrassed as the later period of the original book.

In the Yuanchun concubine, when the flowers were blooming and brocade was cooking, the basic framework could be put together by random gathering.

So the Grand View Garden can definitely be built.

It's just that Jia Zhen was unwilling to take out Huifang Garden to build a family-friendly garden, which was a bit beyond Jia Lian's expectations.

He remembered that in the original book, the Jia family worked together for this matter, and the Ningguo Mansion directly cut off most of the Huifang Garden to build the garden, just like the Rongguo Mansion family.

Could it be that the Rongguo Mansion was very rich at that time in the original book, and the money was in place?

Jia Lian has no way to study the specific situation, but Jia Lian has been planning the Grand View Garden in his heart for a long time, and really wants to see what the legendary Grand View Garden looks like with his own eyes.

Moreover, after the Grand View Garden is completed, Daiyu and others can move into the Grand View Garden.Not to mention too much, when Daiyu will live alone in a separate building, it will not be so easy for Erbao to hook up with his sister Lin...

Jia Lian, who was concerned, listened to the statement of Jia Zheng and others, and said solemnly:

"Preparing the construction of the palace for the eldest sister to return to the province is the most important thing for our family right now, so no matter how difficult the family is, we must do our best to complete this matter.

But as the old saying goes, those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek an area. The matter is of great importance, but we must make complete preparations, because once this matter is carried out, there is no such thing as giving up halfway.

So, I still want to ask, how much money can our family spend on the return of our eldest sister?

There are many ways, there are few ways, these are all debatable, the most fearful thing is that the initial layout is too big, and as for the follow-up, it is not beautiful, others will see the jokes of our family , if this affects the prestige of big sister, then what face will we have to meet her in the future?

For our family, the eldest sister has lived in the deep palace for so many years, and survived the peach and plum years from the year of cardamom.Now that we have finally made it through, if those of us close relatives don't have the ability to connect her home to take a look, wouldn't it be chilling to think about it? "

When Jia Lian said this, everyone felt sorry for him and didn't know what to say.

Mother Jia burst into tears for a while, and seemed to have some emotions that were difficult to express.

Wang Xifeng secretly took a look at Jia Lian, everyone is discussing business here, but you are good, you just make a sensational one, deliberately trying to make the happy event so dull?

Mrs. Wang was determined to get this matter done, but after hearing Jia Lian's words, she became even more determined.

Seeing that Jia Lian really wanted to ask, he didn't hesitate to say, "The silver in the official treasury is still close to one hundred thousand.

I discussed it with the old lady before. In those years, the Zhen family in Jiangnan was in the silk business, and they kindly dragged our family into the business. In the end, even the principal and bonus, there were about [-] silver.Because our family is not in a hurry to use the money, we didn't move it and kept it in Zhen's house.

In addition, the rental land in Nanjing has also been confiscated in Beijing for a few years. We have also checked the account books before, and there are about 3 taels of silver in the treasury of the old house.

Combined in this way, there are 18 taels.In addition, I discussed with the old lady, and we each pooled another 2 taels of silver, so that we made up a total of 22 taels of silver, which is almost enough..."

22 taels of silver is definitely a moving figure.

There are thousands of rich and noble families in the world, but those who can come up with this number are definitely rare.Either a giant businessman, or a giant greedy.

Even Jia Zhen frowned.

I thought that the expenses here would be huge over the years, but I didn't expect that there would be such a large amount of deposits...

But Jia Lian shook his head after hearing this.

"If we were to deal with the big sister alone, maybe it would be almost the same.

But counting the time, all of our family's properties, including rents and ground rents across the country, will not arrive until September or October at least.

Could it be that in order to take care of the big sister, all other things in our family are not done?Obviously not, among other things, there is the master's birthday to be organized right now, and the old lady's in August. Besides, there are our family's daily expenses, the various mansions welcome and send, and buy for the empress Boxing..."

Jia Lian's words made the others ponder again.

That's right, the huge Rongguo Mansion, with hundreds of people, did they run out of money at once?Even if we can deal with the past this year, what about next year, the year after, and the future?

Although Wang Xifeng and others often joked that it is enough to have a bite to eat, but if they really want to live in poverty, everyone present has never considered this issue!
Jia Zheng sighed: "Except for the old lady, I can keep everything simple this year..."

It can be seen from this that Jia Zheng is arrogant on the surface, but in fact he really wants to accomplish the matter of visiting relatives.

Jia Lian bowed his hands to Jia Zheng: "Even if the master is willing to wrong me, outsiders will inevitably be suspicious when they see our family suddenly behave like this.

Therefore, the master's business cannot be delayed.

In fact, even if you save a fortune from the master, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Our family is already stretched out just to prepare for the construction of the palace...Master, don't forget, when the preparations for the palace are completed, we will welcome our mother to visit relatives in the future, but there is still a big head..."

Everyone's hearts tightened, yes, the empress and concubine moved home to visit her relatives, a great kindness that has rarely been seen since ancient times, and the family naturally had to welcome it according to the highest and higher etiquette.When the time comes, the cost will be another astronomical sum.

Jia Zheng was silent.

Although Mrs. Wang also knew that Jia Lian was not talking nonsense, but she was eager to seek success, and seeing Jia Lian repeatedly pouring cold water on everyone, she couldn't help but doubt: Could it be that Lian'er was reluctant because he was afraid that the family would run out of money?

"Then according to you, what should we do with our family? You yourself said just now that this matter should be done in a legitimate way, so it shouldn't be stopped because of the money, right?
No matter how difficult it is for our family, it shouldn't be here. "

Mrs. Wang naturally had reason to doubt Jia Lian's intentions. What was discussed before was only cash that the family could provide.

When it's really extremely difficult, the family property, the family's belongings, if you sell some of them casually, which one is worthless?

There is a reason why those in power in the Rongguo Mansion, who have a century-old foundation of the Guogong Mansion, never worry about money, because they are really not short of money!
Jia Lian glanced at Mrs. Wang, and the contempt in her heart was almost revealed.

"My wife misunderstood, my nephew naturally didn't mean that.

What I mean is that part of the official money should be reserved for other important family affairs, not all of it for family visits.

Visiting relatives is a great happy event, and it is the glory of our entire Jia family if it is done.

Therefore, I think that in this matter, it is not only the old ladies and wives who contribute money. As a member of the family, we should also have money to contribute, and it is better to be able to contribute. "

As Jia Lian spoke, he looked around the crowd and said, "My father liked to collect playthings when he was alive. This was his old man's hobby. As a son, he naturally supports it.

I originally thought that putting all the things that the old man loved during his lifetime into his tomb, and talking about the boredom of the old man under the nine springs, can be regarded as a filial piety of a son.

But after thinking about it, most of the things left by his old man are of great value. If they are all put in the tomb, it will inevitably make Xiao Xiao miss...

So in the end, only a few of his favorites were chosen to be martyred in it, and all the rest were converted into money, thinking that if there were any major events in the family in the future, they would be prepared for emergencies.

Unexpectedly, I really met so soon.

Therefore, if the wife does not dislike it, the nephew is willing to use all this part of the money for family affairs.Although not much, it can be regarded as my nephew's wish as a member of the family. "

Jia Lian's words surprised everyone.

Since ancient times, who doesn't love money, and who is willing to take out his own money and use it together?

I didn't see Mrs. Xing, who had been pretending to be a wooden figure beside Jia Lian after she finished speaking, couldn't sit still!
It's true, what Jia She left behind, logically, she should have a share...

However, at this time, even if she was unwilling, she did not dare to object.

(End of this chapter)

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