The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 222 Masked Beauty

Chapter 222 Masked Beauty
In the Yumayuan, on the wide pasture, the prince has already arranged many competitions.

Next to it, there is a seven-story tower. All the noble ladies of the royal family gathered on the tower to observe the heroic appearance of Jingzhong Junyan.

Having beauties watching a game is a thing that arouses a man's desire to express himself.

What's more, many people have heard the news that Princess Zhaoyang is going to choose a son-in-law. As a result, all the princes and grandsons of Beijing seem to have been beaten with chicken blood. side to show.


On the third floor, as Princess Zhaoyang approached, all the court ladies and eunuchs retreated, except for a tall woman among them, whose graceful figure and graceful demeanor could hardly be concealed by a court lady's make-up, still standing leaning on the railing.

She just stood there quietly, without any movement, but it was as if the world was under her feet.

Princess Zhaoyang's eyes were a little dazed, but also a little reverent, and she stood beside her obediently.

The woman turned her head and glanced at her.

What beautiful eyes are those?Even every eyelash looks like it has been perfectly groomed, without any dirt and blemishes.

Beautiful and intellectual, it seems to be able to see through people's hearts.

Only from this pair of eyes, one can know that this is a woman of peerless beauty.

It's a pity that under the eyelids, covered with a translucent veil, it is impossible to see the whole picture.

Princess Zhaoyang smiled and said, "Brother Dahuang said, after an hour, there will be a hunting event, and asked me to help you prepare your outfit."

The woman also smiled, and suddenly it was like a spring breeze.

"However, I'm not very good at riding a horse. I'm afraid it will cause trouble to you, or you should go and play, and I won't go."

The voice is also gentle and light, just like the singing of a nightingale.

Princess Zhaoyang took her arm and shook it, "No, it's all agreed, if I don't come out with you, I don't want to agree to Brother Dahuang! If you don't go, I won't go either."

Seeing the woman shaking her head helplessly, which meant acquiescing, Princess Zhaoyang became happy, hugged the woman's arm, and accompanied her to watch the match below.

"Qingran, what do you think of that person?"

The woman suddenly gestured to a young man riding a horse and shooting a target in the distance.

Princess Zhaoyang curled her lips: "The son of the servant of the Ministry of Rites, he often flatters the eldest brother, and he stutters when he speaks. It's annoying to watch."

The woman remained silent, and after a while, she pointed to the young man on the ring and asked, "What about this one?"

Princess Zhaoyang glanced at it, and took the initiative to ignore that tough opponent, thought for a while and said:

"It seems to be some kind of son from the general's mansion. I have met him. He is a young talent... Oh, you really want to find me a son-in-law.

It's not that it's a good deal, I just came out to play today, if you do this again, I will ignore you. "

Facing Princess Zhaoyang's refusal to go on a blind date, the woman only said flatly: "You are already over eighteen."

Princess Zhaoyang felt guilty, and hurriedly resorted to acting like a baby.

The woman had nothing to do with her, and sighed: "The boy will be married when he is a college student, and the girl will be married if he is a college student, don't you think you can just play like this for the rest of your life?

Tell me, what kind of man can catch your eyes? "

Princess Zhaoyang knew that she couldn't hide her feelings, so she thought about it and said with a smile, "The man I like only needs to satisfy three points."

The woman looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"First, he must be handsome.

The man I like must be the most beautiful man in the world. If not, even if he comes from a prominent family, richer than Shi Chong, and just passed Zijian, he will not be able to catch my eyes. "

When the surrounding palace people heard what Princess Zhaoyang said, they couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

Everyone has the love of beauty, but dare to say it in public so boldly and without shyness, I am afraid that there are not many people except the princess.

"Second...he must have great ambitions, have a good plan, have the opportunity to contain the universe, and have the ambition to swallow the world!"

Speaking of this, Princess Zhaoyang gave a playful smile and glanced at the woman, as if she was afraid that she would scold her.

But the woman didn't, she just stared at her: "What else?"

"Also, he has to be stronger than me, in all aspects, otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be able to straighten up in front of me. Why marry such a husband?"

Princess Zhaoyang said it as a matter of course.

She has seen several of her uncles, and there is no masculinity in front of her aunt. That is definitely not the man she wants.

The beautiful woman stared at her, and burst out laughing after a long while, "I'm afraid that such a man as you said doesn't exist at all. I don't think you have seriously thought about it at all, but just used such words to block my mouth."

Princess Zhaoyang breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the woman smiled, and then interceded: "I really think so, I didn't lie to you at all.

Well, there are too many people here today, and it's not easy to choose if there are too many people.

Why don't you wait until after today, when you return to the palace, how about you call in those who meet the requirements and let me select them one by one in person?It's more convenient than this. "

"This is what you said, don't go back on your word..."

"No way."


The crown prince ordered that all the top three in all competitions can accompany the princes and princesses to hunt together in the mountains and forests in the northwest at the time of Sizheng.

Accompanying the princes to shoot and hunt is nothing, but what is rare is that it is a great honor to be able to accompany His Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyang to hunt.

At that time, if you show your skills in front of Her Royal Highness, you may be able to win the favor of the Princess and become Her Royal Highness's husband-in-law. Then your life will be different from now on!
Therefore, those who won the lottery in the previous small test are all gearing up and secretly excited.

Those who are not qualified to play with the princess can only secretly regret it, and then wait outside the guard range of the imperial guards, waiting for Her Royal Highness and others to return from hunting.


After Jia Lian bid farewell to Feng Ziying and others, he returned to his duty area to patrol, not at all curious about what happened in the garden, nor did he intend to show courteousness in front of the prince.

Although the prince is the crown prince and the future boss.

However, according to Jia Lian, the current boss is in relatively good health and should be able to manage the family for a long time. There is no need to risk the emperor's suspicion to please the prince.

Of course, you can't offend it.

In fact, there is nothing to inspect, not to mention that the Imperial Forest Army inside has completely blocked the defense of the Royal Horse Garden, but there is no one else around the Royal Garden except for the tenants of Huangzhuang.

Those tenants knew that there was a big situation today, and they didn't even dare to go out. In the whole area, except for the nobles who were active in the center, there was no other living person except soldiers.

Jia Lian also felt that there was nothing to do, so he simply passed the time by making tea under the shade of a tree in the forest.

Seeing this, the conductor Xie Jun came over to drink some tea, while chatting with the boss to relieve his boredom.

Suddenly they heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the mountain road in the north, Jia Lian and the two of them looked over, and saw a beautifully decorated horse, carrying a precarious masked beauty, galloping crazily towards the foot of the mountain.


The guards, who were bored at first, immediately formed an array to stop the person who broke through the card when they saw this.

It was Jia Lian who saw at a glance that this person should be someone close to Princess Zhaoyang, and that the horse obviously seemed to be out of control.

If the soldiers were allowed to stop him, the man on the horse would suffer a lot if he fell suddenly, and his life might be in danger.

So he shouted loudly: "Get out of the way!"

The soldiers and others were also worried that they would not be able to stop the galloping horse, so they could barely make way for the horse to go down the mountain road.

"My lord, what should I do? Could she be an escaped assassin..."

Jia Lian didn't understand Jun's words, is there such a weak assassin?Besides, we'll know if the assassin is caught or not.

"I'll catch up and take a look, you stay here and see what's going on behind you!"

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he untied his white horse from the tree, turned over and rushed down the mountain.

Chased by Jia Lian, he soon saw the man and the horse running weakly.

At this time, Jia Lian was sure that the woman was not running away, but she couldn't control the steed under her, so she could only bend down and hold on tightly to the rein of the horse.

Xu Shi heard Jia Lian's chasing voice, she looked back, but said nothing.

"Give me your hand..."

The road here is difficult, so Jia Lian managed to get the horse side by side and let the beauty hand him his hand, so that he could use his strength to pull her onto his horse to prevent her from getting hurt.

It's a pity that the beauty obviously couldn't understand what he meant, and her body was very tense, she only knew that she would not let herself fall.

Jia Lian reached out twice to no avail. Seeing that the mountain road ahead was about to end, and there were streams and farmlands underneath, it was inevitable that the beauty would fall off the horse if he let it go.

Jia Lian's heart was broken, relying on his high skill, when he joined the horse for the third time, he suddenly abandoned his white horse and jumped over...

Kankan hung on the other party's horse, but before he hugged the beauty tightly and helped her restrain the runaway horse as planned.

The horse seemed to be overdrawn, unable to withstand the sudden load on its body, bent its legs, and fell straight forward.


The beauty finally let out her first exclamation.


(End of this chapter)

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