Chapter 227
The Forbidden City, within the scope of the Chonghua Palace in the east, is a simple palace.

The deep bedroom is permeated with the fragrance of Buddha all the year round.

An old woman with luxurious clothes and snow-like hair was quietly meditating beside the incense table.

She is one of the most honorable women in the world!

A servant came in quietly through the back door.


"Go back to your mother, the matter is over."

"I asked how the woman was doing."

Hearing the master's unkind voice, the attendant hurriedly knelt down.

"I heard that he was rescued by the general on duty, but he must have been quite frightened. The entire forest garden has been put under martial law."

Hearing that she was just frightened, the old woman looked gloomy.

That damned woman is always lucky!However, it was only to teach her a lesson, but the result was barely satisfactory.

"The end to end disposal can be clean."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the only servant who did it has already been taken care of, and we will never be found out."

"Understood, you go down."



Jia Lian did not expect that the fourth prince would personally come and invite him to participate in some kind of literary meeting.

He still knows what kind of temperament the fourth prince has...

"Go and have a look, although I know you are a big bastard, but as the saying goes, it is good to have poetry in your belly.

If you go to meet and greet, you can also cultivate your sentiment and improve your self-cultivation.

I know you can't do poetry and writing, but at least you can watch the excitement. "

Inside the military tent, the Fourth Prince drank Jia Lian's tea while talking with Jia Lian.

The tea in the barracks tastes sweeter than that in other places!

Looking at Jia Lian's general's uniform and armor, he is very heroic and extraordinary, and his eyes are full of envy and yearning.

When will he be able to go to the real battlefield to experience the carefree life of flying sand and rocks, riding a horse on the Gobi.

And every time Jia Lian looked at the fourth prince, he always found it interesting, and naturally felt a lot of joy.

Compared with the third prince and the crown prince, this fourth prince's temperament is different and easy to get along with.

For example, in the prince's other courtyard before, he and Prince Duan's son Wei Xian obviously disliked each other, but when the prince said a word, the two of them had to pretend to be very magnanimous and put aside their suspicions.

He could also see that the crown prince was trying to win him over, but he didn't see any sincerity... At least, he didn't have the feeling that he would die for his confidant right away!
It's true, maybe the current him, a mere fourth-rank official, is not enough to be valued by the prince.

So in the main hall of the prince's bedroom, he just got to know the prince's confidantes briefly, especially after hearing Wei Xian's son's sour words, he still feels a little out of touch.

In fact, he was also surprised that he was used to hearing the harsh words of Wang Xifeng and Lin Daiyu, but he felt disgusted when it was Wei Xian'er.As for the Wenhui, although Jia Lian was not very interested, the fourth prince sincerely invited him, and he had to agree to it out of emotion and reason.

So when the time came, he briefly explained to his subordinates, and he brought Aqi alone to Linyuan as promised.

Perhaps because of the clear sky and clear weather, Wenhui chose to be on the open pasture in front of the Star Observatory.

In the area to the north of the huge lawn, many athletic facilities set up in the morning have been dismantled, and now it seems to have become an open-air banquet venue.

Dozens of tables are scattered around the platform in the middle. There are tea and snacks on the tables. There are three or two people at a table. At a glance, there are about one or two hundred young people.

On the platform, three beautiful dancers in red makeup danced gracefully.

The dancing posture is graceful, the body is soft, and it has the flavor of the southern country.

Looking at it as a whole, the scene of this literary meeting looks quite stylish. It can be seen that the person hosting the cultural meeting is used to this way, otherwise they would not be so adaptable to local conditions. In such a place, there would be no sense of disobedience.

Because Jia Lian didn't want to show off, he had already removed the outer armor when he came, and only wore the clothes of a military officer, so he came directly to the front without encountering obstruction or interrogation.

But the place is open and there are many people, Jia Lian did not see where the fourth prince was at a glance.

"Here it is."

It was Zhang Tao who dragged his pace and walked towards him.

Jia Lian didn't expect that Zhang Tao would stand outside and wait for him.

This little cousin, because he suffered a disadvantage when they met for the first time, so he has been dissatisfied with his cousin, and every time they meet, he always looks like his nostrils are turned upside down.

Xu Shi also saw Jia Lian's thoughts, Zhang Tao looked a little unnatural, and hummed: "My brother thinks you can't find the way, so let me wait for you here. Let's go, I will take you there."

Although this kid rarely treated him well, Jia Lian was still dissatisfied.

He intentionally made a displeased attitude, "What are you and me, you can't even call your cousin?"

Zhang Tao snorted: "I haven't recognized you yet, don't push your nose on your face."

"Oh, really, it seems that next time I have to let my grandfather train and train you, so that you will know how good I am."


Zhang Tao's nose became crooked all of a sudden.

Originally in Linzi Bo's Mansion, he was the most favored cutie, grandpa loved him so much.

But ever since this disgusting stinky Jia Lian came, I don't know how to coax his grandfather into a good mood!

Then he discovered that his status had declined, and several times, he was framed by the insidious Jia Lian, causing him to be taught a lesson by his father and grandfather.

His father felt that he was not as stable and courteous as Jia Lian, so he taught him a lesson.

His grandfather felt that he was not as motivated as Jia Lian, so he trained him hard.

Originally, this was a heart disease in his heart, but he didn't expect that Jia Lian was not only not ashamed, but dared to run on him with this remark, so angry that he wanted to rush up and punch Jia Lian a few times.

I knew I couldn't beat it, so I endured it.

"Whether you like to come or not."

After saying a word, Zhang Tao turned around and left.

Seeing that he was so angry, Jia Lian finally felt quite satisfied, so she didn't feel angry at all, and followed him into the venue at leisure.

Finally, at a conspicuous place in the north, I saw the fourth prince who was eating sunflower seeds, humming a little song and admiring the dancing beauty.

Zhang Su sat at the same table with him.

In addition, Feng Ziying and Chen Yejun were also acquaintances at the next table.

When they saw Jia Lian coming, they all smiled and stood up to say hello.

The fourth prince was very happy to see Jia Lian coming as promised and asked him to sit with him.

Jia Lian took a look, the main venue was all small square tables like this, for three or four people, three of them were the most suitable, because there was still one side, which had to be set aside to admire the beauties on the stage.

After Zhang Tao brought Jia Lian over, he sat directly at the table of Feng and Chen.

So Jia Lian was not pretentious, cupped his hands and apologized, and sat next to the fourth prince.

The people who can be invited to the scene today are all young people with status and status in the capital, so everyone looks very courteous.Except for walking around occasionally, there were few chatters in low voices, and everyone consciously enjoyed the music and dance quietly.

Not far away from Jia Lian and the others, someone spotted Jia Lian just as he entered the arena.

"Brother, he is Jia Lian. He was the one who punished me at the beginning. If my father hadn't condescended to redeem me, I'm afraid I would still be in prison in the army and horse department!"

"Oh, he is Jia Lian?

Don't worry, if it's elsewhere, maybe I can't help him, but today...

If you dare to bully my Zhou family, I won't make it easy for him.

Hmph, it's really ignorant for a fool who is studying in the Imperial College to dare to participate in the literary meeting held by His Highness the Crown Prince. Today I must let him have a long memory. "

"Well, if my brother makes a move, he will definitely be able to catch it!!"


(End of this chapter)

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