The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 217 Intention to Jia Zhen

Chapter 217 Intention to Jia Zhen
Mrs. Wang was stunned when she heard Jia Lian say that, and suddenly she felt ashamed, as if she was on fire?

She didn't want to admit it, so she hurriedly said: "It's rare that you have such a heart, how much can you give?"

Mrs. Wang thought to herself, if it was only a few thousand taels, it would not be wronged him, but it was just a nice way of saying it.

When Jia Amnesty held the funeral, she lost thousands of blood!
"Some things haven't been sold yet, but I have asked many masters from antique shops to appraise them. If they are all sold, there will be at least 5000 taels of silver."

As Jia Lian said, she turned to look at Wang Xifeng, "Madam Feng, how much money do we have at home?"


Wang Xifeng's heart skipped a beat, and she almost couldn't hold back anymore. Could it be that the unconscionable person took the wrong medicine again?

Hearing what he said just now, she was very anxious, but she couldn't figure out Jia Lian's plan, and she didn't express her attitude.

Seeing him take out that heavy sum of money now, it's not enough, but also calculate the family's savings?
After looking at Jia Lian for a few times, he finally said weakly in front of his elders, "Return, there are five thousand..."

There's no way, she said this number before, so it's not easy to change her mind on the spot.

Jia Lian then laughed: "That's just right, it's just enough to make up thirty thousand silver.

After all those things have been converted into cash, I will send them to the official office, specially for the elder sister's family visit. "

As soon as Jia Lian said this, Jia Mu, Jia Zheng, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Xing and Jia Zhen all looked at him with wide eyes.

Isn't Lian'er (brother Lian) really joking?
Cousin, not my real sister...

The old lady and the wife give money, and it is reasonable to say, what is a cousin of yours doing so hard?
What is the picture?

Mrs. Wang felt very uncomfortable. She would rather Jia Lian drag her back in this matter... At least she should not act so impartial and selfless, making her feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that her personality was completely crushed by Jia Lian. In front of Jia Lian, she became the one who treated the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart.

Mother Jia, who hadn't spoken for a long time, took a deep breath, looked at Jia Lian heavily, and finally waved her hand and said: "You can let go of this matter, don't worry about money.

Even in the end, it’s okay to be short of a hundred thousand..."

Jia's mother's meaning is very clear. In order to accomplish this matter, she is willing to spend another 10 taels!
Everyone got up one after another and bowed to Jia's mother, and Jia Zheng wanted to persuade her.

For family affairs, it is already unfilial to ask Mother Jia to use Tiji, and it is still such a large amount.

But Mother Jia waved her hand freely, stopping Jia Zheng's words.

She had prepared her coffin a long time ago, and the rest left to Baoyu is the same as spent on Yuanchun.

Forced everyone to sit down, Jia Zheng still had a look of shame on his face.

Jia Zhen couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up again, cupped her hands and said, "For our mother's great event, even brother Lian has given away so much money, if I don't work hard as an elder brother, how can I justify it.

It's just that the old ladies, masters and wives all know that our house over there is no match for this...

Forget it, it’s useless to say too much, everyone should know.In short, I should be able to take out 3 taels from my side, and I am also ready to use it for our family's mother-in-law. "

Jia Zhen also had no other choice, Jia Lian's selflessness put him on fire.

He is the eldest brother of the fourth generation of the Jia family and the patriarch. Even Jia Lian spent [-] silver to deal with this family happy event. If he just sits still, where will he put his face?
But what he said was preparation, not taking it out immediately and putting it in the officials here, that is to say, if there is no shortage of money here in the end, his money may not be paid out...

What Jia Lian was waiting for was this moment, and he immediately showed admiration, stood up and bowed to Jia Zhen, saying:
"Brother Zhen is righteous, our family has a generous person like Brother Zhen as the patriarch, why worry that the brothers in the family cannot unite as one? Why worry that my Jia family is not prosperous?

However, we do know the situation in Brother Zhen's mansion, and we really dare not ask Brother Zhen to evacuate the treasury for this matter.

Brother Zhen, as the head of the clan, has the important task of taking care of the whole clan, so the eldest house cannot be short of money..."

After being flattered by Jia Lian, the pain in Jia Zhen's heart disappeared a lot, and a feeling of comfort emerged spontaneously, so she became polite with Jia Lian instead, saying that there is no need to worry about him, and he is doing well. ...

Seeing that Jia Zhen couldn't be persuaded to take back the promise, Jia Lian seemed very distressed, and finally said: "Since Brother Zhen is determined to do so, I dare not go against Brother Zhen's wishes.

How about this, brother Zhen really doesn't need to spend such a sum of money, if brother Zhen is willing, I have a heartless request from my younger brother. "

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian sent someone to go to the housekeeper to get the maps of the two prefectures.

"What do you want the map for, I happen to have a copy here..."

Jia Zheng checked the topography of the two prefectures repeatedly in the past two days, so he just brought a simple copy with him.

Jia Lian moved a high stool in the middle, unfolded the map, then pointed to the second half of the two mansions and said:
"Brother Zhen, let's see, in our mansion, Rongxi Hall is the hall name built by imperial edict, and Rongqing Hall is where the old lady lives, and these two courtyards cannot be moved.

The Dongkuai courtyard on the east side can be moved, but it is so narrow and long, and it is sandwiched between the Rongxi Hall and the ancestral hall, it really does not have the conditions to be included in the palace.

In this way, only the East Courtyard at the back can be used to build a palace, but even if the servants' houses in the west are included, the length of the east and west sides will not exceed two miles, and the depth will definitely not exceed two and a half miles. .

If it is simply to build an ornamental garden, it will be fine.But as our mother's palace, it's too petty, and it doesn't fit our mother's status. "

Jia Lian did this set of movements in one go, without giving Jia Zhen any room to react, she just stood dumbfounded in the hall, listening to Jia Lian's advice.

"But brother Zhen, let's see, if the two sections of the wall between the two mansions are torn down, it doesn't need to be too much, just extend the range to the Tianxiang Tower, so the total length of the east and west sides is three and a half miles.

Such a site three and a half miles long and two and a half miles wide is enough to build a decent palace.

If it is carefully designed and arranged, and used to welcome our mother-in-law, it will not look shabby, what does Brother Zhen think? "


Jia Zhen began to scold her mother in her heart.

He suspected that Jia Lian did so much before just to set him up!
Although Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang had proposed Huifangyuan before, they were too embarrassed to speak up, and he could pretend not to understand.

But Jia Lian is good, he made it clear when he came up!
In such a situation, how could he refuse?

First of all, the two mansions belong to one family. This is the result of nearly a hundred years of hard work by the Jia family and the two mansions. He dare not take the charge of splitting the two mansions.

Secondly, Haikou, who wants to contribute to the family's great affairs, has already boasted about it. At this time, because of self-interest, does he need the credibility of the patriarch?
Moreover, Jia Lian was so considerate, and bluntly said that instead of asking him to pay 3 taels of silver, it would be better to sell some territory. It sounds like he is taking advantage of it!
Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang were stunned by Jia Lian's operation. Looking at Jia Zhen who was frozen and speechless, they all wisely chose not to disturb.

"Of course, I also know that if this is the case, Big Brother Zhen will be at a disadvantage.

Alas, to be honest, if it wasn't for such a happy event as the eldest sister's return to the province, how could the younger brother dare to make such a suggestion?
In fact, based on the current situation of our family, this is the best and cheapest solution.

Brother Zhen’s Huifang Garden, we all know how the landscape and scenery are. If it is included in the category of the palace, not to mention much, only the part of Huifang Garden, most of the things can be left alone. In this way, you can directly serve The family saves a lot of expenses!
The only damage is that Brother Zhen's Huifang Garden has shrunk a part...

How about this, in order to make up for the loss of Brother Zhen, we are willing to compensate Brother Zhen, no matter how much money, as long as Brother Zhen asks, we will never speak back. "

Jia Zhenxin said, what is this called shrinking a part?After pulling it through in this way, Lao Tzu's Huifang Garden has shrunk by more than half!

"Brother Lian was joking, how can I ask for your money...

But, is it really the only way to do this?It's not that I don't want to part with a garden, it's just that, after all, it's an ancestral house handed down from my ancestors, so I..."

Jia Zhen hesitated.

"This is the best way at present, otherwise, we can only learn from Wu Guifei's house and go outside the city to see places, but in that way, it is not as convenient as staying at home, and it will cost more money.

With the current situation of our family, it is too strenuous to support it.

But if Big Brother Zhen really has concerns, then that's fine, they are all close relatives of the family, and it would be bad if they got into trouble over such a trivial matter.

It's hard to say, it's better to look outside the city. "

Jia Lian said with some regret.

Jia Zhen's complexion became extremely tangled.

Undoubtedly, the concubine in Yuanchun is a great joy for the Jia family and the two houses. If he does not support and cooperate at this time, the relationship between the two houses will be alienated again. ?
How can you pretend to be a relative of the emperor when you go out?

This is why he is willing to give a full [-] silver!Because the big family is indeed a prosperous and a loss.

In theory, according to the value of most of the Huifang Garden that Jia Lian allocated, it may not exceed [-] silver.

The reason why he hesitated was because the Rongguo Mansion had already overwhelmed the Ningguo Mansion. Fortunately, judging from the map of the two mansions, the two mansions are still equal.Now that Huifang Garden has been taken away by the other party, this balance has suddenly been broken.

Jia Zhen kept thinking about it.

It is definitely unwise to refuse, and it is to cut oneself off from the family, so I can only agree.

Fortunately, in comparison, Rongguo Mansion has been crossed out in a larger area. As long as Yuanchun is not regarded as Yuanchun of Rongguo Mansion, but as the mother of the Jia family, it will be much easier to accept.

After briefly thinking of two reasons that she could accept, Jia Zhen straightened her face and said, "Brother Lian was joking, since we are a family, this is already the best way, why should I disagree?
Let's do what Brother Lian said.

Starting from the garden in our mansion and going around to the west, a total of three and a half miles has been set aside to build a family-saving palace for our mother-in-law. "

"Thank you so much Brother Zhen, the agreed compensation..."

"Well... Hugh will talk about compensation or not. If you say that again, you don't treat me as a family, so I will be angry."

Jia Zhen actually laughed.

For this, Jia Lian could only bow his hands and express his gratitude on behalf of the Rongguo Mansion.

The two major issues of site selection and the source of money have been resolved, and the only thing left is to prepare for the start of construction.

But these trivial and complicated things cannot be explained in a short while, so when it was getting late, Jia Zhen and You Shi went back by car after agreeing to discuss it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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