Chapter 231 Acacia Order
"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Zhou Xing is angry!

He absolutely did not believe that Jia Lian, an ignorant dude who became an official with a little luck, would write amazing poems!

So, when everyone commented in amazement and cast suspicious glances at Jia Lian, Zhou Xing couldn't help it anymore.

At first, he wanted to judge from the words themselves, but later found that this guy's writing is really good!

If you force criticism, you will definitely be said by others that you can't afford to lose.

and so……

"This poem, no matter in terms of the emotion expressed or the way of narration, is more like written by a person who has gone through hardships, and it is absolutely impossible for Jia Lian to write it.

He must have copied it, maybe it was from some ancient book that is not known to the world, so he used it to deceive us and try to make a name for himself.

Such a person who deceives the world and steals his name is really unforgivable. "

Although Zhou Xing looked like he might not be able to lose, but because he had said what everyone was thinking, it was not easy for everyone to criticize him.

They are all waiting to see what Jia Lian has to say.

In this era of prosperous literary style, it is nothing to have no literary talent, but it is shameless to deceive the world and steal one's name.

It's just that in Jia Lian's capacity, he really didn't dare to accuse him of this crime for a while.

"That's right, Zhou Xing is right. This poem is about love at first glance, 'reading the end of the world and the pain of parting'? How old is he, can he read all the sorrows in the world?

And 'Zhu Yan Ci Jing'?This clearly means that the beauty is getting old.

General Jia is so young, presumably both his wife and his confidante must be young and beautiful, how could he express such emotion?
So, no matter how you look at it, he didn't write this poem! "

This is Zhou Xing's partner, and he is speaking for Zhou Xing.

The second point is that Jia Lian is most likely to deceive the world and steal his name. If it is confirmed in the end, those who come out to question now should be awarded the title of "wisdom like torch".

As soon as someone started, doubts continued to come.

The third prince also frowned, and looked at Jia Lian: "I don't know what to say to their doubts, General Jia?"

It must be a good thing for him to publish a famous piece that can be sung in the literary conference he hosted, and it can bring him great prestige.

But if there is a scandal like plagiarism, it will be a blow.

Ordinary poems, even if they are plagiarized, as long as the original author doesn't care, it's fine, but such wonderful words are never allowed.

Facing the suspicious eyes of the crowd, even the people who had good friends with Jia Lian dared not speak casually.

They were all worried that Jia Lian had not thought clearly for a while and had gone astray, which would be bad.

Jia Lian's demeanor was calm from the beginning to the end. He had expected that someone might question him.

But he was not afraid.

"Why, we hit the mark, so you dare not speak?"

Zhou Xing is still sparing no effort to attack Jia Lian, this is his chance to come back, because he knows that he can't do Jia Lian's Butterfly Love Flower, so he can only kill Jia Lian himself.

"Although poetry expresses aspirations and words express emotions, don't you hear, 'Articles are made naturally, and skillful hands can get them occasionally'?
Tao Yuanming, who is naturally elegant and indifferent, was able to write "Xing Tian dances relatives, fierce ambition is always there"; Cui Hao was also able to write "Climbing the Yellow Crane Tower", which made Li Bai feel ashamed, which changed the world's "gorgeous rhetoric" senses.Why can't I write a butterfly love flower? "

Jia Lian asked back with a smile.

Zhou Xing was at a loss for words, and then hurriedly said: "Who do you think you are, and are you worthy of being compared with those people?"

"Whether I deserve it or not is not up to Mr. Zhou, it's up to His Royal Highness and the others."

After Jia Lian finished speaking, he turned his head and bowed to the third prince and the others: "Dare to ask Your Highness, I don't know where the word "Wei Chen" ranks?"

The third prince glanced at Prince Jing, and then said: "In terms of demeanor and emotion, it is better than the previous works, and logically, it should be number one.

However, Jia Lian, you can think clearly. A literati should have a strong character, and deceiving the world and stealing his name is despised by the world. "

Seeing that the third prince doubted Jia Lian, Zhou Xing hurriedly said: "Your Highness Zhuo Jian, how could he write a sentence that amazed both His Highness and the prince as a warrior, he must have copied it.

Using other people's words to gain fame and reputation is really inferior.

Third Highness, this trend cannot last long, such a person really cannot be ranked first. "

"It's just..."

Zhou Sheng also jumped out to support.

Jia Lian laughed, looked at the Zhou family brothers and said with a smile: "Since you doubt it, please show evidence, otherwise, can I understand that you can't afford to lose the 1 taels of silver, so in front of His Highness the Crown Prince In front of you, want to play tricks?"

"Okay, Zhou Xing, write yours out, if you can't compete, you will lose.

If you lose, you have to admit it. "

The prince suddenly waved his hand and interrupted everyone.

The prince didn't like Zhou Xing and others very much, especially seeing that the third prince wanted to suppress Jia Lian, he thought he should help Jia Lian to stand out.

He is the crown prince and the heir apparent, and Jia Lian has an official title, so he can be regarded as his subject. As long as Jia Lian does not get close to the third prince, he is his man!
What's more, Jia Lian saved the Queen Mother today and saved him from a disaster. Although it's hard to say it clearly, I have to appreciate it in my heart.

Since the third prince and others couldn't produce evidence of Jia Lian's deception, what else is there to say?Even if Jia Lian copied it, as long as no one comes forward to testify, it is Jia Lian's!

Zhou Xing had a bitter face, "Prince, please think twice, if he really plagiarized others, it will really damage the reputation of the prince if it is spread."

Zhou Xing was struggling for the last time. He had carefully prepared a song, but he knew that writing it out would be incomparable.

"Well, Zhou Sheng, why not make a bet between the two of us."

Jia Lian suddenly smiled at Zhou Sheng again.

"What bet??"

Zhou Sheng was a little wary.

Having suffered from Jia Lian's hands, he was already afraid of Jia Lian. Seeing that his brother was about to suffer a big loss from Jia Lian's hands, he subconsciously stepped back to avoid being bitten by a poisonous snake.

"Although you can't prove that I'm cheating, I just thought about it and found that the style of the poem I wrote really doesn't look like mine..."

"Are you admitting that you didn't write that poem?"

Zhou Sheng and Zhou Xing's eyes lit up.

"No, I want to say, if you are willing to bet with me, I will prove to everyone whether I have the strength to write this poem.

It can be seen that your brother is not convinced by the loss.How about, would you like to help him? "

Jia Lian laughed.

Now that it has been decided to appear holy in public, what's the point of appearing half holy to make people doubt?

Naturally, these people must be convinced, obedient and obedient.

But he didn't want to prove himself in vain, and he wanted to make another fortune.

After all, grievances like the Zhou family can be encountered but not sought.

Zhou Hongchang had already given him 800 taels, and Zhou Xing was about to give him [-]. If so, how could Zhou Sheng be missing.

"How are you going to bet?"

Zhou Sheng asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple, the reason why everyone suspects that I did not compose the poem is because I have never had a good poem to spread before.

Why don't I write another song, if the bullshit doesn't make sense, then everyone suspects that I'm cheating, and I will admit it.

On the contrary, if I write another song, it can also be recognized by His Highness the Crown Prince, His Highness the Third Highness, and the Prince of Beijing, and everyone will have nothing to say.

How about it, are you willing to bet with me, the bet is also [-]...

If you win, I will naturally have no face to take the 1 taels that your brother lost. In turn, you can earn [-] taels. Anyway, this deal is a good deal no matter how you look at it. "

As soon as Jia Lian finished speaking, Zhou Xing immediately grabbed Zhou Sheng's arm, "Brother, promise him and bet with him. But the conditions have to be changed, and he must be more literary than the previous poem before he wins! I don't believe it." He can write better!"

Since Zhou Xing has the reputation of being a talented scholar, he is somewhat of a level.

Literati have the same name, and excellent poems can be encountered but not sought after. Whoever can write a poem or even a sentence is regarded as a treasure, because it can become famous all over the world, be recorded in the history, and glorify the ancestors.

A person who can write "Butterfly Love Flower-Reading the End of the End of Parting Bitterness", who has such a demeanor, must be a great Confucianist in the world. Jia Lian was lucky enough to steal one. I don't believe he can come up with a second one!

"But, what if he can really write it..."

Zhou Sheng was scared!

Ever since he was a child, he hasn't even accumulated 1000 taels of pocket money. If he loses, he will definitely be beaten when he returns home!

"You... I just stood up for you!!"

Zhou Xing was going to die of anger, this cowardly brother.It also became more firm.

Even if they lose, it is better for two brothers to fight together than to face alone...

If you win, everyone will be happy.

"How about I bet with you?"

A clear and generous voice came from the front, everyone looked up and hurriedly made way.

Princess Zhaoyang suddenly appeared, she walked directly in front of Jia Lian, looked at Jia Lian with a strange look, and repeated: "How about I bet with you?
But I don't have that much money, so how about betting 3000 taels?
As long as you can make another song, not to mention better than the previous one, as long as it satisfies me, the 3000 taels of silver are yours.

Even if I don't like it, I don't want your money, how about it? "

Seeing this, Zhou Xing's heart skipped a beat, knowing that Princess Zhaoyang must have been moved by Jia Lian's previous poem.

At this time, he wanted to exchange 3000 taels of silver for Jia Lian's new work!

If this makes Jia Lian successful, wouldn't it be worth a word in the true sense?And it will definitely win the favor of Princess Zhaoyang, which is really maddening with envy.

Therefore, he gave his younger brother a hard look.

"Your Highness, the princess, is serious. How can I ask for the princess's money?"

Jia Lian felt regretful, and it seemed that he could no longer blackmail the Zhou family.

So he bowed his hands towards the prince and others, walked to the side, held his breath for a moment, and then said:
"In the third year of Ningkang, Yu Congsheng ordered the army to lead the army to Beimo, and wrote a prime minister's decree in the army tent, and I invite everyone to appreciate it."

After finishing speaking, Jia Lian wrote down Nalan Xingde's "Long Lovesickness" in cursive, and read while writing:
"One journey through the mountains, one journey through the water, and walk towards the bank of Yuguan.

Thousands of tent lights late at night. "

"When the wind changes, when the snow changes, it breaks the heart of the country and makes dreams come true.

There is no such sound in the hometown. "

Princess Zhaoyang stood beside Jia Lian, watching the words and sentences written by Jia Lian in her eyes, hearing Jia Lian's voice in her ears, and her thoughts seemed to follow Jia Lian, going back to the night of the military camp over there.

The meaning of the word is not esoteric.

The general and the accompanying thousands of troops traveled all the way to the border.It was late at night, and the tents were brightly lit and magnificent.

In the middle of the night, wind and snow were blowing outside the general's tent, and the sound of gusts of wind and snow made Liren unable to sleep.

So I have mixed feelings: there is no such annoying sound of wind and snow in the night in my hometown.

Princess Zhaoyang couldn't help being infatuated.

Compared with Die Lianhua, which can only be understood deeply after the emperor's grandmother's suggestion, this song Si Ling, like Die Lianhua's to the emperor's grandmother, directly hits her state of mind.

She doesn't have the trouble of old age, but Her Royal Highness Princess Zhaoyang, who has practiced martial arts since she was a child, is just like her younger brother, the Fourth Prince, who deeply yearns for such a life on the battlefield.

It's a pity that she was born as a daughter, so she probably won't be able to do so in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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