The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 221 My Royal Sister Usually Rides

Chapter 221 My Royal Sister Usually Rides
At the time of Chen Shi, many princes and grandsons from Beijing rushed over.

Qiu Liang and the others also had no intention of drinking tea, and went out of their tents to greet and make friends with people they knew.

Such a grand event is the best social occasion.

Jia Lian also has a lot of acquaintances, but most of them are not close friends.

Suddenly seeing Feng Ziying and another person riding forward, Jia Lian greeted them with a smile.

"Second Brother Lian!"

Feng Ziying immediately jumped off the horse and bowed her hands in salute.

Jia Lian and Feng Ziying can be regarded as having a friendship with each other through thick and thin. At the beginning, they beat Prince Duan's son in Xiao Wang's mansion. As a companion, Feng Ziying did not fear the power of the palace, but chose to advance and retreat with him. Make friends.

For Feng Ziying, it was also beneficial for him to befriend Jia Lian, who had extraordinary family background, knowledge, and fortune. Therefore, although the two met not long ago, they seemed closer than many family friends.

"By the way, let me introduce to Lian's second brother. This is Chen Yejun, the son of General Zhenwu's mansion, the second in the family."

"Haha, I met Mr. Chen..."

"Don't dare to dare, the prestige of Second Brother Jia has been admired by my younger brother for a long time, and it is really a good fortune to meet you today."

Chen Yejun is also a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, but he looks a little less heroic than Feng Ziying.

But judging by his words and actions, he is also a watertight person.

"There is no prestige at all, but relying on Zude."

While the three were being courteous, an official from the Prince's Mansion came over and invited Feng and Chen to go to the other garden to rest their horses.

Feng Ziying thanked him politely and said that she would just hang around outside, but actually stayed to talk to Jia Lian.

Another half an hour passed, and suddenly a large group of people came on the avenue in the distance.

The Royal Forest Army on both sides opened the way, and the people in front were all dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, with extraordinary demeanor.

In the rear, Zhu Huabao covered, clouds and flags fluttered, and a large number of palace people walked slowly.

Qiu Liang, Jia Lian and the others confirmed the arrival of the prince, and all the officers and soldiers on both sides knelt down to greet him: "Welcome Your Highness the Prince, Welcome Your Highness Princess Zhaoyang..."

"Be flat."

The crown prince was dressed in a yellow robe, surrounded by many guards, and at a glance he looked very dignified.

After he casually called the saluting people, he didn't care, and still directed the team to go directly to the other garden.

And Jia Lian and others who retreated beside them watched the team following the prince.

The third prince, the fourth prince, King Beijing, Prince Duan's son, etc., there are some he knows, and there are more he doesn't know.

Perhaps Jia Lian stood out from the crowd, and the Prince of Duan suddenly saw Jia Lian, his eyes burst out with astonishing hostility, and he perfectly grasped the jealous expression of the enemy when he met him.

Jia Lian didn't care about this, but smiled at him instead.


Prince Duan snorted coldly, and turned his head away proudly.

The king of Beijing Jing also saw Jia Lian, and immediately nodded to Jia Lian as a gesture, and Jia Lian hurriedly returned the salute.

"Hey, Jia Lian!"

The fourth prince still escaped as always, when he saw Jia Lian, he rode his horse out of the team and came in front of Jia Lian.

Beside him, Zhang Su followed like a shadow, even Zhang Tao came.

"I have seen the Fourth Highness."

The fourth prince jumped off his horse, came over and patted Jia Lian on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Thank you for what happened last time."

It seems that the gift for his imperial sister has been well received.

"Being able to serve His Royal Highness..."

"Don't drag those polite words, let me beat you! Really, he is clearly a general leading troops, why bother to imitate the sour breath of those scholars."

The fourth prince said carelessly, and Zhang Su behind him suddenly turned dark. Fortunately, he knew that his boss was just talking nonsense and had no intention of belittling him.

Jia Lian smiled, as expected, she was not polite to this guy, and said instead: "I heard that Her Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyang is here too, I don't know..."

"Oh, you said my sister, it's in the carriage."

The fourth prince pointed out to Jia Lian where his imperial sister was without any hesitation.

Jia Lian glanced at the eight-treasure canopy chariot headed by it, and paid attention to the ladies in the palace next to it.

Gein's maids, although they all looked good in figure, they uniformly covered their faces with tulle, covering their faces.

This is what Jia Lian wanted to ask.

"Do the people around Her Royal Highness cover their faces when they go out?"

Not only Jia Lian, but even Feng Ziying and others were very curious.

Unexpectedly, the fourth prince was also full of doubts when he heard this.

"No, my imperial sister usually rides a horse when she goes out, and her riding skills are better than mine! I don't know what she is doing today. Not only did she choose to ride in a carriage, but she also asked the maid to cover her face. It's really strange.

I asked her across the carriage just now, but she ignored me. "

The fourth prince said, seeing that the prince and others had already entered the other garden, they didn't stay any longer, and hurriedly bid farewell to Jia Lian with fists in their hands, then turned over and rode to catch up.

After the fourth prince and others left, Jia Lian and Chen Yejun all smiled and looked at Feng Ziying.

Feng Ziying was about the same age as Princess Zhaoyang, unmarried, and rather handsome, but she came here today to try her luck.

Don't say that a good man doesn't marry a princess, it will affect his future.

That's a very stupid idea.

Whoever marries Princess Zhaoyang is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

From then on, the emperor is the father-in-law, and the queen mother is the backer...

Power, status, fame and fortune are all there.

How many ambitious young people have worked hard all their lives for this purpose?You can fight and climb by yourself, but it does not prevent people from marrying a princess and standing directly on the top of the mountain.

What's more, not only is the concubine of this dynasty not forbidden to take concubines, but he can also be granted additional titles!

This is the reason why so many young handsome people flock to Princess Zhaoyang when they hear that Princess Zhaoyang wants to choose a son-in-law.

Of course, not all men want to be consorts.

For example, like Jia Lian, who thinks that he has an extraordinary destiny, and in the future he must be compared to the third prince, except for men who have power over the government and the public.

However, he was the only one. Normal men in the world, if they didn't have horns on their heads, wouldn't have such unrealistic dreams when they were young.

Therefore, even though Feng Ziying is both talented and beautiful, she couldn't help but want to try her luck.

After Jia Lian and Chen Yejun heard the words of the fourth prince, they all guessed, could it be that Princess Zhaoyang is really an eighteenth-year-old girl, and she is starting to worry about getting married, so she changed her normal behavior and acted like a lady?
"Hehe, it seems that the news is mostly true. I hereby wish Brother Feng that he will 'win the Toad Palace' today..."

Chen Yejun said with a smile, and Jia Lian also agreed.

Feng Ziying saw that the two of them were like this, and hated that they should not have revealed their feelings during the chat just now, and then shook her head: "Don't hurt me, I still have self-knowledge, even if the news is true, with the high vision of Her Royal Highness, I'm afraid they may not be able to look up to me.

Let's not talk, let's go too.

Brother Lian is with us? "

Jia Lian shook his head: "I won't go in, I'm on my duty, I'll go back to the camp first. I wish Brother Feng the best of luck and success."

Jia Lian cupped his fists, greeted Aqi who was beside him, and rode back to the camp.

Feng Ziying saw Jia Lian's attitude of leaving in a cool and unrestrained manner, and suddenly sighed to Chen Yejun: "If Lian's second elder brother also participates in the competition today, I'm afraid that everyone like me will return home in defeat."

Chen Yejun was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Didn't Second Brother Jia already have a wife?"

"So, this is the luck of Mr. Wang Sun of Jingzhong!"

Chen Yejun was silent, and then persuaded: "Brother Feng, don't underestimate yourself, the so-called gentle lady is a gentleman.

What's more, Princess Zhaoyang is good at martial arts, and with Brother Feng's family background, she will definitely shine in the arena today, and it will not be difficult to win the beauty back..."

Feng Ziying blushed, and couldn't say anything more.

In fact, if he had not been lucky enough to see Princess Zhaoyang's heroic appearance before, he would not have come today.

He is the son of General Shenwu, who practiced martial arts hard since he was a child, and determined to make great achievements, but he is not some dandy who is following others...

 Sorry for the lateness, I will work overtime tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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