The Second Master of the Red Chamber

Chapter 230 Butterfly Loves Flowers

Chapter 230 Butterfly Loves Flowers

"You really want to gamble?"

The chairman downstairs, the third prince, and King Beijing Jing are all busy appreciating and ranking the works of everyone, while the prince is beside him, just participating in it symbolically, which seems a little leisurely.

He had also seen the movement on Jia Lian's side, and now he was a little surprised to hear Jia Lian and Zhou Xing's gambling agreement.Forget it with Zhou Xing, he doesn't know much about it, but Jia Lian is probably just a martial artist, even if there is an emotional dispute with someone, it should be a use of force, not a fight for the ranking on the screen.

Can he go up...

Seeing Jia Lian's insistence, the prince was also happy to watch a big gamble, so he waved his big hand very boldly: "Okay, I can promise to give you this testimony.

But if there is a result in the end, if any of you dare to shirk and deny it and tease Ben Gong, then don't blame Ben Gong for being rude to you. "

Jia Lian and Lian hurriedly said that they didn't dare.

If it was said that it was a small circle dispute before, but now in front of the prince, it spread instantly.

Everyone ran over to watch the excitement.

"Could it be that Jia Lian is crazy? As a military officer, he competes with Zhou Xing from Tai Academy for his poetry and literary talent?"

"That's right, Zhou Xing is a person who often walks around the third prince. Even the third prince has praised him for his extraordinary talent. He is the best son among the royal family. Could it be that Jia Lian's brain is broken?"

The third prince and King Beijing also put down their affairs and paid attention to them.

The third prince frowned, he had met Jia Lian a few times, and he didn't think Jia Lian was a reckless man or a fool.

How to make such an unwise decision?
King Bei Jing was curious: "Could it be that Brother Lian is also good at poetry?"

Jia Lian cupped his hands and said with a smile, "I don't know how to write poetry."

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, I don't know how to write poetry, and I bet against people like this, and the other party is Zhou Xing, isn't he in a latrine...uh...hehe."

"Can you control it? Maybe they think the family has too much money and want to give some to the Zhou family..."

The words of the people who eat melons are also in everyone's mind.

Zhou Xing was very happy, seeing that the prince's waiter had drafted the agreement, he signed it impatiently, and then said to Jia Lian: "Why, do you want to admit defeat?

Even if I am willing to spare you, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear the crime of teasing His Highness the Crown Prince..."

Jia Lian saw that this guy had been put in a bet, and when the dust settled, he stopped pretending and smiled at Shui Rong: "Although I don't know how to write poetry, I'm more than enough to deal with such an idiot as him.

The prince took a good look at it. "

As he spoke, Jia Lian also swiped his pen and wrote down his name.

Although Jia Lian didn't study hard in the past, after all, he was a son of the Duke's mansion and received a good education since he was a child.

Well, this word is well written.

Jia Lian has also practiced a little bit in the past two years, so it is not so ugly that it makes people laugh at a glance.

"Okay, which one of you will come first?"

The prince doesn't care who wins and who loses, he just thinks that having these two idiots doing something like this can add a little fun to the Wenhui and enliven the atmosphere, which is also a credit.

"The rank and order are in order, so it's better for Lord Jia to come first."

Zhou Xing suddenly became polite.

He thought that King Jing of Beijing and the prince seemed to have a good attitude towards Jia Lian. If he made the first move, these two might deliberately lower their evaluation and ranking of Jia Lian in order to give Jia Lian a chance.

Let Jia Lian come first, as long as Jia Lian can't do it, or if he doesn't make sense, he can win without fighting.

When the time comes, I will take the victor's attitude and show my masterpiece. The prince and others will feel that they have been teased by Jia Lian, and they will definitely praise themselves. Maybe they can use this to win the championship in one fell swoop!
In Zhou Xing's heart, he was proud of his scheming.

Jia Lian smiled slightly, and didn't bother to think about Zhou Xing's thoughts. Seeing that the atmosphere had arrived, he walked to the place where the pen was placed next to him, and started to write casually.


On the Star Observation Tower, the Empress Dowager and Zhaoyang's maids, and even a few noble ladies from the royal family who came with them, were also watching upstairs.

They were all curious, not knowing what happened and why everyone was rushing forward.

Could it be that someone has made some remarkable works?

Curious, he sent someone down to investigate.

In the bedroom at the back, Princess Zhaoyang was talking with the Queen Mother, when she suddenly saw her maid come in with a manuscript, she didn't care too much.

The prince and the third prince also sent someone to bring up a few copies before, but after reading it, she found it meaningless.

Because she had read her own royal grandmother's poems, she felt that they were better than those so-called witty scholars, so naturally she didn't feel any surprises.

"Princess, don't you read it? His Highness the Third Highness sent someone to copy it on a special trip. He said it was very well written. His Highness the Princess will definitely like it..."

The maid saw the situation just now, so she specially reminded her.

"Bring it here, let me see."

"Yes." Seeing the queen mother beckoning, the maid hurriedly handed it over more respectfully.

The one-foot-long scroll was opened by a pair of extremely luxurious and beautiful hands with indigo gold fingertips.

Princess Zhaoyang hurried over to have a look.

It is a "Butterfly Love Flower".

"Reading the end of the farewell to the pain of parting, no way to return, the scattered flowers are like this. There is no word at the bottom of the flowers, and there is nothing in the green window spring and the sky."

Just looking at these ques, Zhaoyang's heart moved slightly. Although the words were not gorgeous, it really felt different from the previous ones.

Without thinking carefully, he quickly looked down.

"Wait to put down the lovesickness lamp, a ray of new love, and thousands of strands of old hatred. Most of all, the world can't keep it, and the beauty will die from the mirror, the flower and the tree."

Zhaoyang frowned slightly. From this feeling, it sounds like the author is not young...

Before she could think carefully about the feelings in it, she suddenly noticed a tremor in the person beside her, and she hurriedly looked around.

I saw my aunt and grandma full of emotion, tapped her red lips slightly, and murmured: "The world can't keep it~, Zhu Yancijinghuacishu... Such a beautiful sentence, so touching..."

While speaking, he couldn't help but put his hand on his chest.

Seeing her so moved, Princess Zhaoyang immediately lost her doubts and began to carefully understand the artistic conception of this poem.

Time to go back to the downstairs of the stargazing
When Jia Lian first wrote Shangque, many people began to ridicule.

"The rhetoric is ordinary..."

"It's another vulgar work, forcibly expressing sorrow, it's too vulgar..."

"Ha, this word is really not very good..."

"Xu, Lord Jia is a military officer, it's hard for him to be able to write like this, hee, otherwise, what else do you think, you don't really think he is both civil and military, do you?"

These people included Zhou Xing and his party, and some believed that Jia Lian would lose from the very beginning.

Naturally, they will not seriously appreciate this masterpiece of the later masters of Chinese studies, or they will not be able to appreciate it based on their level.

However, when the corner of Jia Lian's mouth slightly raised and he sneered and wrote the second half, especially when the last stroke was made, those who gloated and laughed at others realized something was wrong.

Why is the sound around me quieter?

It turned out that some appreciative people had seen the extraordinaryness of Jia Lian's poem for a short time, and expressed admiration or surprise.

The third prince and others above also did not report any expectations, so naturally they would not crowd around to watch.

Seeing this, King Beijing hurried forward, uncovered Jia Lian's poems in person, observed them for a while, and then looked at Jia Lian with almost unbelievable eyes.

But he didn't dare to neglect the crown prince and the third prince, and hurriedly took the manuscript to the two princes to observe.

The fourth prince also turned back at this time, and asked Jia Lian when he saw this, "Why are they doing this? Your writing is very good? I think it's very ordinary..."

Jia Lian looked at the fourth prince with a smile, and replied with a smile: "Your Highness thinks it's normal, so it's naturally normal."

The fourth prince nodded, very satisfied with Jia Lian's sincerity.

Zhang Su hurriedly said: "Your Highness, don't talk nonsense. His poem is not only very well written. Especially the last sentence, 'The world can't keep it, Zhu Yan's Ci Jing Hua Ci Shu' even if I read it next, there is something wrong with it." A refreshing, deeply surprising feeling.

From what I can see, I'm afraid it's..."

Perhaps it was because Zhang Su didn't have the confidence to speak because he saw who wrote it with his own eyes.

In the end, I thought about it carefully in my heart, and then I gritted my teeth and said: "Even if it is put in the Tang and Song Dynasties, I'm afraid it can be brilliant.

There are so many people who have written this word since ancient times, but according to my superficial knowledge, I feel that only these two sentences of brother Lian, among those people, can be ranked in the top ten, no, the top five..."

Zhang Su really didn't dare to give a high evaluation to this new poem, for fear of being attacked by admirers of poetry sages and ci sects.

In fact, in his heart, he felt that the two sentences "the belt is getting wider and I will never regret it" and "there is no grass in the end of the world" may be comparable to it!
"Only the top five, it's not high." The fourth prince pouted, unable to bear Jia Lian leaving the category of martial artist and leaving him.

The corners of Zhang Su's mouth twitched, and he really wanted to shout: Boss, don't you look at who wrote "Die Lian Hua" before!

Thinking of this, Zhang Su couldn't help looking at Jia Lian suspiciously.

Did he really write such a sentence?

It can't be an imposter...

Everyone's reaction was within Jia Lian's expectation. Jia Lian had already expected this situation when he decided to show the master's masterpiece.

The only thing that makes him feel embarrassed is that everyone's prejudice and distrust of him may affect the reputation of this poem...

The third prince considered himself to be very talented, so even though Zhou Xing was his man, when faced with this masterpiece by Guoxue master Wang Guowei, he was still amazed and gave a very high evaluation.

Then, after it was copied immediately, it was sent up to curry favor with the Empress Dowager.

The queen mother must be in a bad mood today, and she might be misled by the prince, thinking that he plotted against her old man.

It is in his interest to have such a new song to please her old man.

(End of this chapter)

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