The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 228 Sister Control

Chapter 228 Sister Control
Of course Jia Lian didn't know that Hao Duanduan would be missed by others if he was invited to watch the fun.

He sat with the fourth prince and the others for a long while, drinking some tea and looking at the beauty, which made him feel a little interesting.

No wonder people at the time were keen on this way, as expected, this kind of petty bourgeois sentiment can best empathize with gender.

How should I put it, after seeing a few dancers with different poses, even he has the idea of ​​wanting to raise a few at home...

It can be seen that a comfortable and affluent lifestyle is indeed easy to degenerate.

"The prince is here."

"The third prince is here."

"Princess Zhaoyang is here."

"Prince Beijing is here."

A series of communication voices indicated that the most critical figures had appeared.

Jia Lian also followed the gazes of the crowd, focusing on the woman next to the prince.

Sure enough, this is Zhaoyang!

Maybe she noticed Jia Lian's gaze, or maybe she saw her younger brother. Princess Zhaoyang left the prince and the others and walked straight towards this side.


The fourth prince was a little apprehensive, subconsciously hiding behind.

He thought that his imperial sister came to deal with him because of the matter of burying her earlier.

Unexpectedly, Princess Zhaoyang didn't even look at him, she walked up to Jia Lian with firm steps and generous eyes.

"You are Jia Lian?"

"Returning to the princess, it is the humble minister."

"Thank you for what happened before noon."

"Don't dare, that's just the job of a humble minister, I don't dare to be a princess."

Princess Zhaoyang took a few glances at Jia Lian.

Apart from being handsome and upright, I didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

Besides, according to Xiaoling, he has already married a wife, so it seems that he can only disappoint the emperor's grandmother's wishes.

"The general's horse has been taken care of by someone. When the show is over, the general can go to Tingfengyuan to get it back."

"Thank you princess, I understand."

Princess Zhaoyang nodded, glanced at the people on the left and right, and then walked back.

Even though Princess Zhaoyang just walked over and didn't say a few words, her actions still attracted special attention!

There were even a few people who stared at Jia Lian with purple eyes of envy and hatred.

Most of these people didn't know Jia Lian, and they were thinking in their hearts, how could this person make the princess condescend to come and talk to him?
Moreover, this person is sick, and he came to participate in the grand meeting of the prince, and he came wearing an official uniform.

Afraid that people don't know that he has an official position?

Those who knew Jia Lian's identity naturally breathed a sigh of relief after being surprised.

A married man should not pose a threat to them!
That's what Feng Ziying and Zhang Tao thought...

As for the fourth prince, seeing that the elder sister didn't even look at him from the beginning to the end, he knew that the elder sister was really angry, and felt a little guilty.

Seeing Jia Lian staring at his elder sister's back with a "colorful look" in his eyes, he immediately became anxious, pushed Jia Lian, and said very solemnly: "Hey Jia Lian, don't you also like my emperor?" Miss?

I can warn you, if you dare to hit my elder sister's idea, I will beat you to death... Even if I can't beat you, our friends have nothing to do! "

Jia Lian was slightly taken aback. Could it be that the fourth prince is controlled by his sister? Where did he see that he was planning on his sister?
He was just thinking about the identity of that woman, so that Princess Zhaoyang, the arrogance of the royal family, could personally rush to rescue her, and now he came here to thank him for it...

But after hearing what the fourth prince said, he also realized that it seems that there are not many people who pursue Princess Zhaoyang.

"Your Highness is joking.

Don't say that I'm already married, even if I'm still alone, I don't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about Her Royal Highness.

The demeanor of His Royal Highness Zhaoyang is like the bright moon in the sky, but even the light of fireflies below is not considered, so how dare you to climb high.

If His Highness doesn't believe it, I will go back and just..."

The fourth prince was taken aback by Jia Lian's words.

Her sister, the bright moon in the sky?

Well, apart from being cruel to him, it seems that he is really good.

Moreover, this Jia Lian clearly liked him before, why did he suddenly become so "yin and yang"?That's right, dragging texts in front of him is crazy.

It could be seen that Jia Lian seemed to be displeased, so he asked, "You really didn't mean anything to my sister?"

The corner of Jia Lian's mouth raised slightly, and he clasped his fists and said, "Rong Chen is presumptuous, take my leave."

Seeing that Jia Lian, Zhang Su and the others nodded in greeting, they turned around and wanted to leave. Only then did the fourth prince confirm that Jia Lian was not acting strangely, but really wanted to leave.

Although there was a moment of stupefaction, after all, it was rare for a foreign minister who dared to get angry with the prince.

"You stop."

The Fourth Prince grabbed Jia Lian and said with annoyed eyes, "Even if I said something wrong for a while, are you just not giving me face?"

Jia Lian shook his head, "Your Highness is too worried. I know that many people are here today in the name of His Highness Mu Zhaoyang. This is just to express my heart to His Highness."

The fourth prince pouted, only ghosts would believe it.

He even changed his name, obviously out of anger, and wanted to distance himself from him.

Although he slandered Jia Lian for being stingy in his heart, the fourth prince couldn't help but think highly of Jia Lian.

Sure enough, this Jia Lian is the same kind of person as him, with an upright personality, much better than those who can only curry favor with others!

"Okay, I just trust you, the fun hasn't started yet, so why bother to leave."

The fourth prince's filthiness was just a habit he developed when he was young, but now that he has been crowned king, he has restrained himself a long time ago.After all, his father gave him a title that satisfied him, and there was a requirement.

He was also afraid that one day he would be slapped for swearing.

And with the maturity of the mind, I will also figure out human nature. I know that people like Jia Lian are probably the kind who have very strong self-esteem and will run away when they are scolded.

So he smiled and skipped the words just now, pulled Jia Lian to sit down again, then leaned closer and laughed in a low voice: "To be honest, if you weren't married, I really want you to help me accept my old sister.

You don't know, she just kicked me today, she is not a good person.

If it were someone else, I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to surrender her. "

Jia Lian smiled when he heard this, although the fourth prince seemed to be speaking ill of his imperial sister behind his back, but from the attitude of the fourth prince just now, he could see the fourth prince's protection of Princess Zhaoyang.

It is said that the Tian family is ruthless, but this pair of siblings seem to have a different feeling.

On the other side, under the stargazing building, at the northernmost part of the venue, there are four long tables.

The crown prince, the third prince, and Wang Shuirong of Beijing were dealing with the people who came to chat. Seeing Princess Zhaoyang coming back, the others retreated one after another.

The prince invited Shui Rong and the others to sit down.

Princess Zhaoyang said: "Sister Chen won't sit down anymore. Today, I'm going to bother Elder Brother, Third Emperor Brother, and Lord Shui Wang."

The prince hurriedly said: "Aren't you sitting here? Brother, I still think about it. If there is a masterpiece later, I invite the imperial sister to appreciate it together."

Princess Zhaoyang shook her head, "I got hurt at noon and wanted to take a rest. Besides, I'm useless here. If it comes to appreciating articles and poems, no one can surpass Brother Sanhuang.

If there is really a masterpiece, it is the same to ask Brother Sanhuang to pass it on to me. "

After hearing this, the First Prince and the Third Prince knew that Princess Zhaoyang was going upstairs to accompany the Queen Mother, so they didn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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