The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 220 Princess Shang

Chapter 220 Princess Shang

After a secret conversation with Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng went to Rongqing hall to serve Jia Mu for dinner.

As soon as Jia Lian came out of the corridor, Qingwen greeted her panting, sweating slightly on her red face.

"What are you doing here?

"Just kicking shuttlecock with some little girls in the alley over there, I'm exhausted, where is Er Ye going?"

"I'll go to Dongkuayuan to have a look..."

"I heard that the second master is going to build a place for martial arts at home, and a place for horse racing, right? I'll go and have a look..."

Qingwen retreated to Jia Lian's side very naturally, and wanted to watch the project with her.

But Jia Lian didn't want her to go. Jia Yun and the others should have brought craftsmen in by now. This girl is naturally beautiful, and it's easy to provoke those rough men to work unintentionally.

Seeing that her blood was rosy after exercising, she was panting faintly, she was more and more similar to Daiyu, and suddenly evil thoughts struck her.

Without even thinking about it, he hugged her waist as smooth as a water snake, bowed his head, and tasted the fragrance for a while.

Qingwen didn't expect Jia Lian to attack suddenly, her beautiful peach eyes widened, and she stared blankly at Jia Lian's eyes.

The other party's embarrassing eyes and more excessive behavior made Qingwen gradually come to her senses. While looking around the compound, she pushed and beat Jia Lian.

After finally breaking free, he spat in his mouth, stomped his feet on the spot and said angrily, "What are you doing..."

In the end, she was so ashamed and angry, she gave Jia Lian a hard look, and didn't care to see if anyone in the courtyard saw this shameful scene, and rushed into the west wing with fast steps.

Seeing her like this, Xiangling hurriedly asked: "Sister Qingwen, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, nerd, just memorize your poems!"

Qingwen slapped Xiangling casually, then plunged into her bed in the inner room, lying on her stomach to calm her heartbeat.

I secretly regretted it, if I knew that the second master wanted to be contemptuous of others, I shouldn't have kicked the shuttlecock, and I was covered in sweat.

It doesn't matter, anyway, he wants to belong to his relatives, and he deserves it if he is smoked!

Even though he thought so in his heart, he turned over and sat up, feeling that Jia Lian should have gone out of the courtyard, so he got up, and under Xiangling's suspicious eyes, went to the small kitchen to ladle hot water for a bath...


On the second day, Jia Lian set off from Beijing before dawn, and brought his personal guards to the Royal Horse Garden on the outskirts of the city.

This is the private property of the prince. It is located in a spacious area, with a small royal garden in the middle, a meadow, and several forests, so whether it is an outing or hunting on horseback, it is an excellent place.

The task of Jia Lian and others for the first two days was to clear away the farmers and other idlers on the outskirts, and then set up defenses layer by layer.

As for the site where you can meet the nobles, it is not under their control, and the Royal Guards set up guards.

When the time was just right, the eunuch who was in charge of the settlement and defense of the Prince's Mansion called together all the generals and explained the various preparations and precautions for today.

Although the eunuch is not high in rank, but because he is the prince's confidant, he is quite arrogant, and he will give a good lesson to all the military officers and generals of the third and fourth ranks.

For the prince's sake, the generals are not easy to argue with him.

"Hahaha, has the affairs of my nephew been properly arranged?"

The eunuch finally left, but Qiu Liang, the commander of the Zhongcheng army and horses, approached Jia Lian with a smile.

This Qiu Liang is the current head of the Jingtian Hou Mansion, and he can be regarded as a family friend of the Jia Mansion, so even though he looks only 40 or [-] years old, it is not an exaggeration to call Jia Lian a good nephew.

Jia Lian also clasped his fists in greeting: "I've seen Uncle Shi."

"Hahaha, you don't need to be too polite. My nephew is young and promising, and he can be said to be a leader among the younger generation of our country's founding martial arts, and His Majesty values ​​it so much. In the future, my kid will still count on my nephew to take care of him." It is."

"Uncle Shi is absurdly praised, and my nephew is ashamed."

After a simple chat, Qiu Liang invited Jia Lian to his camp to chat.

Although the rank of the soldiers and horses in Zhongcheng is the same as that of the other four parties, but because it manages the outskirts of the imperial city, it has the best chance to contact the prince and grandson, so it has the highest status among the soldiers and horses of the five parties.

Today, it is also the main pass that is responsible for the front.

When they arrived at Qiu Liang's camp, it turned out that Qiu Liang did not invite him alone, but also the commander of the Northern City Military Division. The three of them sat down and talked about all the official courtesies, just making tea and chatting.

Because the crown prince made a big move to celebrate Princess Zhaoyang's birthday, it was inevitable to talk about the special status of Princess Zhaoyang.

"Haha, my nephew stayed in Beijing for a short time in the officialdom, maybe I don't know that Princess Zhaoyang's status in the royal family is not ordinary.

Today, His Majesty originally had four princesses.

The eldest princess married to Mongolia, and the rumors have passed away.The third princess died young, and the fourth princess was still young.

Therefore, among the royal family, this second princess is the only one who is deeply favored by His Majesty and bestowed the title Zhaoyang.

Furthermore, Princess Zhaoyang's mother, Concubine Yi, is the current Empress Dowager's niece. With this relationship, when Concubine Yi passed away early, the Empress Dowager took Princess Zhaoyang to her side to raise her personally.

With the favor of His Majesty and the Empress Dowager, His Royal Highness Zhaoyang naturally wants wind and rain in the palace, and even the princes have to stay away. "

It is actually difficult to sort out the insider relationship of the royal family with one person's strength. It is often through such chats and exchanges that the truth can be judged from the ears of others.

Because most of the people who dare to talk about the royal family have been carefully investigated by others, and they dare not make up casually.

Now in the palace, there are a large number of nobles such as the Supreme Emperor, Empress Dowager, Imperial Concubine, Emperor, Empress and Concubine. Given Jia Lian's current situation, it is really not easy to figure it out, so I am happy to hear Qiu Liang and others talk about these relationships in detail. Come.

Even Jia Lian immediately understood the special status of Princess Zhaoyang.

The current queen mother is not the emperor's biological mother, and there is a biological mother princess next to her.

This in itself is unreasonable. At the age of the emperor, even if her mother is not favored, she should be canonized as the empress dowager!

It can be seen from this that the empress dowager must have special weight in the mind of the emperor, otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress the empress dowager who has the emperor as her son.

More importantly, this Princess Zhaoyang is also the niece and granddaughter of the Empress Dowager, so it is not surprising that she has a double family relationship with the Empress Dowager, and is favored by the Empress Dowager.

Moreover, even in order to please the Queen Mother, Emperor Ningkang must take extra care of this Princess Zhaoyang.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that the crown prince bothers to please this younger sister.

Xu Sheng, the commander of the North City Army and Horse Division, was born in white clothes. In terms of family background and title, he can't compare with Qiu Liang, let alone Jia Lian. He originally intended to make friends with the two.

Seeing that the topic is hot, it is even more unwilling to lag behind, and a gossip broke out:
"His Royal Highness Zhaoyang is over eighteen years old now, and it is rumored that the palace has long intended to choose a son-in-law for him, but it is only because the Empress Dowager is reluctant to part with her that she stays by her side all the time.

I heard from others that the prince invited handsome young men from various families in Beijing to attend the meeting today, because he intends to choose a son-in-law for His Royal Highness Zhaoyang..."

Gossip, no matter what class or age, is an inescapable interest.

Qiu Liang stroked his beard, smiled and said to Jia Lian: "My nephew is young and promising, and he is so handsome and dignified, talented in the capital, I'm afraid there is no one who can compare with my nephew.

If this is the case, my nephew might as well give it a try today, if His Royal Highness Zhaoyang finds him in love, he will soar into the sky from now on, and his future will be rich and honorable. "

Jia Lian just listened to it as a joke, "Uncle Shi was joking, my nephew has already married a wife, and I dare not have such delusional thoughts, Uncle Shi, please don't make fun of me."

"Hahaha... My nephew must have never met His Highness Zhaoyang. It is rumored that His Highness Zhaoyang is not only handsome, but also has a free and easy personality, quite heroic, even inferior to all the princes and grandchildren.

If they can be matched with good nephews, they will be a couple of immortals.

Therefore, nephew Xian may not hesitate to think carefully, after all, there is no rule in this court that Princess Shang is not allowed to take concubines..."

The smile on Qiu Liang's face was like a chrysanthemum, and only a man with a full face could understand the deep meaning.

Jia Lian just ate tea indifferently.

How much effort did it take him to subdue Wang Xifeng, the niece of a first-rank military officer?

Another day's proud girl will come, and his backyard will never be safe for a day.

Besides, as long as the princess is not out of her mind, it is impossible to fall in love with a married man.

In the capital city, there are many handsome guys and handsome men. Given their conditions, they are naturally free to choose...

Therefore, it is impossible for Jia Lian to think about something that is whimsical and thankless.

Princess, she just sounds like a bluff, maybe she just looks like that.

(End of this chapter)

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