The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 226 The ill-fated brother

Chapter 226 The ill-fated brother

"By the way, today I am safe and sound, fortunately the commander of the soldiers and horses on duty at the periphery sacrificed his life to save me.

But I went out of the palace in disguise today, in the eyes of outsiders, he rescued only a maid by your side, so it is not good to reward him.

How about this, you go and invite him to participate in the literary meeting in the afternoon, and when the time comes, you will thank him on behalf of me. "

When the Queen Mother suddenly said such words, the clever Princess Zhaoyang could hear other meanings in one ear.

At the foot of the mountain before, I did see a young general with a heroic appearance, but at that time I was concerned about the safety of the emperor's grandmother, so I didn't think much about it.

At this time, seeing the imperial grandmother asking her to help thank her, she couldn't help but suspect that her own imperial grandmother was a drunkard and didn't care about drinking!
Since he is a general, it would be good to let the big emperor promote him, okay, why do I have to hire someone?

Thinking of this, I subconsciously want to refuse...

But thinking about it again, look at the might as well see it!
So he pretended not to understand the connotation and nodded.

When Zhaoyang also went out, the Empress Dowager was transferred into the inner hall with the help of others, and an old nun walked in quietly and reported:

"Report to the Empress Dowager, the matter you asked the servant to inquire about has some clues."

"Tell me."

"The commander of the Xicheng Military and Horse Division, named Jia Lian, is 20 years old this year, the eldest grandson of the Rongguo Mansion in Beijing.

He himself is in Beijing, and he is also a little-known noble son.

In the third year of Ningkang, because of a conflict with Prince Duan's eldest son, Prince Duan was beaten to bed for half a month in the fourth prince's residence!
Later, His Majesty sent him to the border for training in order to calm this matter, but he was like a natural born general. He was brave and good at fighting on the battlefield, and made many meritorious deeds, which won His Majesty's appreciation and value!

At the end of last year, because his father was seriously ill, His Majesty graciously recalled him from the border to serve, and added him to the rank of commander of the fourth-rank military commander!

After his father died of illness last month, he inherited the title passed down from his family, and His Majesty personally awarded him the 'Second Class Zhenyuan General'.

It can be said that this Lord Lian is now an official, and his reputation in Beijing is growing day by day.

Just now the servants asked people to go out to inquire, and they said that it was rare that they didn't know his name. "

The queen mother nodded after listening, Jia Lian's situation was in line with her expectations.

It is absolutely impossible for such a young general to have no special background!

As for what is brave and good at fighting, and has repeatedly made military exploits, this point may not be exhaustive.

As soon as the queen mother heard about Jia Lian's background, she probably guessed that it was Emperor Ningkang who needed the support of those founding noble groups to support her own power!
However, being selected by Emperor Ningkang also explained the problem in itself.

On the contrary, she was a little surprised that she dared to beat the crown prince before.

"Why did he beat the prince's son?"

The old mother deliberately left blank, and when she saw that the queen mother really asked, she hurriedly laughed and said: "Back to the queen mother, the slaves also inquired about it, because the son of the prince of Duan insulted the grand master of the Rongguo mansion at that time in public, that is, this Lian Ye's biological father.

Therefore, in a fit of rage, he pushed Prince Duan's son on the martial arts platform and beat him violently.

If there was no reason for the incident, and the royal son was severely injured in public, no matter how much His Majesty valued him, he would not be able to spare him lightly.

And according to others, if His Royal Highness the Third Prince hadn't happened to be present that day, the prince might have lost his life.

His Royal Highness the fourth prince is a person who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, so he will definitely not stop him. "

Hearing the old mother talk about the son of her niece who was in love with her sister, the queen mother felt a little helpless on her face.

This bastard...

The old mammy is also right, she is indeed a person who can watch the excitement without taking too much trouble!
Seeing that there is nothing to criticize about Prince Daduan, the Empress Dowager finally asked the most important point: "Has he ever married?"

As soon as the old mother heard it, she understood what the Queen Mother meant.

The Empress Dowager really cares about His Royal Highness Zhaoyang. When she sees an outstanding young man, she can't help but consider whether he is a good match for His Royal Highness Zhaoyang.

Because this is definitely not what the queen mother wanted, the old nanny didn't pretend to be smart, and pretended not to hear the voice, and said with a regular smile: "It is said that a few years ago, she married a wife, who is also the fourth daughter of Jinling. The first daughter of the royal family."

Although it was expected, the Queen Mother still frowned slightly when she heard that it was true.

The old mother seemed to be unable to see the Queen Mother's thoughts at all, and continued: "The Queen Mother may not know that the two blood ginseng sent to you by His Royal Highness Zhaoyang earlier were honored by Lord Lian to His Highness the Fourth Highness.

Then His Highness the Fourth Highness gave it to His Highness Zhaoyang as a birthday present.

Today, he was lucky enough to save the Queen Mother. It can be seen that Lord Lian is really a man of great fortune. "

The queen mother took a look at this old product that would sell well at the special meeting, nodded slightly, and didn't care about it any more.


But when Princess Zhaoyang left the empress dowager's bedroom, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong.

She is a majestic princess, but invites a foreign minister to attend her birthday party, what's the matter?

Even if he looks better, it's not worth being a princess to curry favor with me!
He just remembered that the congratulatory gift given to him by his disappointing younger brother last time was blood ginseng from someone called "Jia Lian of Rongguo Mansion".

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now it is a breaking point.

So he called his unlucky brother over.

Unexpectedly, when the fourth prince saw her, he said: "I don't know what's going on outside, isn't your horse frightened, and you are fine, but you just dropped a maid, why did the good hunting end suddenly?
I haven't shot enough prey yet!
I heard that Brother Dahuang also ordered that the literary meeting in the afternoon will also be cancelled. Although I don't like that, it's really disappointing. "

Princess Zhaoyang never felt that she was short-tempered, but when she saw her unlucky brother, she always got angry easily.

"What do you mean I'm fine, you really hope I'm fine, huh?"

Seeing his irascible imperial sister's complexion, the fourth prince hastily smiled and said: "The imperial sister was joking, how could it be.

When I first heard about it, I was so worried that I even let go of the deer I was chasing, and turned around to find you, but I heard that you went to save some maid.

Hey, I knew at that time that with my imperial sister's equestrian skills, there must be nothing wrong, so I resumed the hunting competition.

Who would have thought that all of a sudden those forbidden troops would come out to chase people away..."

In today's situation, everyone is secretly guessing what happened, but my careless younger brother is still thinking about hunting!

Taking a deep breath, Princess Zhaoyang resisted the urge to hit her younger brother, and politely asked him to help her to hire someone.

Unexpectedly, the Fourth Prince was dull in other aspects, but at this moment he suddenly became shrewd.

As soon as he heard that the elder sister wanted to invite Jia Lian, his eyes immediately brightened.

"Hey, I said old lady, you don't mean you have a crush on Jia Lian, do you?
Let me tell you, she seems to have married a long time ago, even if you fall in love with her, it's useless.

We royal people can't do that kind of immoral thing of seizing a husband and son-in-law! "

The fourth prince said almost a lesson.

Who told Huang Jie to always use the emperor's grandmother to oppress and bully him, and always taught him to be a good person.

Today can be regarded as a chance to teach the other party a lesson in turn!
Hmph, what did you make up to save your maid? It's because you took a fancy to her masculinity.

"Ha ha."

Princess Zhaoyang didn't need to bear it any longer, and she grabbed the fourth prince's pig's ear with a single dodge, and when the other party turned around in a habit of begging for mercy, she kicked him out of the room with her kick on the other's ass.

"If you don't see anyone in the afternoon, please pay attention to me.

Also, don't say that I asked you to invite me, otherwise... hum! "

After saying a few words, the door closed with a bang.

The fourth prince rubbed his aching ass, his little face wrinkled into a muggle.

"Hmph, if you still say no, why are you so angry?"

The fourth prince looked determined that he had seen through everything.

Thinking deeply about the cruelty the old sister has treated him for so many years, he deliberately buried him at the door: "I tell you, then Jia Lian and I are brothers. If you really like him, you have to curry favor with me, and I will replace you." If you say something nice, maybe they will accept you, a violent woman, as a concubine or something..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sound from the door, which made him turn his head and run away in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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