Chapter 224
Because it was in the Royal Forest Garden, even if he shared a ride with Aqi and had a legitimate opportunity to hug Aqi's strong waist that he had guessed for a long time, Jia Lian still didn't make a mistake.

Back at the camp, I sent a team of people to guard the site, and then found that the entire royal garden was suddenly full of soldiers!

People from the Prince's Mansion and the Imperial Forest Army came to ask questions one after another, and every one in charge had a solemn and handsome face, as if his own father had died.

When the subordinates inquired, it was indeed a matter of the hunting ground.

The prince organized the royal children and the leaders of the princes and grandsons of Beijing to conduct hunting games within the area surrounded by the imperial forest army.

Unexpectedly, Her Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyang and her two maids, their horses were all out of control...

Fortunately, Princess Zhaoyang was not seriously injured, but one of her two maids fell and was injured on the spot, while the other was led by a runaway horse and broke out of the protective circle of the Imperial Forest Army.

Because there were only two maids, the people around Princess Zhaoyang didn't pay much attention at that time, as long as the princess is fine after all.

Who knew that Princess Zhaoyang seemed to be a sister to the maid, seeing her horse foaming at the mouth and falling to the ground, she immediately snatched a horse from a nearby competitor, and chased it out desperately...

The information obtained was obviously inconsistent with Jia Lian's guess.

He also heard from Xie Jun that the heroic and vigorous woman who came behind claimed to be Princess Zhaoyang, so Jia Lian understood a little bit.

Sure enough, that beauty lied to him, she was not Zhaoyang!But if she is not Princess Zhaoyang, then what is her identity?
Looking at her age, she doesn't look like a princess or county master who has not left the court in the royal family, because if the princesses and wives grow up so old, they should all be married.

After getting married, it is naturally impossible for the noble daughter of the royal family to accompany the princes to play again.

Could it be the princess?Otherwise, I can't explain the current situation...

"General Jia, His Highness the Crown Prince announces that you will come to Liufengyuan to have an audience immediately."

Suddenly, another eunuch from the Prince's Mansion came to Xuan Jialian in person.

Just as Jia Lian wondered if he had taken advantage of the princess, he heard the prince summon him, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

After all, I dare not be careless, and followed the eunuch to the central royal garden.


Sure enough, the entire Royal Horse Garden felt a little jittery.

Just going to the Liufengyuan where the prince lives, Jia Lian saw four or five checkpoints along the way, and even those princes and princes who were usually high-spirited and wanton, stayed in the temporary tea shed drinking tea, Gossip.

But when they saw Jia Lian passing by, they seemed to be afraid that he would hear some secrets, so they hurriedly kept silent.

After entering Liufengyuan, I waited outside the corridor for a while, and then was passed into the hall.

"The last general, Jia Lian, see His Highness the Crown Prince."

Entering the hall, Jia Lian followed the rules of the Great Wei Dynasty and performed the ceremony of seeing soldiers.

It is not appropriate for a commander of the fourth rank to call himself the last general in front of the prince, but the title of general of the second rank is enough.

"Get up..."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

After Jia Lian got up, he found that besides the prince, there were several young men in fresh clothes in the hall.

One of them was Prince Duan's son who had never known him before!

Prince Duan stared at him with eyes full of jealousy, and when he saw him looking over, he turned his head away bitterly.

Humph, lucky guy!
The crown prince seemed to have a certain understanding of Jia Lian, so he didn't repeat anything. After looking at Jia Lian, he asked in a deep voice, "I heard that you saved the maid beside Zhaoyang?"

Maid?My brother said yes, that's it.

"Return to Your Highness, yes."

"What was the situation..."

"At that time, the princess's maid rode quickly to the defense level arranged by General Mo and others. General Mo was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't dare to stop her by force. He had to let her pass first, then catch up with him on horseback, and helped her control it. Runaway horse.

Later, Princess Zhaoyang arrived and took her back. "

Naturally, Jia Lian would not say that he hugged each other and rolled on the ground three or four times!

The prince seemed to have let out a sigh of relief, and a lot of the haze had dissipated from his gloomy face, and his eyes looking at Jia Lian softened a lot.

"Very good, you did a good job... Today, you have made a great contribution..."

The prince seemed to be hiding something, and he hesitated in speaking, he finally gave up, paused, and said: "Today, the prince's mansion was improperly arranged, causing Princess Zhaoyang to be frightened, and my heart is not at ease.

After you go down, dispose of the horse left by the maidservant of the princess on the spot, don't say anything, let alone spread it to the outside world, it will only cause panic in others, do you understand? "

Jia Lian immediately knew in his heart that the prince was telling him and his subordinates to keep secrets and not to say things that should not be said.

"I will understand at the end!"

Seeing Jia Lian being so resolute, the prince was more and more satisfied.

He glanced at Prince Duan's son Wei Xian next to him, and seemed to want to say something, but an eunuch came out from the back hall and whispered a few words to the prince.

The prince's complexion changed slightly, he nodded immediately, then stood up, and said to Jia Lian: "You are a rare young hero in this dynasty, and I am very happy that you have made another contribution this time.

As long as you maintain such loyalty and devotion with all your heart, in the future, you will have your own destiny.

As for the festivities between you and Prince Duan, I already know all about it, right and wrong are no longer important, you two have learned your own lessons.

From now on, you should put aside your past suspicions and assist this dynasty wholeheartedly, so as to be your duty as a minister. "

When the crown prince spoke, although Wei Xian wished he could kill Jia Lian, he stood up quickly after hearing the words, but waited for Jia Lian without speaking first.

Jia Lian couldn't understand what he meant, and bowed his hands to the prince: "The last general will obey the prince's orders."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to Wei Xian: "Because of the incident last year, I hurt my son. I did something wrong. Please forgive me."

Jia Lian's demeanor impressed others, but at the same time made Wei Xian extremely disappointed.

He thought just now, if Jia Lian didn't know how to flatter, it would be fine, and it would be best to offend the prince because of it, and then we'll see how I play him to death!
Bah, what are you talking about as a filial son? That's all. If I scold his father, he will forgive me...

"Where is it, Jia, General Jia is polite..."

Casually arching his hands, Wei Xian said, I'm just giving the prince face.

The prince laughed, "Haha, that's exactly what it should be. I've prepared a pot of thin tea, and here are all the rare young talents in my dynasty. You may as well have a chat here while the time is good.

I have important matters to attend to, so excuse me. "

Well, it turned out that the young talents in the crown prince's heart included people like Wei Xian. Jia Lian suddenly felt that the crown prince called him a "young hero" just now, which may not be meant as a compliment...


When the prince walked out of the hall, the smile on his face disappeared, and turned into a dull expression, and he went to the star-watching tower next to him without saying a word.

When he arrived at the main building, he saw the third prince coming over under the guidance of an eunuch. The prince's face suddenly became even worse, even a little ugly.

The third prince was the same as usual, when he saw the prince, he hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "I've met the eldest brother!"

The prince looked at the third prince with lowered eyebrows, and said coldly after a while: "Third brother, I know how dissatisfied you are with me, but using such means is too much, right?
If something goes wrong today, no matter how flawless your actions are, both of you and I will die.

You are so bold, you really did everything you could to deal with me..."

The third prince's complexion changed slightly, "What does Brother Dahuang mean by this? Does Brother Dahuang think that what happened today is something I can't do?"

"Hmph, you know if you did it!"

The prince flicked his sleeves and stepped into the main hall.

The third prince's face was extremely ugly, he took a deep breath, and followed the prince in.

Turning around layers of palace curtains, I turned a blind eye to the maids and others lined up inside, until I walked into the main hall, and knelt down with the prince:

"Grandson, I'm here to plead guilty to the imperial grandmother..."


(End of this chapter)

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