Chapter 218

Jia Lian personally sent Jia Zhen and You Shi out, and when he came back again, Jia Mu and others did not leave.

They all looked at Jia Lian with strange eyes.

A person's ability is not very visible in normal times, and it can only be clearly reflected when facing major events.

Even if they don't want to admit it, they also understand that letting Jia Lian come over is the most correct decision.

If not, I'm afraid they won't be able to discuss the reason for the location selection today!Even if Jia Zhen was persuaded to give up Huifang Garden in the end, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars.

However, in order to accomplish this, Jia Lian didn't do it easily. He used almost all of his father's inheritance as a bargaining chip.

"What's wrong, what are you looking at me for?
Now that the place has been marked out, I think our family should start construction and construction as soon as possible. The sooner it is completed, the sooner the older sister can be invited back home to visit relatives. "

Jia Lian bowed briefly to Jia Mu and others, then sat down and said.

Jia Zheng hurriedly said: "What Lian'er said is that I am acquainted with an old Ming Gong in the ministry. He has unique attainments in garden construction. Even the royal gardens are often built by him. .

After tomorrow's court, I will hire him to design and build blueprints for our house. "

"The old man Minggong mentioned by the master is named 'Shan Ziye'?"

"Exactly, how do you know?"

"Hehe, the old man has a great reputation, and my nephew has heard of it a little bit.

If the master has already fallen in love with him, it is better to invite him as soon as possible.Now that the decree has been issued, I am afraid that there are many people who want to build large-scale construction projects, and it is too late. I am afraid that the old man has already taken over other projects, so he will be too busy by then, which will delay the construction period of our family. "

Jia Lian smiled and reminded her.

Jia Zheng got serious and nodded in response.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Lian'er, we all know what you want, it's just that you should keep the things left by your father..."

Jia Zheng was a typical literati who valued fame over profit.

For the sake of his daughter, he asked his nephew to sell all his elder brother's belongings to support him, which made him feel very sorry.

Jia Lian smiled and glanced at Jia Zheng, his somewhat shy and tangled expression did not seem to be fake, Jia Lian laughed in his heart, since this person can be dealt with, let's continue to deal with him like this.

"Master, needless to say, our family is using silver, since we have it, we should naturally use it and concentrate our efforts on big things.

After all, I am also part of this family, am I not? "

Mrs. Xing and Wang Xifeng were more or less unhappy about what Jia Lian said casually.

Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang had complex expressions, Jia Mu said: "It's rare that you have such a heart, if you insist, then I will do as you please.

But you don't need [-], you should also think about your Feng girl and eldest sister, save some money to buy clothes.

How about this, you are the same as us, just take out [-] yuan.

If the money in the family is really not enough in the future, we will calculate another new branch at that time. "

Wang Xifeng saw that he could save [-] yuan, so he hurriedly said with a smile: "Look at what the old lady said, he is the man of the family, and naturally he has the final say on family affairs. Since he is willing to support the family with this matter, I will Only happy for him.

Anyway, I have no place to use money, so it's useless to keep it for me.

The eldest sister in our family is still young and doesn't need much money.

I have wronged our wife, I am afraid that I will not have the money to honor her elderly in the future. "

Mrs. Xing sat under Jiamu's hand, and she suffered for a long time here.

As long as the family spends a lot of money, there is no place for her to intervene!

He was already in a bad mood, but at this moment, Wang Xifeng proposed to spur him, so the reaction can be imagined.

After finally forcing out a little smile, he said that Jia Lian and others don't need to be filial, it's important to do big things, and then he couldn't sit still anymore and bid farewell to Jia Mu.

Everyone didn't care too much about Mrs. Xing's departure, and asking her to come here was just for fun.

Looking at the previous results, maybe in the future, there is really no need to call her for such things.

Jia Lian did a great job for the family today, so Jia's mother and the others had no choice but to show a pleasant attitude, caring about the affairs of Jia Lian's yamen for the first time.

Jia Lian just dealt with this concern casually, and then suddenly said: "Yesterday, I heard Feng girl said that sister Lin had a cough again. How is it now? I'll go and see her."

When mentioning Daiyu's illness, Jia's mother scratched her heart and sighed: "She is still like that. Every spring and summer, there has never been a rest... Go and see."

Jia Lian left Jia Mu and others and came to Daiyu's room in the backyard.

It was deep winter when Daiyu entered Jia's mansion. Because of the cold weather, Mother Jia arranged for Daiyu to live in the green gauze cabinet in her room.

When spring came and the weather turned warmer, Daiyu was moved to a separate house at the back, and Sanchun sisters were also moved out of Rongqing Hall by the way, and arranged to live in the three huts behind Mrs. Wang's courtyard.

The reason given was that Sanchun was getting older and it was inconvenient to squeeze in one place.

In fact, Mother Jia is getting older and less energetic, and thinks that her grandchildren are too noisy.

However, it can still be seen from here that Jia's mother's partiality cannot be changed. She dislikes Sanchun, but puts her granddaughter and grandson beside her.

That's all for Daiyu, it's justified as a distant guest.

He also put an Erbao next to Daiyu, so that Erbao would always harass Daiyu.

It is absolutely impossible to say that Mother Jia has no selfish intentions in her heart!

In a cozy room, the setting sun through the screen window has just dissipated, and the room is suddenly deserted.

Lin Daiyu quietly poured the half-drinked decoction into the potted crabapple outside the window, turned her head and saw Zijuan standing at the door, looking at her angrily, feeling guilty, but put the bowl beside her as if nothing had happened, and sat down to pretend Continue to feed the two squirrels in the cage as if nothing happened.

Zijuan came over, looked out of the window first, and then complained: "If this tree is also sick, I'm afraid it will be cured after taking so many precious medicines from the girl..."

Daiyu frowned, pouted and ignored Zicuckoo, she was so annoying, she always told people to drink medicine!
Seeing this, Zicuckoo had no choice but to put away the bowl and spoon.

Seeing Jia Lian approaching her face, she hurriedly stepped aside and bowed her body: "My servant has seen the second master Lian~"

Daiyu at the desk at first thought that Zijuan was teasing her, but when she looked back, she realized that Jia Lian had really come, and hurriedly got up to greet her.

Jia Lian sat down on the stool beside the tea table, and seeing Daiyu's slender and delicate body standing in front of her, she smiled and said, "I heard that you are ill, I'll come to see you, why are you so restrained, sit down."

Daiyu wrinkled her nose slightly, and took the order to go back to sit, but she tilted her head, not wanting to talk about Jia Lian.

Jia Lian was curious: "Did I offend you, look at this little pout?"

Ren who keeps coughing and being forced to take medicine is not in a good mood.

Jia Lian still made fun of her like this, which made Daiyu look at Jia Lian with dissatisfaction, "What are you doing here?"

Hmph, he was ill the other day and only came to visit today, so I don't want to accept your kindness!

Daiyu found an excellent reason for her behavior.

"Just now the old lady came to discuss with me. She was passing by and heard that someone was sick. She stopped by to have a look. It's fine."

Daiyu's personality is like a cat, and it's easy to blow up when masturbating against her.

"Then you saw it too, you can go."

Sure enough, Daiyu said in a very unhappy manner, Xu was too impatient to speak quickly, which affected the condition of the illness, and just after she finished speaking, she covered her mouth with an embroidered handkerchief and started coughing.

Zijuan, who had just poured tea for Jia Lian, hurried over to help pat her back.

Looking at her stubborn and delicate appearance, it made people feel distressed and angry, so he sighed: "I was fine before, why did I suddenly become sick like this again? Could it be because I didn't take proper medicine?"

Jia Lian's words hit what someone did just now, causing her to cover her mouth, and her eyes were a little unnatural.

Zijuan even complained immediately: "The second master also said that the girl just doesn't take medicine, and she always takes half and half of the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor. If this continues, how will the girl's illness get better?"

Hearing Zijuan's complaint, Daiyu was obviously not convinced, and turned her back to prevent Zijuan from touching her.

Jia Lian looked at it with a smile, and then glanced at Zijuan.

I have to say that Mother Jia treated Daiyu pretty well, at least the girl she gave to Daiyu was very nice.

At a young age, when he speaks and does things, he feels somewhat intellectual and introverted.

It's true, if it weren't for this, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to get rid of a girl like Daiyu who is extremely emotional and difficult to get along with.

"Oh, why are you telling me this? She doesn't take medicine, you have tried your best to persuade her, and she doesn't even listen to your words. Do you think she will listen to me? If I let her take it, she will take it." gone?"

Seeing that Jia Lian was teasing, Zijuan hurriedly laughed and said, "She may not listen to what other people say, but she will certainly listen to what the second master says."

"Hey, if you don't go down, I want you to talk too much here."

Daiyu really couldn't stand the azalea, so she opened her mouth to drive it away.

Zijuan didn't care about being scolded, instead she spread her hands towards Jia Lian and signaled: Look, the girl is getting more self-willed.

Daiyu's temper can change at any time, and Jia Lian doesn't have the time and energy to explain it in detail, but he knows how to follow the wishes of such a little girl.

So she smiled back at Zijuan: "I advise you not to count on me, I don't have any 'curse' to subdue anyone, but I think, since she doesn't want to take the medicine, she must think that your medicine is not good and has no effect.

If your medicine is really good medicine and can cure the disease, I believe she will definitely take it,

Who doesn't want to be in good health?
So instead of complaining here, you might as well think about how to make the medicine better, for example, add some sugar..."

Daiyu is such a sensitive person, she can break apart and crush every word said by the people around her to listen to.

Hearing Jia Lian's allusion that she was a disobedient grandson, her black eyebrows immediately stood up!
Fortunately, Jia Lian found a reason that sounded very pleasant to her ears for her behavior of not taking medicine, and she felt at ease.

She thought that Jia Lian would also be like others, persuading her to take medicine well, and she was tired of hearing that.

Only then did she think that Jia Lian really understood her, and everything went according to her wishes, but who knew that the last sentence made her blush again.

She naturally heard that Jia Lian had already guessed that she disliked the bitterness of medicine, so she asked Zijuan to add sugar.

Damn, I still treat him like a child...

Zijuan originally wanted Jia Lian to help cure Daiyu, because she knew that Daiyu respected Jia Lian.

Unexpectedly, Jia Lian's words were vague and illogical.But judging by the girl's reaction, it seems that she is very touched.

She seems to understand a little bit why their girls look at Second Master Lian differently, hum, they are all people who speak out of common sense!

(End of this chapter)

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