Chapter 225 Arguing
In the luxuriously furnished hall, the crown prince and the third prince knelt down together and bowed to the woman above them, without any ambiguity in their actions, let alone a trace of disrespect.

If Jia Lian was here, I'm afraid that his city mansion would probably stop his jaw at this time.

Gein was sitting upright on the embroidered couch in front of the two princes, and it was the woman he had protected from the horse before!

At this time, the woman has changed into a gorgeous and bright palace attire. She looks a little less cold than before, but a little more graceful and luxurious and indifferent to all sentient beings.

Facing the sincere pleading of the two princes, she just glanced at them lightly.

Seeing this, Zhaoyang, who was beside her, knew that the queen mother was angry, so he immediately scolded the prince: "Brother, you made a solemn promise before that you have arranged everything properly, and no one will run into the queen mother again." Grandmother, I begged the emperor's grandmother to go with me.

Now that this happened, what do you say?And if it wasn't for the great fortune of the imperial grandmother today, fortunately there is no serious problem, otherwise, how should we explain to the imperial father and grandpa after we go back? "

In Princess Zhaoyang's words, the meaning of fear was clearly revealed.

Indeed, it is wrong to bring the queen mother out of the palace. If something happens to the queen mother, even if they are princes, they will have to peel off their skins if they don't die!

Therefore, even if Princess Zhaoyang asked in a tone of voice, the two princes did not dare to feel dissatisfied. Instead, they both raised their heads and glanced at the woman above them, who were all their princes and princesses, their first-law grandmothers in terms of etiquette!

Although the imperial grandmother still looked young, they did not dare to underestimate her.

In front of this young grandma, even their father was respectful and did not dare to be slighted.

"I also ask the emperor's grandmother to forgive me! My grandson has already investigated and found out that some rebellious people deliberately manipulated the horse that my grandson specially selected for the emperor's grandmother and Zhaoyang.

They added a huge amount of stimulating drugs to the forage they fed. Once the horses ate such forage, they would fall into a state of mania and tyranny within half an hour. out of control……

The grandson wanted to find out who was so bold that he dared to murder the emperor's grandmother, but the groom who poisoned him had committed suicide half an hour ago.

The grandson has ordered all the people responsible for taking care of the horses to be detained. Please rest assured, the imperial grandmother and the imperial sister, I will definitely investigate this matter to the bottom and find out the mastermind behind the scenes! "

Although the prince seemed to be reporting and defending himself, his skeptical eyes that always turned to the third prince clearly showed, in his heart, who was this daring and disobedient person.

The queen mother and Zhaoyang naturally followed the prince's gaze to look at the third prince.

They all understood what the prince meant.

If something happened to the Empress Dowager today, the Crown Prince, as the host, would naturally be unable to escape the responsibility.

And once the crown prince loses power, the only one who will benefit is the third prince, who is not much different in age from the crown prince but has a good reputation among the ruling and opposition parties!

The third prince's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "What the prince said is that no matter who dares to murder the emperor's grandmother, he will be punished for the crime!

I hope the prince can find out as soon as possible. If the prince is busy with affairs and cannot find out the truth as soon as possible, it is better to entrust this important task to his younger brother.

The younger brother assured the crown prince that within three days, he would investigate the matter to the bottom, give the emperor's grandmother an explanation, and return the crown prince's innocence! "


When the prince heard this, he was very angry.

What a third prince, how dare to imply that he is not capable enough in front of him!

When he didn't know that the rumors that "the crown prince is also the elder of the first order, but his talent and character are inferior to the third prince" were created by him colluding with those literati?

Shit virtue, shit talent, horseback riding and archery, which one is better than myself?Dare to talk about talent.

Moreover, what did he say to make him innocent?
The implication is that now he is the prince who is a suspect in murdering the queen mother!
He is such a vicious and hateful person. Could it be that he thinks that everyone in the world is so stupid that they can't even understand this trick of framing? !

How courageous, to frame him, even the emperor's grandmother dared to plot...

The prince was startled by the third prince's cruelty and unscrupulous methods.

Seeing that the two of them were already on the verge of sword tension, the Empress Dowager waved her hand and said, "Forget it, both of you get up."

"Thank you, Grandmother..."

"I heard that the prince has ordered martial law?

It doesn't have to be.

Today, this palace followed Zhaoyang out of the city, except for a few of you, no one knows.

Isn't it confusing that you are spending so much time now?Get rid of the extra manpower.

By the way, I heard from Zhaoyang earlier that the prince prepared a literary meeting in the afternoon?

It just so happens that I want to choose a proud husband-in-law for Zhaoyang, the two of you help me pay attention, it is best to be a talented person with both civil and military skills, and if you have ideals and ambitions, report them to Bengong to know. "

Hearing the queen mother's order, the two princes felt anxious.

Although the Empress Dowager didn't blame her very much, no one knew what the Empress Dowager was thinking in her heart.

At their stage, the only people who can decide and influence their fate are those in the deep palace.

Obviously, the Queen Mother is definitely one of them.

And because of the special relationship, the Queen Mother's attitude is very important to them, otherwise, the two of them would not have made a special trip out of the city today to celebrate the birthday of the imperial sister Zhaoyang.

Putting aside the relationship with the queen mother, a royal sister may not be worthy of them.

In the end, the crown prince said embarrassingly, "But, Grandmother, you were shocked. Grandson has already ordered someone to cancel the literary meeting in the afternoon, and is going to escort Grandmother back to the city..."

Before he finished speaking, seeing the Queen Mother's eyebrows darken, he hurriedly changed his words: "Grandson will go down now and make arrangements."

The queen mother nodded, "Well, you go down, don't worry about me."


The crown prince and the third prince withdrew from the empress dowager's temporary bedroom with no less anxiety than when they came.

When the two of them left, Zhaoyang went to the side of the Queen Mother, feeling a little bit downhearted.

"What happened to you?"

Zhaoyang shook his head and said: "Grandmother, do you think it was really the elder brother or the third brother who instigated it?

Could it be that the quarrel between them has reached this level, and in order to achieve their goal, they even dare to put the emperor's grandmother's safety at risk? "

The Queen Mother smiled lightly: "Then what do you think?"

Zhaoyang didn't answer, the Empress Dowager taught: "Since ancient times, such things have not been uncommon in the Tian family.

You are born in the royal family, so you should understand better than others, many times, when you are in the whirlpool, a single thought is enough to create many situations where close relatives can kill each other..."

Seeing Zhao Yang's eyes, she was disheartened after the investigation, and knew that with her own intelligence, it wasn't that she didn't understand, but she just didn't want to believe it.

So he changed his tone and said: "However, today's matter may not have come from the hands of the two of them."

Zhaoyang immediately asked: "Is there someone suspicious in the emperor's grandmother's heart?"

The Queen Mother just smiled and did not answer, but instead said: "Okay, let's not talk about this matter, let's talk about your lifelong event.

But it’s okay, this time I will choose according to the criteria you gave.

If the time comes and you give me back and forth, I will never forgive you. "

As soon as Zhaoyang heard the empress dowager's old remark, he hurriedly said coquettishly: "Oh, grandma, why are you in such a hurry to marry her off? She just wants to be by Grandmother's side and spend more time with you... "

"You still want to deceive me? When I don't know, it's because your own vision is too high, and you want to find someone you want?
But in this world, how can one be so satisfied..."

When the queen mother said this, there was a brief pause in her tone.

Zhaoyang also immediately realized that the great-aunt and imperial grandmother who brought him up actually had many things that were not satisfactory...

My aunt is actually two years younger than my mother.

Although she was not very clear about those events back then, she did know that when her aunt entered the palace at the age of 14, Grandpa Huang was already over 60.

Although Grandpa Huang loves her very much and gave her everything that women in the world can't match.

Honor, status...

But as a woman, how could she not know, perhaps, this is not what she wanted.

But the Queen Mother didn't know where the baby girl she raised was from here to there, guessing her inner loneliness, she continued: "It's all my fault that I spoiled you since I was a child, and brought you up with such a personality with eyes above the top.

Just in front of me, be a little more behaved!
I'm really worried that if you are like this, even if you are married off, your son-in-law may not be able to bear you. "

"Look at what you said, how can people be so unbearable..."

Zhaoyang completely disagreed with the Queen Mother's criticism of her.

I thought to myself, if I am asked to find my wishful husband, I must blend in with him with the most extreme love in the world, so that the piano and the instrument will sing harmoniously, and the husband will love the concubine.

It won't be what the emperor's grandmother said!
As an experienced person, the queen mother can easily see through her thoughts, shook her head, and stopped repeating her words.

(End of this chapter)

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