The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 229 Gambling?Send money?

Chapter 229 Gambling?Send money?

The dancer and musician retreated, only the faint sound of the piano could be heard from the distant mansion.

After the third prince announced the general rules on behalf of the prince, the literary meeting officially began.

Since it is a literary club, what we play is the stuff of literati.

Poems and songs, couplet puzzles, etc., can all be themes.

Jia Lian didn't care to explore the specific gameplay and process, he just accompanied the fourth prince to drink tea and watch the excitement.

The fourth prince is a restless person, after a while, he couldn't help running to couplets and guessing riddles.

As the accompanying reader, Zhang Su naturally followed immediately.

He wants to give the Fourth Prince a certain reminder at the right time, lest he can't match any of them, can't guess, and then gets embarrassed and angry...

Seeing that Feng Ziying was also sitting and drinking tea, Jia Lian couldn't help laughing and said, "Brother Feng, isn't he going to show off his talents today?"

"Second brother Lian was joking. The younger brother is ignorant of learning, and knows that it will be difficult for him to be elegant, so naturally he dare not make a fool of himself."

Faced with Feng Ziying's modesty, Jia Lian chuckled.

Although Feng Ziying is the son of a general, judging from his usual speech and behavior, he is definitely not a rough person.

It can even be said that he is a rare person with both martial arts and literature.

However, the way of writing is not as straightforward as martial arts. Except for those with outstanding talents, it is really difficult to convince others.

Therefore, Feng Ziying, who had lost her glory in the morning's fighting, thought that she could not overwhelm others in terms of literary skills, and it was meaningless to produce mediocre works.

From this point of view, Feng Ziying is a very self-aware person.After all, there is nothing first in writing, even if you write about things like going to pee together, if you have an eye for discovering beauty, maybe look at it from another angle, it will not have a "taste".

Therefore, more than 80.00% of the people on the field are actively participating in literary exchanges.

As for the results, most of them can only entertain themselves. Even if they are sent up for the prince and prince to taste, the few works praised by everyone, according to Jia Lian, are quite average...

Although Jia Lian couldn't do anything good by himself, he, who traveled from a later life, felt that he had the right to be picky.

What, dissatisfied?High and Low will give you two songs!

This is Jia Lian's thoughts after seeing those people whose faces glow red after being praised by others, and feel that their ancestors are glorious.

In the end, he still held back and kept a low profile.

Copywriting is cool for a while, but once the hat is put on, it can't be taken off.

In the future, I may have to copy all the time, and it will be quite tiring...

Anyway, he really didn't have any idea of ​​a princess, and it's good to maintain a rough image.

Looking back at Zhang Tao next to him with his head down, thinking hard, his fingers still pointing and drawing on the table, Jia Lian almost laughed out loud.

When Princess Zhaoyang came over, Jia Lian noticed that the boy had clenched his fists tightly and looked nervous.

Don't be, this kid also took the initiative to love this Duke Zhaoyang, right?

"Xiao Tao'er, have you finished the idea? Tell us and we can give you a detailed explanation?"

Zhang Tao, whose thoughts were interrupted, came back to his senses, and his face flushed immediately. Seeing that Feng Ziying and others were looking at him, he said angrily, "What's up with you!"

"Looking at your appearance, you probably didn't come up with anything good. How about this, as long as you call me cousin, I will fight for you to become a son-in-law!"


Zhang Tao rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said mockingly, "Don't think I don't know you, don't talk about being my son-in-law, if you can write a poem and hang it on it, I'll eat the fruit plate in front of me!"

Zhang Tao really admired Jia Lian, with such a thick skin.

When he didn't know that Jia Lian had only been studying in the Imperial College for two years.Most of the honorable children like them go to the Imperial College just for a name, and they don't go to class every day, so that they can't go through the normal graduation process, and they just get a "fake diploma" to deceive people.

Jia Lian is such a person.

Jia Lian smiled, and was about to open her mouth to tease Zhang Tao again, when she saw several people walking towards them, Jia Lian stopped talking.

"Xing next week, I met Lord Jia."

"What's the matter?"

Although Jia Lian didn't know Zhou Xing, he recognized Zhou Sheng behind him.That was his first big order after taking office, a total of 800 taels of silver!

Judging from the names and the situation, this Zhou Xing and Zhou Sheng should be brothers.

Is this to find a place for Zhou Sheng?

Zhou Xing looked to be in his 20s, with an ordinary appearance, but his expression was very confident, even arrogant.

When he saw that he met him "with courtesy", Jia Lian didn't even move his buttocks, and immediately felt slighted, and the malice towards Jia Lian in his heart increased by three points.

"I heard that Lord Jia is a student of the Imperial College, who happened to be studying at the Imperial College, and has always admired the demeanor of the Imperial College students.

Today coincides with a grand meeting, I don't know if Lord Jia is interested, how about giving pointers? "

Zhou Xing narrowed his eyes and said sincerely.

The provocative meaning in it is self-evident.

Because of the arrival of Zhou Xing and others, it naturally attracted the attention of some people around.

"He is Zhou Xing from the Taiyuan Academy. I know this person. It is rumored that he is a famous talent in the Taiyuan Academy!"

"That's right, this person is one of the influential figures in the Taiyuan Academy, and he is also the younger brother of Empress Zhou in the palace, a real relative of the emperor. He must have come here this time for Princess Zhaoyang..."

"Since he came here for Princess Zhaoyang, why did he go to look for Second Master Lian, and Second Master Lian didn't threaten him?"

"Hey, you don't know, Zhou Xing's younger brother Zhou Sheng..."

The comments from the people around made Zhou Xing's arrogance even more intense. It was a comfortable feeling like a celebrity who knew people everywhere he went.

Looking down at Jia Lian, he imagined "stepping" Jia Lian on the ground later, and showing his outstanding talent in front of the princes, grandsons and grandsons of the princes, so that he could not only make a name for himself, but also vent his anger at the family!
Maybe because of this, His Royal Highness Zhaoyang will look at you differently...

"Not interested."

Jia Lian spat out three words lightly, and then continued to talk to Feng Ziying as if Zhou Xing and the others did not exist.

Seeing being underestimated by Jia Lian, Zhou Xing was furious, and then sneered, "Why, is the noble Master Jia from Rongguo Mansion afraid?

Or is it that people from your Guozijian are so timid and dare not show their talents to the outside world?
Could it be that he was afraid of tarnishing the reputation of the Imperial College? "

Following Zhou Xing's words, several people beside him also followed suit, intending to provoke Jia Lian to end.

Regarding this, although Jia Lian looked normal, Feng Ziying next to him couldn't listen.

He is also a member of the Imperial College.

Involving your own "alma mater", naturally desperately maintain it!

"When it comes to talent and learning, your Taiyuan Academy is not even worthy of carrying shoes for our Imperial College!"

Feng Ziying said coldly.

When Feng Ziying got angry like this, the two sides naturally started to talk to each other.

After a few words, Zhou Xing said with a smile: "If you are not convinced, how about we make gestures?"

Although Feng Ziying knew that she was not talented enough, she might not be able to beat the opponent, but at this moment, she could only say: "How do you make gestures?"

Zhou Xing said with a smile: "I won't make things difficult for you, just follow the rules of His Highness the Third Prince, write poems, and rank higher than anyone else on the screen, isn't that fair enough?"

Poetry is always the main theme of the Wenhui, and today is no exception.

As the host of the literary meeting, the Third Prince asked someone to set up a big screen on the stage.

As long as the poems and works handed over to them are approved by him, the prince, and the king of Beijing, they can be hung on the exhibition screen for everyone to review together.

The ranking can be changed, and it is limited to one hour. The top three in the final ranking will be the leader and third place of this round of literary society, and they will get the reward prepared by the prince.

Feng Ziying was about to agree, but Jia Lian grabbed his arm.

Looking back and seeing Jia Lian shaking his head at him, Feng Ziying was a little puzzled.

These people have been bullied. At this time, in their small circle, he thinks that they should be the best in literary talent. If he doesn't come forward, who will he recruit?
"Why, are you scared? Tsk tsk, are you all cowards who came out of the Imperial College?"

As more and more people watched the excitement around, Zhou Xing's voice became louder.

One of his goals was to step on Jia Lian, so even if Jia Lian didn't dare to step down, he would try his best to make Jia Lian and others lose face so that they couldn't step down.

It would be better if Jia Lian couldn't stand the stimulus.

Jia Lian, as the younger brother of the new favorite concubine Xiande in the palace, is quite famous in his own right, winning against him is much more attention-grabbing than going up to the third prince and others to review poems alone!

Not to mention, you can vent your anger on your sister and brother.

Concubine Xiande's younger brother, losing to his Empress Zhou's younger brother naturally boosted her sister's ambition.

Jia Lian looked at Brother Zhou Xing with a smile, feeling really funny in his heart.

Just because he doesn't want to stand out, doesn't mean he can't stand out, okay?

How can there be such a desperate person who wants to be sent up for him to step on? Isn't this forcing others to show their holiness!

"I remember, your target should be me?" Jia Lian looked at Zhou Xing and asked with a smile.

Zhou Xing looked happy, and said: "If Lord Jia is willing to teach you, it would be the best."

But Jia Lian shook his head again: "Actually, logically, you are not qualified to compete with me. You are dressed in white, but what status am I?"


Zhou Xing's face darkened, but seeing the playful smiles of the people around him, he knew that Jia Lian was right.

In terms of status, Jia Lian is much higher than him.

"If Lord Jia is afraid to get off the stage and make gestures, just say so, don't talk about these useless things.

Today is the birthday celebration prepared by His Royal Highness for Princess Zhaoyang, so even if you are in your capacity, it is no different here! "

Hehe, this Zhou Xing will find a way for himself.

"You are right, in front of the two Highnesses, my identity is really nothing.

However, even the crown prince has prepared a lottery for the winner, so if you come to me to make a gesture, you won't come empty-handed, will you? "

Not to mention Zhou Xing, even the people around him didn't understand Jia Lian's meaning.

Is it necessary to give him a gift to find him for Wenbi?
"Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Jia Lian said with a smile: "What's the point of making a gesture in vain? Why don't we make a splash too?"

"What color head?"

"I don't need any expensive things, so how about it, if I win you, how about you give me 1 taels of silver?"

"What? Ten thousand, are you crazy?"

Zhou Xing and the others were taken aback.

Even if I went to a gambling shop to gamble, I have never seen someone who would bet 1 taels per mouth, which is too scary.

"Of course, if you are afraid of losing, or if you can't come up with 1 taels of silver, then go back as soon as possible. I don't have time to mess around with cowards or poor people."

Jia Lian waved his hand, urging Zhou Xing to leave as if chasing flies.

Zhou Xing has never been so despised by others, 1 taels of silver is not an astronomical figure for the Zhou family.

He can also take it out.

"Then what if you lose?!"

"I lost? Naturally, I will give you 1 taels."

Jia Lian smiled.

When Zhou Xing saw this, he couldn't help feeling a chug in his heart.

1 taels is definitely not a small amount. If the family knows that he is out gambling like this with others, they will definitely not be able to please him!
However, today he is trying to win glory for the family! !

Moreover, how could he lose.

They have figured out Jia Lian's situation a long time ago, but he is just a warrior who devotes himself to the army and martial arts. His biggest deed can be found out outside, that is, he beat the son of Prince Duan. They have never heard of him having any literary talent. place.

Even if he had studied in the Imperial College, it was just a mixed experience like other rich and powerful children.

How does it compare with the talents of his majestic Tai Academy!

Jia Lian just wanted to scare him off with such a big gamble, so as to save his face and face.

"Brother, promise him, promise him..."

His younger brother Zhou Sheng was still urging, obviously, Zhou Sheng had the same idea as him!
With the support of his younger brother, Zhou Xing was still hesitant, and even became excited for a moment.

This is a surprise today, 1 taels is a huge fortune for anyone!

"Okay, I agree! Then let's do it according to our own abilities..."

Zhou Xing hurriedly sent people to recruit those attendants who were carrying the Four Treasures of the Study, and he couldn't wait to make a name for himself and make money.

"Wait a minute."

"anymore question??"

"You are happy to promise now, what if you regret it later, or if you can't afford the money?"

"Then what do you want?"

The more Jia Lian looked for reasons and excuses, Zhou Xing became more convinced that Jia Lian had a guilty conscience.

"How about, let's go to the Crown Prince and set up a document in front of him, how about asking His Highness the Crown Prince to give us a guarantee?"

Zhou Xing's heart trembled slightly, not everyone would dare to ask the crown prince to be a guarantee.

But thinking about Jia Lianjue's second rank, the prince will definitely sell this account.

Although I don't know why Jia Lian dared to make such a request, but with the prince's guarantee, while restraining him, wouldn't it be equivalent to restraining Jia Lian?
He also suspected that Jia Lian would not admit it afterwards...

So where do you disagree.

People around, including Feng Ziying and Zhang Tao, thought Jia Lian was crazy.

Knowing that your Duke's family has a big business, you wouldn't give money to others like this!
But for other people who eat melons, such a big gamble is rare.

And it still happened on such an occasion, the two parties who gambled were both the younger brothers of the empress in the palace.

No matter who wins or loses, it is a good show not to be missed!
Therefore, anyone who discovered the situation here, watched Jia Lian and the others walking towards the prince and the others, and all of them followed closely, for fear of missing any exciting places.


(End of this chapter)

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